Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 491 Genius Ideas

Looking at Pei Qing, Ye Zishu thought carefully for a moment and said, "Your own funds are already close to 2000 billion yuan, and some things can be done in advance."

Although the Taiji Group did not have so much of its own funds last year, the funds previously lent to Xuanwu Technology Company have basically been returned in place, resulting in sufficient funds for the Taiji Group.

If there is no major plan, most of the funds in Taiji Group's hands will still be stored in the bank for interest, as the company's reserve funds.

It is very difficult for him to use so much money for his current business. At present, the place where the investment is relatively large is the industrial production of pharmaceuticals, but the investment in this area does not require so much money.

The basic part of the upstream will be undertaken by Kirin Industrial Group, which mainly focuses on the downstream field, plus the extraction of medicinal materials purchased from cooperative farmers.

The other things that need to be invested are medical equipment manufacturing and R&D investment. Even so, the remaining funds will still be huge.

Now Taiji Group's main business of health care products is very stable. Not surprisingly, this business can bring them a steady stream of financial resources.

In addition, this year's business income may be higher, how to effectively use their funds has become a problem that Taiji Group needs to think about.

When Pei Qing heard Ye Zishu's words, she didn't understand what he meant, and Ye Zishu didn't let her guess, but said directly: "You have two things that are more important now.

The first thing is the construction of the hospital. Although you have not done enough preparatory work, it is not inconsistent with the construction of the hospital. The fixed investment can be carried out in advance.

I hope that after all your work is ready, you can quickly spread advanced medical technology to every corner of the country, so that all people can fully enjoy the benefits of advanced medical care. "

Ye Zishu's ideal is a bit big, Pei Qing asked uncertainly: "Are we going to build health centers in every town?"

Hearing what she said, he knew that he had misunderstood what he meant. Although he really wanted to do this, he knew it was impractical.

After all, they are still a private enterprise. Even if they don't want to make large-scale profits, they can't do business at a loss. In addition, each township health center has its own doctors.

Although these doctors are often called barefoot doctors, it is undeniable that their existence has brought basic medical services to rural areas, and some doctors are even more experienced than doctors with high degrees due to their long-term medical experience.

Whether it is Western medicine or Chinese medicine, the ultimate test is the medical experience, which has nothing to do with the so-called education background. Ye Zishu has personally seen that the barefoot doctor is much better than the doctor in the county hospital.

The only flaw is that the township clinics, and even the village committee clinics below, are not equipped with particularly advanced equipment. Doctors' diagnostic methods are either Chinese medicine's observation, hearing, questioning, or just a stethoscope.

Most of these clinics are stationed by one or two doctors. Only with such a scale can the doctor's income be maintained stably. No amount of clinics can guarantee the doctor's income.

Large medical institutions like them are not suitable for going to the lower levels. If they really want to make some contributions to the domestic medical cause, they can provide better medical training services for these township doctors.

"That's not necessary. What I mean is to go down to the county level. At least one of our hospitals should be established in each county, so that they can enjoy basically the same medical services as those in big cities." Ye Zishu explained.

But even so, Pei Qing was still very surprised. If she wanted county-level hospitals to have the same level of medical treatment as hospitals in big cities, not to mention the ability of medical personnel, the medical equipment had to be on par with hospitals in big cities.

If you do this, the construction cost will be very high. The most expensive thing in the hospital is not the buildings, but the various advanced medical equipment in the hospital.

If all of them are in place, the cost of these medical equipment alone will cost more than 5 million yuan, of which the price of a fully automatic surgical equipment alone will cost tens of millions of yuan.

The reason why they dare to expand the number of their hospitals so unscrupulously is based on these advanced medical equipment and advanced intelligent medical diagnosis system.

If these two kinds of support are lacking, there will be no so-called medical quality, because it is much more difficult to find medical personnel with outstanding abilities.

What's more, people with this ability are unwilling to go to county-level hospitals for consultation, and prefer to stay in big cities, so that they can enjoy the benefits and convenience of big cities, and it will also make it easier for them to receive cutting-edge medical knowledge.

"In this case, isn't the investment too big? According to your requirements, the investment of a county-level hospital must be at least 1 million yuan, and there are so many counties in the country and so many cities." Pei Qing said.

