Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 505 Calling Everyone to Discuss

Ye Zishu simply wrote down the business plan on the computer, then printed a few copies, left the study and went downstairs to the living room, and explained the matter to his father in detail.

My father carefully read the business plan with only one sheet of paper for a long time. Ye Shu thought that there would be a different opinion, but in the end he only got a sentence of "you can do it if you think so".

The main reason is that his father is not particularly proficient in business matters. Although he may hand over the management of this company, he is actually just helping him to see the situation.

The specific operation must be handed over to a more professional person. If you have any doubts, you can call him and ask him.

What's more, this company still belongs to him in the final analysis, and major decisions need to be approved by him. As long as the agent is guaranteed not to betray him, there will be no problems.

And the possibility of his father betraying him is too low, not to mention that he knows his father's character well, so the company is actually still under his control.

"Why don't you call everyone over to discuss it tomorrow?" Ye Zishu asked.

"That's fine. Before the year when everyone was here, try to discuss this matter as clearly as possible. Soon after the year, they will go their separate ways and it will be difficult to get together," the father said.

After saying this, Ye Zishu went back to his study, put the matter aside, and started to really busy with the unfinished work in the afternoon.

According to his estimation, it may take more than 10 days for the intelligent teacher system to be completed, and this is still in the case of artificial intelligence assistance.

He only needs to be responsible for the writing of the core algorithm, and he does not need to worry about most of the programming work, otherwise the artificial intelligence upgrade alone is not a small project.

The most time-consuming thing is how to let artificial intelligence take on the role of a good teacher, and how to let artificial intelligence reconstruct the knowledge system. These tasks seem scattered, but they are very critical.

Busy until 10 o'clock in the evening, Ye Zishu finally finished his work for the day and went back to his room to sleep. His room is next to the study, just for convenience.

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Zishu got up, washed up and had breakfast, and his father rushed to call everyone to the ancestral hall for a meeting, at least one person from each household.

Because many people need to buy new year's goods, they may not participate, so they emphasize that one person must be there, because this is a matter related to their interests, and it may even be more important than the distribution of money yesterday.

Ye Zishu didn't work in the morning, but went directly to the ancestral hall. It looked a little old, and even some tiles were leaking, thinking about whether to repair it.

But the maintenance and reconstruction of the ancestral hall is not that simple. It doesn't mean that he can do whatever he wants if he has money.

What's more, he can't contribute the money alone. This is a joint family business. If one person seems to be generous with the money, the others will feel very humiliated. Everyone has to contribute more or less.

Now they are at a critical point. Once they get the money to invest, there is basically not much money left in their hands. The remaining money needs to improve the living conditions of the family. Compared with these things, building ancestral halls is not in a hurry.

Ye Zishu found a place to sit for less than half an hour, and the village head came to the ancestral hall. Seeing him sitting here alone, he smiled and said, "Why did you come here so early?"

The village head of a natural village is actually just a name and does not have much real power. He only plays the role of a convener when everyone is called for a meeting. He does not have any administrative positions and is not recognized by the government.

In addition to being of the same clan, Ye Zishu basically gave him courtesy according to his seniority. The village chief was a generation older than him, but slightly older than Ye Zishu's father.

Ye Zishu gave him a seat, moved another bench from the side, and then said: "I can't do much at home at this time, so why not come here earlier."

"I heard from your father that this time we are discussing investment. Can you tell me what the deal is?" the village head asked.

Ye Zishu didn't hide it either, and directly handed the paper of the simple plan written yesterday to the village head, and said, "The main content is on this paper, so you can understand it at a glance."

The village is not big, and the houses are relatively close to each other. While Ye Zishu was talking with the village chief, people came over one after another. Within a quarter of an hour, people from every house came over.

After making sure no one was missed, Ye Zishu stood up and said, "During dinner yesterday, my father told me that everyone wanted to use their money to invest, which is much better than putting it in the bank.

You can have such an idea, which means that you can be considered to have some knowledge in the past two years, and you are not in vain, instead of thinking about saving in the bank, or rushing to buy various household items. "

Hearing what he said, everyone laughed, because that was what many people thought at the time. Saving a bank was their first thought, and building a house was their second.


