Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 506 How to Build the Stewed Products Industry

In fact, Ye Zishu really wants to invest 1 million yuan in it. 1000 million yuan may seem like a lot, but in fact it can only cover one province at most. This is still an asset-light business model.

All the terminal supply chains are independently invested by him, otherwise, the money alone can only be developed slowly, and it is extremely difficult to expand all of a sudden.

Of course, there are great difficulties in building a sales network covering the whole country at once if you have money. It is difficult to keep up with staff training, sales network construction, and support system construction all at once.

These things were not considered by the villagers without any business experience, they were just surprised that Ye Zishu invested so much money in it.

Not to mention 1 million yuan, even 1000 million yuan is an amazing figure for them. However, Ye Zishu can invest so much money. Instead of worrying about the dilution of dividend shares, they are even happier.

As long as major shareholders are willing to invest huge sums of money, it means that the investment of minor shareholders is more secure. We are afraid that major shareholders will not want to invest in a large scale, and they will look like they are going to run away at any time.

Ye Zishu is not like this, but being able to invest so much money shows that he is really optimistic about this business, the development potential is huge, and their investment income is more guaranteed.

"It's almost the end of the matter. Go back and discuss with your family first, how much money you want to invest. I hope everyone can do what they can, and don't borrow money to invest.

Because we have a limit on the investment scale of each shareholder, each family can only invest up to 10 yuan, and I will not accept more money.

The next meeting is scheduled for tomorrow morning. At that time, the investment situation of each household will be counted, the proportion of dividend shares will be calculated, and the registration related work will be done. "Leaf Book said.

After the meeting, the village head was very courageous, and expressed his willingness to invest 4 yuan on the spot, which was basically all the funds he shared from the purchase of the land from Ye Zishu.

Of course, Ye Zishu welcomes it, but now he doesn't charge money, and he will wait until tomorrow when he comes to register. As for the funds, he can pay at a later date.

After returning home, Ye Zishu dragged his father into his study. If he wanted to drag his father into the company to act as his agent, he had to convince his father.

"Just now, Dad should also know that everyone's enthusiasm is very high. There should be a better result tomorrow. When the funds are basically in place, the actual preparation stage will be entered next.

Lo mei seems to be just buying and selling things, but in fact it is very complicated and requires a lot of energy to manage it. I don't have much energy to manage it, and I can only come up with an idea at most.

Originally, I wanted to find a professional manager to take charge of this matter, but I was afraid that everyone would be worried, so I thought about letting my father be the chairman, and then the general manager arranged for a professional manager with strong ability to do it. "

When Ye Zishu said this, his father immediately waved his hand and said: "This is not good, how can I be the chairman of the board, the mud on my feet has not been washed."

His father's reaction was within his expectations. His father, who had only graduated from primary school and had never done business before, would naturally resist.

Ye Zishu said with a smile: "Actually, it's not as complicated as you imagined. After the company is established, I will formulate detailed management regulations, and you don't need to worry about the specific management of the company.

All the specific work is handed over to professional managers. Your main job is to help me look after the company. Don’t interfere with anything, just tell me. "

Hearing what he said, his father finally calmed down a bit. If he just helped to watch the scene, it would not be that difficult, but if there is something wrong, just tell Ye Zishu.

"If that's the case, it's not a big problem," said his father.

What he was waiting for was this sentence. Hearing what his father said, Ye Zishu said happily: "I feel more relieved to have my father look at this piece for me."

In fact, it doesn't matter whether anyone looks at it or not. He has such a large industry, and there is no special person to watch it. The management of the enterprise is not based on this, but on strict rules and regulations.

The reason why his father was involved was mainly because he wanted to find something to do, and in the process, his father could also learn a lot of new knowledge.

The future is bound to be an era where business prevails. If he doesn't know a little business knowledge, he is no different from the current illiterate, and going out for activities properly is also good for his physical and mental health.

After his father agreed, he quickly thought about business operations and asked, "So what should we do next?"

Ye Zishu thought for a while and said: "The range of stewed meat products is very wide, but they are basically divided into two categories, one is vegetarian stewed products, and the other is meat stewed products.

At present, domestic meat products are still relatively expensive relative to income. Most of them are just bought for taste, and the per capita consumption is not very high.

