Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 490 The Inextricable Knot of Online 0 Sales and Offline 0 Sales

When meeting with Xuanwu Technology Company, his requirements were similar to those of Qinglong Technology Company. He also possessed a huge technological advantage and had to make full use of it.

The electronic semiconductor industry chain has not realized its potential at all, and absolutely cannot meet the current achievements. It should continue to devote itself to modern industrial manufacturing and provide more and better industrial equipment.

However, relatively speaking, Xuanwu Technology Company is facing less pressure. They do not have many products that directly face consumers, and a set of industrial equipment has a relatively long service life.

However, Ye Zishu still hopes that they will continue to increase the number of scientific researchers, make innovative use of existing technologies, upgrade and develop existing technologies, and conduct research on cutting-edge industrial technologies.

At present, Xuanwu Technology has about 3 scientific researchers, and Ye Zishu believes that their entire system can accommodate at least 10 scientific researchers.

The current leading edge depends entirely on the technology given by Yeshu. How to maintain its leading edge will be a major test for Xuanwu Technology.

The scientific research capabilities of other countries should not be underestimated at all. Now that some fields are slightly behind, it does not mean that they will always be behind. If they catch up, there is still a high probability that they will be able to surpass, at least partially.

Therefore, Ye Zishu asked Wu Chaoqiang to make necessary reforms to his scientific research system after he returned to improve the efficiency of scientific research and realize the potential of scientific research.

What he is afraid of is that the entire scientific research system is immersed in the current great achievements and complacent, which will really waste the leading edge created by Yeshu.

As for Shengshi Cultural Group, Ye Zishu also had a headache. I suggested that he had mentioned a lot before, but he was still not particularly satisfied with the development.

It's just that there is no particularly good way, I can only urge them to continue to work hard, dare to appoint real talents, and don't be restricted by the inherent system.

For example, the phenomenon of seniority ranking in the cultural field is relatively serious. He believes that it is necessary to break this tradition, truly realize that the capable go up and the mediocre go down, so that those with innovative ability can be promoted faster, and the ability of innovators can be brought into play to realize the innovation of the cultural industry .

These are to remind them, as for whether they can do it, Ye Shu is not sure, he thinks that just relying on management and verbal emphasis should not be very effective.

It is too easy to fish in troubled waters in the cultural industry. Unlike the industry, which can have more appropriate assessment indicators, the most is to emphasize how many film and television dramas to shoot and how many songs to create, but there is no way to guarantee the quality.

So he is going to support Phoenix Special Effects when he has time, use artificial intelligence technology to create, and force people from the Sheng family not to be satisfied with their current achievements.

As for increasing their remuneration, it actually has nothing to do with their ability to provide enough innovative works. So many high-income celebrities and cultural practitioners in previous lives have produced more and more rubbish works.

Huanyu Group is a small and transparent existence at this annual meeting. Although the motorcycle industry was established last year, the revenue generated is almost incomparable with that of brother group companies.

At the meeting, Ye Zishu just asked them to speed up the development of the automobile industry and try to produce passenger car series and freight car series within this year.

The passenger car series will be their main source of income and a key business that they may develop and grow, and its importance is irreplaceable.

The freight car series is related to the borrowed global logistics construction, physical retail channel construction and global e-commerce platform development. If they are developed as soon as possible and catch up with the development of these industries as soon as possible, it will be easier to develop.

Wancheng Foundation is the company that has received the largest investment among all the companies participating in this annual meeting. This year, their total investment has exceeded the trillion yuan mark.

This is a super-huge investment in China, and it will have a huge impact on the domestic infrastructure field. Many cities will inevitably undergo great changes because of these investments.

Ye Zishu asked them to continue to strengthen the management of the entire system. Huge investment is a huge opportunity and a huge challenge for them.

If the management is not done well enough, the conversion efficiency of the huge investment may be greatly reduced, which is what Yeshu is more worried about.

Although there is an advanced artificial intelligence management system to assist in the management of the entire system, it remains to be seen whether it can play its due role, and it is still too early to draw conclusions.

At the same time, he also talked about the fixed investment plan he had thought up before on the spot. It is not difficult to build an urban complex. He believes that Wancheng Foundation should be able to do this well.

It is not considered a success to be built, but a successful operation is a real success, and in the process of operation, it is particularly crucial to be able to obtain strong support from brother companies.

He also briefly introduced the situation of the "China Little Master" restaurant group, and asked Guo Dongsheng to contact Yuko Ogura to start a closer cooperation on this after returning.


