Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 508 needs small loans to solve problems

According to Ye Zishu's temperament, he will definitely choose to use biological technology to cultivate new fish species, which has a certain monopoly and can ensure that all aspects of characteristics are relatively good.

It's a pity that his current foundation in the field of biology is relatively weak. It's not that he doesn't have relevant technology in his hands, but that he thinks it's too late.

He intends to bring out the most advanced biotechnology, but only to allow Taiji Group to have the ability to artificially cultivate and produce human blood. As for more complex biological technology, we need to wait and see.

The main reason is that the demand for blood in the medical field is too high. It is difficult to meet the demand only by blood donation. The purpose is to solve the problem of blood supply.

In addition to advanced biological technology, traditional biological culture technology can also be used, but the uncertainty of doing so is high and it takes a very long time.

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu was eager to move, so he quickly took it back, and decided not to intervene in the specific types of aquatic products, and left it to the management to decide.

There are really too many things in his hands. If he can't help it, he will have to add a lot of tasks to himself. In addition, this matter is not particularly important to him, so there is no need to waste too much energy.

He didn't bother to choose a name for the marinated products business enterprise, so he directly named it Juewei Food Group Company.

As for the aquaculture company, it is simpler to name it, and it is directly called Xingmiaohu Aquaculture Company. Currently, the two companies are in the process of registration, and they will be released in a short time. The registration places are both in the county.

Hurrying quickly, the intelligent education system was finally made. The core is the upgraded artificial intelligence, and then cooperate with many modules required by the intelligent education system to form this intelligent education system.

After deploying this intelligent education system to the intelligent supercomputer, Ye Zishu and its major companies held a meeting on the development of the intelligent education industry.

As the main operator, New Oriental Education Group is in a dominant position. As the hardware supporter, Qinglong Technology Company needs to do a good job in the research and development of intelligent education terminals. Xuanwu Technology Company is responsible for supporting and manufacturing business.

Leaf Book has repeatedly reduced the cost of smart education terminals, and finally reduced the cost to about 500 yuan, and the sales price of the terminal may be within 1000 yuan.

Although the price is still not cheap, with the rapid development of the domestic economy in the past two years, most families should be able to afford it.

A smart education terminal can be used for up to 10 years, and the average annual cost is very low. He thinks it is feasible to promote it.

The reason why the sales price is so expensive is that the main purpose is to implement his education balance policy, and prepare to use a certain share of the high profits from the equipment to support students from poor families.

He brought up this idea at the meeting, but he didn't get any response from everyone. Instead, he thought that the feasibility of doing so was very low and it had no promotional value.

The reason is also very simple. Although the ideal is very full, the reality is very skinny. How to define family poverty will be a difficult problem. As an enterprise, it simply does not have the ability to do the screening.

If we just use the government's usual poverty line standard, then the actual situation and their desired results will deviate seriously, so it is only natural that this idea is not accepted.

The purpose is to minimize costs and reduce expenses. If a lot of energy is invested in this area, it seems to them that the gain is not worth the loss, and it may even increase the cost.

Although the boss' wish is admirable, they don't understand why he is so persistent in pursuing education fairness. In their view, it is impossible to achieve fairness in education.

Before he asked Taiji Group to invest several billion yuan every year to solve the problem of enrollment of poor students. Everyone can understand a little bit. After all, basic education is the foundation of the country, and it is not short of money, so it is regarded as charity.

The current smart education is regarded as additional education, which should exist for the purpose of making money, but Ye Zishu still wants to be as fair as possible, which is a bit puzzling.

Seeing that everyone had such questions, Ye Zishu had no choice but to explain his thoughts on future development trends, trying to gain their understanding.

When Ye Zishu plans to realize the intelligent machine society within 20 years, they are a little dumbfounded, which is something they can't imagine at present.

According to Leaf Book, in the future, all production-type and service-type jobs will be done by intelligent machines and robots, and the human participation rate may be reduced to zero.

At that time, human beings will be completely liberated from these heavy labors, and everyone will be able to receive basic economic support from the government, which can meet all daily needs.

At that time, the main work of human beings will be divided into two directions. The first direction is to invest in innovative work and enhance social value in order to obtain a better life.

