Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 492 Actively Guide Agricultural Transformation

To be honest, Ye Zishu’s wish is good. Through the huge membership scale, the treatment cost of individual members can be kept down as much as possible, and at the same time, the medical business of Tai Chi Group can have the ability of sustainable development.

But in reality, no one knows. The situation in our country is a bit special. He is not very clear about where he will go in the end. He can only take one step at a time.

However, what he said made everyone present excited. From an economic point of view, the proportion of medical care in the national economy will increase. After all, with the development of the economy, health will be more and more valued.

From the perspective of personal feelings, providing suitable services for the people is also the true thought of many people. Although they are high-income groups, they are just ordinary people in the final analysis.

The establishment of a good medical system will not only benefit ordinary people, but everyone, rich or poor, will benefit from it.

Besides, no one can guarantee that their family will last forever. The establishment of a good system is also for future generations, not just for the present.

And Ye Zishu himself understands very well that if he is a person who only pursues profit, then those who follow him will also become mercenary.

If you are only pursuing lofty ideals and disregarding the interests of your followers, you will also be betrayed because of your interests, because it harms the interests of others.

The best way is to not only take care of the interests of the followers, but also establish lofty ideals, so that the team can be easily led, so as not to worry about chaos in the rear.

This is why he always gives benefits, and at the same time, he will also tell these people his ideals. This approach, so far, has achieved very good results.

With the continuous growth of his industrial system, it is particularly important to lead a good team if he wants to maintain the stability of the entire system and at the same time have a pioneering spirit.

When Pei Qing heard Ye Zishu's explanation, she didn't say much anymore. She had always been firm in implementing Ye Zishu's decision. The reason why she asked questions was just to understand.

Anyway, most of these investments are fixed investments. Construction investment can also boost gdp and benefit more low-level people, which is similar to the role of Wancheng Foundation.

The equipment purchased by these medical institutions is also purchased from within the group, and most of the funds still flow into their own group. In fact, the funds spent are not as much as they appear on the surface.

Moreover, the advanced medical equipment developed by Taiji Group must have a sales channel. If you want to rely on other medical institutions to open up the market, it may not be effective in the short term.

Many domestic medical institutions would rather pay high prices for imported medical equipment than domestic medical equipment, not to mention that Tai Chi Group's medical equipment is very advanced, and the price is not necessarily lower than that of foreign equipment.

It is also easy to find reasons for not purchasing. It is not clear what the specific effect will be. It needs to be researched and researched to prevaricate it. There is no good way for Taiji Group.

Instead of this, it is better to establish your own medical system. It is always possible to produce and sell it yourself. It is a good thing that outsiders are willing to purchase, and they will not be particularly anxious if they do not purchase.

Of course, if they build their own medical system, they may not have a good relationship with domestic medical institutions. Maybe the units that originally wanted to purchase may not purchase. This situation is also possible.

But he still chooses to establish his own medical system, because he knows very well that relying on the fickle hearts of others will always make him uncomfortable.

Anyway, he is not short of money and technology, so why should he be so angry, if he can cooperate, he will cooperate, and if he can't, he will get him. This is his confidence.

After talking about the first thing, Ye Zishu continued: "The second thing is the construction of the catering supply chain. I have talked about this topic before, but it is not so urgent.

In addition, your first priority was to establish a planting base for Chinese herbal medicines, and you didn't have much energy to take care of this business, so the development was relatively slow.

There are two main reasons for bringing up this business again. The first reason is that "China Little Master" will expand aggressively in the next one or two years, and the requirements for the supply chain are very high.

They are currently developing well in Japan and are preparing to start expanding to major countries and regions around the world. To allow them to expand with peace of mind, the support of a strong supply chain is essential.

In addition, they also plan to develop their business in China, and they will give priority to following the footsteps of Wancheng Jiye's urban complex development, which is relatively easier.

The second reason is that after the initial industrial foundation is established, Kirin Industrial Group may start industrialized grain production business by taking advantage of cheaper energy supply.

When this industry is rolled out, many farmers will not need to continue to use the land to grow food, but it is impossible for urban jobs to increase suddenly in a short period of time.

There will still be a considerable number of farmers who need to rely on the land to survive. How to survive on the land and survive better when they stop growing grain is a problem we need to face.

If we only consider ourselves, our career will not be very big. If we want to achieve a bigger career, we must consider the interests of all aspects.


And what I can think of is to guide farmers to plant economic crops, such as fruits, vegetables, plant raw materials needed by industry, etc. If successful, the income will definitely be much higher than growing grain.