Even if the Taiji Group is very rich, thinking of the amount of investment required in it makes the scalp tingle, and at the same time feels that Ye Zishu is a bit too radical.

"I have also roughly calculated this. If we want our hospitals to cover cities above the county level across the country, the scale of investment required is about 6000 billion yuan, and at most it will not exceed 8000 billion yuan.


These investments do not require you to complete in one year. We can formulate a three-year plan and spend three years building the hospital building.

At the same time, actively recruit enough medical staff, and strive to establish a medical system that can basically maintain operation after three years.

At that time, all your advanced medical devices and equipment, as well as the pharmaceutical industry, will basically be able to achieve mass production and maintain the technological advancement of your medical institutions.

As for funds, your revenue last year reached 4500 billion yuan, and your revenue will only increase in the future. With your own funds, you can basically maintain the entire investment. "Leaf Book said.

Although there is nothing wrong with Ye Zishu's explanation, even if the funds are not very sufficient, you can still borrow money from brother companies, and this face will still be given.

The problem is that she doesn't understand why she has to be so radical and make herself so embarrassed, not to mention that opening the hospital to the county level may not necessarily make money.

Now there are generally hospitals in county towns, or even more than one hospital. These hospitals are all state-owned units, so they can naturally gain the trust of ordinary people.

"With such a radical plan, does Ye always have his own considerations?" Pei Qing asked.

Ye Shu thought about it, and decided to explain things clearly, which is much better than blindly implementing the plan, so he said: "There are indeed some considerations in it.

You also know that although your medical equipment is very advanced, the cost and price are very high. If you want to export your equipment to foreign countries, the domestic price should not be too low, otherwise it will easily cause trouble.

But I also want ordinary people to fully enjoy the fruits of technological development, instead of being reduced to the exclusive services of some wealthy people.

This is where the domestic economic level lies. It is difficult to achieve this by ordinary methods. Only by establishing a sound medical insurance system can this be achieved.

But we are a private medical institution, and it is impossible to set up a medical insurance system by ourselves, and we are not a financial institution, and we do not have a financial insurance license.

So I thought of a way, that is to implement the membership system. All members who join our medical institution can enjoy discounts on the treatment of major diseases after paying a certain membership fee every year or every month.

Just to dispel the concerns of the common people, we fix the upper limit of the treatment expenses for each major disease, and the excess will be fully borne by ourselves.

In this way, we can solve the role that medical insurance can play through the medical membership system, but medical insurance can be used across medical institutions, and our members can only use it in our medical institutions.

Therefore, if we want to maintain this huge membership system and make people willing to buy members, we must ensure that our medical institutions can be seen everywhere, so that they can enjoy our medical services no matter where they are.

In the early stage, the common people were not considered rich. We don’t ask how much money we can make from the medical industry, as long as we don’t lose money and can maintain the normal operation of the entire system.

The early stage is an important stage for us to earn word of mouth. As long as we consistently provide high-quality and considerate medical services to the people, we will surely be able to get our share of returns in the future. "

Hearing what Ye Zishu said at the scene, not only Pei Qing, but everyone else felt incredible. They all felt that the boss was so bold that he wanted to touch the cake of medical insurance.

However, from the perspective of business ethics, it is completely feasible. Can medical institutions be prohibited from launching a membership system? Certainly not.

Moreover, the introduction of the membership system is indeed of great benefit to the people's medical treatment. Even the stakeholders can't find a reason to stop it, and at best they can only imitate it.

The more people think about it, the more everyone thinks it is a genius idea. The only drawback is that the investment is too large. This is why Ye Zishu asked Taiji Group to invest such a huge amount of money to build such a huge medical system.

And everyone here believes that once such a huge medical system is established, it will inevitably have a huge competitive advantage.

In the previous life, many medical insurances could not be used freely in various cities, but the medical institutions of Taiji Group can do it. No matter where you are in any city in the country, you can use the convenience and benefits brought by their membership.

Even using the membership card, they can also enjoy discounts on purchasing medicines from Tai Chi Group's chain pharmacies, so that the value of membership is even higher.

This is only in terms of system advantages. How about Ye Zishu's technical capabilities, they are all too clear, since they dare to establish such a huge medical system, there must be a magic weapon for victory.

In other words, such a large medical system ensures that it can gain an advantage in market competition with other medical institutions, thereby occupying most of the market.

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