The other direction is that some people who do not have particularly strong material requirements will follow their hobbies and do jobs that seem meaningless to everyone.

The idea is naturally good, but the reality may not be satisfactory. Once a person does not need to worry about survival, he cannot predict whether it is good or bad.

But he knows that if he wants to make the society develop in a good way, he must improve the education level of the people. No matter which way he develops, he must have a solid foundation.

Anyway, he thinks that people with poor basic education will find it very difficult to do anything. At that time, they may really only eat, drink and have fun. Once it becomes a common practice, it may have a great negative impact on society.

According to Ye Zishu, to relieve the pressure of human survival is not to let people only know how to eat, drink and have fun, but to let them relax and devote themselves to R&D and innovation work or cultural innovation work.

Try to avoid the situation of overall degeneration, which is why he attaches so much importance to education, and not only emphasizes the fairness of education, but also emphasizes the solidity of education.

Although Ye Shu's words made them feel unbelievable, if it really reached that level, the meaning of money's existence would be greatly reduced, and money was almost equivalent to welfare.

But they didn't refute it either. The boss is so perverted, and they won't think it's so strange when they really come up with advanced robot technology one day.

When the time comes to realize the scene described by the boss, it is no longer technically feasible, but a set of social management models and systems suitable for the new social form need to be established.

If they think about the problem from this angle in the long run, they finally have some understanding of the boss's persistence, and they start to actively think of ways.

The previous attention has been considered unfeasible, so we can only find another way to solve the problem of poor families wanting to receive smart education.

After everyone spoke freely, they felt that we should rely on financial methods to do this. We can provide small financial loans to poor families, and the interest rate should not be too high, at most it can only be the bank interest rate.

The reason why they emphasize that interest rates should not be too high is not to rely on financial services to make money, but to solve practical problems.

If the interest rate is too high, even if they have good intentions, they will definitely attract widespread criticism from the society, and even a little more seriously, it will have a major impact on the smart education plan.

As for whether there will be a repayment of the loan, they have always believed that it is unlikely, because the economic development is very fast, and the salary increase is also very fast.

Now it seems that hundreds of thousands of dollars is a lot of money, and in the future it may be just a few days and a half months' salary. There is no need to bear credit stains for such a small amount of money.

After determining this solution, the next step is how to implement it. None of these companies have financial loan qualifications, and they must not be able to make loans directly, even if they have enough funds.

Then you can only choose the bank to cooperate. The problem is that whether the bank can take this kind of small loan is still open to question, because the single fund is very low, which virtually increases the service cost.

Moreover, bank loans generally require collateral, and poor families are already poor, and they cannot provide valuable and recognized collateral.

Bank lending itself has its own set of procedures and norms, and it is unlikely that they will change the loan regulations because of their needs, unless there is support and promotion at the national level.

Obviously, they don't have much confidence in getting state support for smart education. After all, smart education is a corporate activity and not a state-led project.

Seeing that the problem was at a dead end again, Ye Zishu thought about it and asked, "Do you think it is possible for Danque Financial Services Company, a subsidiary of Phoenix Technology Group, to be eligible for a small loan?"

At present, the company has only one payment platform, which can only be used for Internet transaction funds payment. It is a channel provider and does not have any financial license. All business needs to be completed in cooperation with banks.

If Danque Financial Services Company really obtained the microfinance loan license, it was originally an ordinary Internet service company and immediately became an Internet finance company.

"If we want to apply formally, not to mention whether it will be approved or not, it will probably take a very long time. The results will not be achieved in one or two years. There are too many interests involved in it." Lao Ren said.

The main resistance comes from various domestic banks, which is equivalent to grabbing food from their plates, followed by regulatory issues, which can actually be solved using technology.

Now they are unwilling to procrastinate. If it really takes a year or two or even longer to get results, the day lily will be cold, and the promotion of smart education will be greatly reduced.

Ye Zishu knocked on the table, turning back and forth in his mind, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "We are preparing with both hands, and on the one hand, we will apply for the qualification of small financial loans to the central bank.

On the other hand, it is to embed a special micro-loan application module on the payment platform of Danque Financial Services Company. This matter cannot be delayed forever. "

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