In addition, the supply of raw materials for meat products is relatively troublesome. In order to facilitate business development in the early stage, the fewer types the better, rather than being greedy for everything.

So I think that we can just make one meat stewed product, that is duck. Compared with chicken, duck meat has a lower price and higher production requirements.


The taste of duck meat made by ordinary families is not satisfactory. In contrast, we specialize in the production of duck meat stewed products, which makes consumers more willing to accept it, and the profit is relatively high.

However, compared to income, the price of stewed meat products is still high, and most of the profit source may be vegetarian stewed products.

As for vegetarian stewed products, we try our best to produce and sell vegetarian stewed products such as kelp, yuba, lotus root, and dried tofu in the early stage.

All parts of the duck can be made into stewed products, and there are several types. In addition, these vegetarian stewed products are enough to support the sales construction in the early stage. "

Hearing what he said, his father nodded and thought it made sense. Although he didn't know that the higher the profit rate of a single product, he knew that the simpler the work in the early stage, the easier it would be to do.

"After the goal is established, the next work is relatively clear. Since the main product is duck meat stewed products, there must be enough duck supply.

In order to ensure the consistency of the taste of duck stewed products, we must ensure that the quality and variety of the ducks we supply are the same, and we cannot just buy them from various farmers’ homes, as this cannot guarantee consistency.

So we need to build our own duck breeding industry, and we also need to achieve large-scale breeding. I don't plan to put this work in a joint-stock company.

Because that little money can't support such a big stall at all, I plan to let my company invest in this area, but you don't need to worry about it.

As for the raw materials of vegetarian marinated products, they are relatively simple. You can choose good quality farmers to cooperate with. As for soy products, my company will also be responsible for the production.

The above is the supply of raw materials, and the next step is the production process. Most of the food is now mainly handmade, and we do not intend to do so.

This seems to save the cost of purchasing the machine, but it is difficult to ensure that the taste is completely consistent, and the production efficiency is very low, and the work intensity of the employees is too high.

Therefore, in the production of stewed products, we will build a highly automated food factory dedicated to making various stewed products.

The scale of investment in this area is very large, and there is not much left of the previous 1000 million total funds invested in it, so this area will also be invested by companies under my umbrella.

If the above two aspects are solved, the problem of the supply chain is basically solved. As for the transportation, it can be handed over to a professional logistics company.

The next step is to open a store. We are carrying out brand management, and we need to do three things. Basically, we can ensure that store sales will not be a problem.

One is to choose a place with a very high passenger flow to open a store. In addition to our common prosperous areas, stores can also be opened in train stations, large shopping malls and other places.

Although the cost of opening a store in these places may be higher, it can ensure that our customer flow is not low, and it is also of great benefit to our brand building.

The second is moderate pricing, so that most people can afford occasional consumption. If the pricing is too high, it will limit our overall sales scale.

The third is to do a good job in brand image management. The things here are more complicated. It cannot be explained clearly in a few words, but just remember one thing, that is to let consumers recognize our brand. "Leaf Book said.

Although Ye Zishu tried his best to speak in a simple way, it still involved more professional terms. His father still had a bit of trouble, so he had to give a more detailed explanation.

After his father understood this, he said, "Then how many stores do you plan to open?"

Ye Zishu was stunned by this question. He really didn't pay much attention to the cost of opening a store. It was all decided by the people below. He just looked at the total data.

However, the cost of opening a store in this era should not be too high. A stewed product store does not need a large area or too many employees, so the cost should be relatively low.

"This needs to be determined according to market conditions. Of the 1000 million shares, half of the funds need to be used to open the store, and the remaining half of the funds need to be used to maintain operations.

In the initial stage, the markets we chose were all big cities, and we will not expand to smaller cities until the market in big cities is almost occupied.

I also own Wancheng Jiye, a real estate company. They will build a large number of urban complexes in the future, and they may follow their pace to expand.

If the calculation is based on 1 yuan per store, more than 500 stores may be opened in the initial stage, and the specific number will be left to professional managers to make decisions. "Leaf Book said.

He himself doesn't really want to think about such details, it's not that he can't think about it, but it's absolutely unnecessary, and his energy doesn't allow him to think about such details.

However, his words still answered his father's question. If he wanted to cover the main markets of the country, he believed that at least 5000 stores would need to be opened.

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