However, the threshold of these planting industries is much higher than that of growing grain, and the investment is also larger than that of growing grain. If there is no technical and financial guarantee, ordinary farmers will have many concerns about entering these planting industries.

So you need to do a good job in two aspects. The first aspect is to actively guide farmers to plant suitable local cash crops, provide them with technical guidance, and even necessary financial support.

Therefore, they still need to carry out plant breeding research. You have accumulated some experience in planting Chinese medicinal materials before, so you are not completely newbies.

Financial support can be divided into two types. One is that we directly invest in shares and establish cooperatives or collective enterprises with local farmers to jointly manage the planting of cash crops.

The other is to provide small loans, but this kind of relative risk is relatively high. If farmers fail, they may have to bear the risk of debt alone. Personally, I still prefer the first option.

The first option can bind our interests with those of growers, so that we have stronger control over agricultural production, and growers don't have to worry about us running away.

The second aspect is to establish a good market sales channel. It is necessary to ensure that the products grown by farmers can be sold to the market in a timely manner, instead of being rotted in the field because of poor sales. This is a great loss to farmers.

The establishment of sales channels is mainly divided into two categories. The first category belongs to exclusive channels, such as fruit chain stores, which can go deep into urban residential communities.

The adoption mode can also be divided into two types, the first one is chain brand franchising, so that you can save a lot of management costs, and the second one is directly-operated stores, which are self-invested stores.

In actual operation, these two models may appear in combination, as long as the two goals can be guaranteed. The first goal is to expand rapidly and open chain brands all over the country.

The second purpose is to ensure the smooth flow of product sales, and at the same time have certain management responsibilities for these stores, so as to prevent individual operators from destroying the brand imagination of chain stores.

The second category is wholesale market channels, such as vegetable markets in various cities, department store supermarkets, etc., to provide wholesale supply services to these channels.

We also have many advantages in this regard. When Wancheng Foundation builds a residential area, it needs to provide comprehensive public services for residents. Among them, vegetable markets, convenience stores, supermarkets, etc. are all within their business scope.

These places are naturally your partners. Of course, in addition to the wholesale channels provided by brother companies, you also need to actively explore other wholesale channels, the wider the better. "

Ye Zishu's words were barely taught. According to the business ideas he provided, it is not impossible to establish a strong production and marketing supply chain.

"In addition to crop cultivation, aquaculture can also be carried out, and a large number of farmers can be employed in this field, provided that your aquaculture technology is excellent.

my country has a large population. With the improvement of living standards, the consumption of aquatic products will increase year by year. The future market will be very huge. You can organize a team to specialize in this field. "Ye Zishu reminded again.

"What about animal husbandry?" Pei Qing asked.

Ye Zishu said so much, but didn't mention animal husbandry, so Pei Qing couldn't help asking, Ye Zishu thought about it, and said: "You can carry out these businesses appropriately, but it shouldn't be too big.

Because animal husbandry can actually be produced in factories through biotechnology, the meat quality will be better, the bacteria will be less, and the pollution to the environment will be less.

More importantly, the industry cycle of animal husbandry is too long. Once the market changes, the farmers will lose their money. Once the plague occurs, it is tantamount to annihilation of the entire army.

This kind of business is best produced in a standard sterile factory, which has stronger risk resistance, less environmental pollution, and is healthier and cheaper. "

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, everyone here was shocked again. Is there really such a technology that can realize factory meat production without the need to raise livestock and poultry?

But these words came from Ye Zishu's mouth, which made them unable to doubt even if they wanted to. His previous record is really too tough, like a god in the field of scientific research, almost omnipotent .

"Is it possible to use biotechnology to cultivate vegetables and produce aquatic products?" Pei Qing asked curiously.

"It is possible, but it is not necessary at all. Vegetable cultivation can be done very well using advanced greenhouse technology. The aquaculture cycle is relatively short, and the pollution is not particularly serious. It can be completely handed over to farmers.

Although we want to control the development direction of the entire industry, there is no need to take advantage of all the advantages. This will cause huge problems. We only engage in the most difficult areas. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing nodded her head in agreement, and Ye Zishu did not forget to say in the end: "The fundamental thing to do well in all this is to have excellent agricultural technology, and you need to be especially strengthened in this area.

It is destined to be difficult for ordinary agricultural products to obtain higher profits. Only better varieties of agricultural products can be sold at higher prices, and you and the farmers can obtain more benefits. "

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