Especially with Ye Zi’s house for comparison, many people have a strong idea of ​​building a house. Although the house built cannot be compared with Ye Zi’s house, it is not too shabby.

After everyone laughed, Ye Zishu continued: "To be honest, this question is actually very difficult for me. There must be a lot of money-making businesses, and I can even say a lot of them with my mouth.

But whether you have the ability to do it well is a big question mark. If you are allowed to enter an industry that is not suitable for your business, you will lose all your money. Although you will not blame me in your mouth, no one knows what you think in your heart.

So I didn't plan to pay attention to this question at first, after all, it is thankless for me, and the gold is on the ground, there is no way to predict whether you have picked it up yourself. "

Having said that, many people agree with what he said. People are deeply moved. Some things are good intentions and good ideas. If they are not done well, they deserve it, but it is inevitable that some people will complain.

The person who originally asked Ye Zishu to come up with an idea felt a little embarrassed when he heard these words, but it was only a momentary thing.

Ye Zishu continued: "It's just that everyone sees that my family has become rich and wants to make a fortune, I can understand.

There is nothing wrong with yearning for a better life, but it is likely to be beyond the actual capabilities of many people. Simply telling you what to do will not solve the fundamental problem.

If everyone makes money, everyone is happy, but if they lose money, everyone has the same surname and ancestor, and I naturally don't want to see it.

So I thought of a way, that is, I set up a company myself, and then everyone puts out money to invest in it, occupy a certain amount of dividend shares, and share the benefits from the company.

Compared with the advice for everyone to do business, I think this model has a higher success rate. Although it is not as high as the profit after going it alone, the risk is also reduced to the minimum. "

If someone else said that, everyone would have to consider whether the investment money would be wasted, but he said that, basically everyone did not have this concern.

One is that he is not short of money himself, and his purpose is not to run for the little money in their hands. The purpose is different, and he can gain their trust even more.

The second is that compared to them, Ye Zishu's business ability has been recognized by them. If even Ye Zishu can't succeed, the probability of success for others will be even lower.

The third is that the money in their hands was actually given to them by Ye Zishu. Of course, they are very clear about the value of the land occupied by Ye Zishu, and it is not worth that much money at all.

"Here I simply wrote a plan, which introduces what industry we are about to do, what is the business model, what is the management structure, how to guarantee the return on investment and so on.

Now my father sends these to everyone, and everyone can look at each other and discuss with each other without worrying about me. "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Ye Zishu sat down, and his father sent out the plan that he had prepared long ago. Although it was a piece of paper, it contained a lot of content, and they needed to consider word by word.

Those who can read are better, and they can still tell one or two. Those who cannot read need to be explained to them, so this process took an hour.

When everyone had finished reading, Ye Zishu stood up again, and said, "Everyone should have read almost, so I will give you a brief explanation to make everyone understand better."

Ye Zishu needs to explain in detail the parts that are difficult to understand, especially when it comes to more professional terms, otherwise, even if he knows words, he will not be able to understand them thoroughly.

This process took him another hour, and he tried to spread the matter out as much as possible to ensure that everyone had no doubts, and drank a saliva after speaking.

Then he continued: "In the lo-mei industry, there are two most important things, one is the recipe and production method, and the other is the need to expand rapidly and occupy the market as soon as possible.

Because for many people who are professionally engaged in the production of lo-mei, there is not much difficulty. If they do not expand rapidly, many competitors may emerge, and a situation of competing for the title will be formed.

I can provide the formula and production method, but it must occupy the shares of the company, rather than give it out for free. This must be explained clearly.

Then there is the scale of investment. According to my usual practice, I will directly take out 1 million yuan, but I know that everyone does not have a lot of funds. If I put up so much money by myself, everyone basically does not own much shares.

So I first set the total share capital at 1000 million yuan. If you all invest, you may add up to about 10% of the shares, which is not very low.

As for whether to continue to invest in the future, it depends on the actual operating results. If the operating results are good, the profit can be used to implement expansion.

Of course, if new products and businesses are launched, additional investment may be required, and your dividend shares will be diluted, but as long as the overall scale increases, you will only receive more money. "

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