At the same time, he also asked Wancheng Foundation to carry out some industrial operations on its own, such as the hotel business around the urban complex, a hotel group can be established specifically to do a good job in hotel management.

There are many other businesses that require Guo Dongsheng to refine many businesses and carry out refined management. It is often difficult to achieve outstanding results with a large and comprehensive management model.

In the end, after thinking for a long time, he decided to hand over the supermarket and department store business to Wancheng Jiye. Although he didn't know if they could do well, he didn't have a clear goal at the moment.

We can only let Wancheng Jiye try it himself. If the effect is good, he doesn't need to make adjustments. If the effect is not good, he can spin off this business and operate it independently.

Many e-commerce platforms of the E-Commerce Company have already been completed. As long as the logistics and warehousing system is completed, many platforms can be launched for operation.

At that time, physical retail and online retail will have fierce competition. Because online retail has many advantages, the cost is much lower than physical retail, at least in the early stage of e-commerce development.

How to enable the rapid development of online retailing without letting the physical retailing completely stop, this is a question he has been thinking about before.

He believes that if physical retail wants to gain a competitive advantage with online retail, it needs to grasp the following points and compete differently with online retail.

The first point is service quality. Although online retailing has a cost advantage, it is difficult to improve service quality. Even if the service quality is good, the experience is delayed and cannot be compared with offline retailing.

If brick-and-mortar retail wants to survive in the fierce market and compete with online retail at [-]-[-], service experience and quality are particularly important.

The second point is to minimize the cost of physical retail, which is one of the important reasons why he intends to hand over offline retail to Wancheng Jiye.

Wancheng Foundation holds many properties. If it is operated by a third party, it is difficult to generate profit-sharing behavior. It must collect rent according to market conditions, which will increase the cost of offline retail.

If it is only a little more expensive, consumers will accept it. After all, the cost is there, and the offline shopping experience is often better than online.

But if it is much more expensive, consumers are not willing to accept it. In order to save more money, they would rather go back and forth. Ye Zishu also had a deep understanding of this feeling in his previous life.

The purpose of entrusting the retail business to Wancheng Foundation is to hope that they can achieve an overall income balance, otherwise the physical retail business may not be able to get rid of the fate of the previous life.

As for making the e-commerce company merciful, he does not force it. In his view, the necessary competition is very important, and this is also one of the means to promote offline retail and improve service value.

Sometimes the money is so easy to earn that no one cares about the improvement of service quality. If you are too tolerant of your own people, you are giving opportunities to outside competitors, and the final result may not be what he wants to see.

As for the clothing retail of Kirin Industrial Group, Ye Zishu is going to let Kirin Textile Industrial Group do it by itself, at least to try it out.

After talking about offline retail, Ye Zishu asked its subsidiaries to strengthen cooperation in this area. For example, the brand stores of Qinglong Technology Company can be opened in urban complexes.

In addition, Taiji Group's health care products, medicines, cosmetics and other businesses related to retail demand can be opened in urban complexes to jointly promote the prosperity and development of urban complexes.

Ye Zishu particularly emphasizes that in the process of operating urban complexes, we should try our best to treat everyone equally, and don’t treat some industries differently just because they are sibling companies. At least on the surface, we must be fair and just, and we must not let other operators feel cold.

In order to develop a good urban complex, it is not enough to rely on the support of brother companies, but also to introduce many third-party sellers, which are obviously treated differently, which is not conducive to the operation of urban complexes.

The help provided by New Oriental Education Group Leaf Book is not very great. At the meeting, they emphasized that they will continue to strengthen the construction of vocational disciplines, so that students can learn vocational skills that can truly survive in society.

At the meeting, he also mentioned the matter of online artificial intelligence education, saying that he would provide technical support, and hoped that they could make preparations for the course content in advance.

At the same time, Leaf Book also asked Phoenix Technology to open up the huge digital book data they currently collect. These books are actually the basis of online education.

Just relying on New Oriental Education Group's own teaching staff, it is difficult to do a good job in online education content. In the end, we still have to rely on artificial intelligence to achieve self-learning and education, so as to achieve self-improvement.

With the passage of time, the teaching ability of artificial intelligence teachers is much better than that of most human teachers. If they can do this, artificial intelligence teachers will be considered successful.

The meeting started very quickly, and after the meeting with the heads of the above enterprises, only two group companies, Kirin Industry Group and Taiji Group, remained.

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