Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 4 Making Money

Hearing that he wanted to make his own music, the other seven people immediately looked at him with wide eyes, as if they wanted to see through him.

Although he didn't talk too much with his roommates, his family's financial situation can be seen from his clothes and some daily necessities.

And as I said just now, he only has less than 60 yuan in his pocket. If he doesn't make any more money, he will really have to "beg" to live.

Everyone is not surprised to want to publish books, but anyone who thinks he has a bit of literary talent can write and write, not to mention that he is still a high-achieving student at Tsinghua University, so his level must still be high.

It's just that everyone didn't expect that he could play music, which seemed rather strange to them, and they couldn't tell that he could play music at all.

Seeing everyone staring at him, Ye Zishu was not used to it even though he was used to the wind and waves, especially the expression of looking at rare animals.

"I learned a little from the old master in my village, thinking about whether I can use it to make some money."

He had to make up a reason. There are quite a few people in the countryside who can play musical instruments, but those who can compose music and lyrics are rare.

But it is not ruled out that there is such a great ability. After all, for some reasons before, there are still some talents left in rural areas, and not all of them return to the city.

"Then do you have any songs you have written?" Zhou Lianpeng asked.

He pointed to his head helplessly, and said, "It's in my head, and even if it's written, there's no musical instrument to play it."

Hearing his words, the few people who were still excited just now became a little depressed, because it didn't look reliable no matter what.

Now the domestic music forms are still very good, especially Hong Kong and Taiwan music began to enter the mainland, awakening the mainland's curiosity and desire for pop music.

If someone can really write songs, they will definitely be treated with enthusiasm by the people around them. If they accidentally write hits, they will be a proper star.

Although it seemed unreliable, Zhou Lianpeng still agreed: "I will find resources for you and see if there is any place that can provide equipment for making music.

As for book publishing, it is not that troublesome. As long as the quality of the content is guaranteed, many publishing houses here will gladly accept it. "

"It's fine with your words!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

In fact, regardless of whether Zhou Lianpeng has found a relationship or a way out, he will implement this plan, because this is the easiest way to make money that he can think of so far.

Now the development of private enterprises is not as vigorous as later generations, and the areas where the private economy is active are basically concentrated in the south, and there are still very few in the north.

Even if he wanted to do a part-time job, he didn't have much chance, and he was unwilling to do such a time-consuming thing, and he didn't have much money.

What he wants to earn is not just his own living expenses or money to subsidize his family, but to accumulate a capital and plan for the future.

In the face of this exciting tide of reform, if he just wanted to make himself a little more comfortable, it would be too much of a pursuit.

But if you want to realize the blueprint in your chest, you can't do without money, and the role of money will become more and more important.

In addition to money, another key to success is talent, which is why he chose to study in the capital instead of a provincial capital close to home.

In fact, where he studies does not make much difference to him, because in the past 10 years, he has never stopped studying.

This involves the secret of him. When he traveled through time, he was possessed by an inexplicable talent training system, which contained all kinds of knowledge.

In addition, there is also a virtual laboratory with a simulation degree of 100%, which has all kinds of experimental equipment, allowing him to learn a lot.

This is why he sleeps when he has nothing to do, because when he is sleeping, he is actually completing tasks or doing experiments in the virtual laboratory.

In his previous life, apart from being able to listen to songs, not only could he not write lyrics and compose music, but he was also tone deaf and had no talent in music.

His current music knowledge is actually learned from the talent training system. The reason for learning is because it is easier to make money by making music.

Not to mention that he himself has a strong level of composition and lyrics, but he has heard so many songs in his previous life, copying some of them is enough for him to make a lot of money, and it is perfect as the source of the first pot of gold.

If he hadn't been reborn in the countryside, he really didn't have any resources to make money, and he wouldn't have studied with the talent training system for 10 years with peace of mind.

After eating a not-so-rich, but still lively dinner, Ye Zishu found a small shop in the school, bought some paper, and prepared to start his own plan to make a fortune.

He is clinking poor now, everything must be kept simple, save money as much as possible, everything revolves around this goal.

Even if Zhou Lianpeng finds connections and connections, he must spend money on what should be spent. You can't let others help you for free. There is no reason for this.

Therefore, in terms of music, it is fundamental to minimize production costs, reduce the use of equipment, reduce the use of musical instruments, and reduce the use of labor costs.

And in all aspects that meet his requirements, it is estimated that there are only folk songs, a guitar can be done by one person, and there is no need for too many auxiliary equipment.

Speaking of campus folk songs, the first thing he thought of was "You at the Same Table", nothing else, mainly because it was released early, and it was too simple, and it even fit his current identity.

The implicit emotion and catchy rhythm in the song are very conducive to spreading, and in fact this song does perform very well.

In addition, the character design of Gao Xiaosong in his previous life was not to his liking, so releasing his most proud works in advance to see how much ink he still has in his belly can make him make waves again.

Thinking of this, he silently wrote the song on paper, including the lyrics and musical notation. After writing the song, he handed it over to Zhou Lianpeng.

The reason why I wrote a song in advance is mainly to give Zhou Lianpeng more confidence, which will give him more motivation to operate this matter.

And with the works in hand, it is easier for Zhou Lianpeng to convince the relevant personnel. After all, hearing is believing, seeing is believing, and good song professionals can still tell the difference.

Zhou Lianpeng got the lyrics and numbered notation, but unfortunately he is not proficient in it, he can only look at the level of the lyrics, but if you don't sing modern lyrics, it is difficult to appreciate the artistic conception inside.

Seeing him trying to understand the song, Ye Zishu said: "If you show this song to professionals, they must know more than you."

Hearing what he said, Zhou Lianpeng completely gave up the naive idea just now, folded the paper and put it in his pocket, and said: "It would be nice to have a guitar, and I will understand if I let you sing live."

He really wants to have a guitar, but unfortunately he doesn't even have the money to buy it, so he can only do some brain research.

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