Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 489 Construction of Social Public Software Service Platform

Ye Zishu did not simply blame, but pointed out the shortcomings, and also gave some solutions and ways. In this way, it will be easier for these responsible persons to accept.

Explain that Ye Zishu has actually thought about the problems encountered by their company, instead of looking at the data and getting angry when they are not satisfied, so that they will not say anything, and they will definitely feel unhappy in their hearts.

Although Lei Jun was stunned by Ye Zishu's question at first, after Ye Zishu's detailed explanation, he was not only not angry, but a little happy, because these methods did provide a valuable reference for them to make up for the shortcomings in the future.

At the same time, it also made Lei Jun no longer complacent about Phoenix Technology's outstanding performance in the past year, but instead focused on the company's shortcomings.

We must know that last year, Phoenix Technology's net profit surpassed all other companies, ranking No.1. If it were someone else, I would probably be ecstatic.

Lei Jun is young, and he hasn't shown an ecstatic look on the surface. He is already quite wealthy. With Ye Zishu's words just now, I hope he can go further and more steadily.

For the achievements now, Phoenix Technology Company will only attribute the credit to Yeshu, because the current achievements are all created by Yeshu.

If Lei Jun wants to completely convince the public, he also needs to make his own achievements and bring the company to a new glory. Only then can he get rid of the influence of Ye Zishu and truly take charge of Phoenix Technology.

Originally thought that the meeting of Phoenix Technology Company should end here, but Ye Zishu pondered for a while, and said: "No matter from the perspective of revenue or profit, you all belong to a giant company.

As a giant enterprise, in addition to the daily commercial business, it is also necessary to undertake certain social public service responsibilities to provide services for the better development of the society. "

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, not to mention Lei Jun, even the leaders of other groups were a little confused. I don't know why Ye Zishu suddenly mentioned this.

In the eyes of many people, shouldn't social public services be provided by the government? The tax they pay is to purchase social public services.

"Private enterprises are privately owned in terms of ownership, but no matter what kind of enterprise, the essence of existence is to provide valuable services to society.

It's just that compared with the services provided by the government, the service foundation of private companies is to raise their own expenses, while the government only needs to collect taxes to maintain the continuity of service provision.

The difference between the two depends on how the operator thinks. At least in my opinion, there is no essential difference between the two.

In the past, Phoenix Technology was faced with many problems and its revenue scale was very limited. It still focused on making money to maintain its survival and development, so I didn't make too many demands.

Now that you have passed the initial stage of development, have a relatively stable income, and have begun to have a certain social influence, it is time to invest some resources in the field of social public services. "Leaf Book said.

Although Lei Jun felt that he understood what he heard, he also felt that he couldn't figure out the direction, so he couldn't help asking: "Excuse my ignorance, I don't understand what you mean, Mr. Ye!"

Lei Jun didn't ask, he was going to say something more specific, Ye Zishu smiled when he heard Lei Jun's words, and said: "Then I will give you one or two examples, you can refer to them.

For example, the biggest problem that our country is currently facing is the cultivation of talents, and the most important thing in the cultivation of talents is the study and research of cutting-edge technology.

In the past, everyone bought scientific magazines and other publications. Relatively speaking, there were relatively few people in contact with them. Many ordinary scientific researchers even had certain difficulties in contacting them.

Then can we build a free public paper query platform to provide convenient and cheap access to all domestic scientific researchers, or those who want to know about cutting-edge science and technology.

We can also use our advanced intelligent technology to provide scholars and students who write papers with the function of identifying the content of papers, avoiding the possibility of plagiarism, and making the academic world cleaner.

Let me give another example. From the perspective of human beings, with the great development of the economy, many new things will be born in human civilization, and many old things will disappear at the same time.

Can we build a digital record platform for human civilization, which can digitally record the outstanding features of the entire human civilization based on science, culture, customs, skills, etc.?

Maybe thousands of years later, our descendants can easily understand the history that happened before, understand the cultural customs of the past, and understand the development of science in the past.

Although there are many paper documents to record these, it is not very convenient to search and read the paper records, and it is easy to lose them in some disasters.

More importantly, the content of the paper records cannot use advanced digital technology to sort out the entire context of civilization. In terms of practicality, it will be greatly compromised.

Building these free platforms will not only bring you greater prestige and make running a business easier, but it will also be of great benefit to us.

If Gubrow artificial intelligence wants to further develop, it must need rich and diverse information support, so that artificial intelligence can become more comprehensive and better able to understand human society.

This is of great benefit to expanding the application field of artificial intelligence and improving the intelligence of artificial intelligence, and it can also ensure that you will always be ahead of the competition in the future.

If talking about these goals is too long-term, then doing so will also have great short-term benefits for you, at least providing high-quality search results for your search engines. "

Ye Zishu left Lei Jun room for independent thinking, enlarged the video window of Lao Ren, and prepared to chat with him about some issues in corporate development.

Qinglong Technology Co., Ltd. also achieved brilliant results last year. All aspects of business are developing well. Some businesses are just short-lived and have not really exerted their power.

Ye Zishu also affirmed the achievements of Qinglong Technology Company last year, and then began to criticize. After all, the memories of critics are meaningful, otherwise the meeting would not be necessary.

Regarding Qinglong Technology Company, Ye Zishu believes that there are two things that need to be strengthened at present. The first is their server business, which is currently not doing very well.

Their server products are purchased most by Phoenix Technology, and their cloud computing platform is under construction. Although the software part is not particularly perfect, it is still possible to build the hardware part in advance.

Leaf Book only provided Phoenix Technology's cloud computing software service framework to enrich the content and services inside, and they had to do it themselves, but it was much easier than starting from scratch.

The scale of external sales of Qinglong Technology's server business is still very limited, and Ye Zishu also knows that the main reason for this is that other businesses have involved too much energy.

In the second half of last year, they released many press conferences in a row, displaying a lot of products, and the short-term development potential of these products is actually greater than that of the server business.

The server business is dominated by enterprise business. Enterprises are generally more rational than individual consumers. It is not easy to persuade enterprises to replace servers.

In addition, it is also related to the output of servers. The main production capacity of Xuanwu Technology is placed in the field of personal consumer electronics, and the investment in server production is insufficient.

So they simply provided the servers they produced to Phoenix Technology Company, and they sold them when outsiders came to buy them. If no one came to the door, they would not take the initiative to promote them.

Despite these objective reasons, Yeshu still wants to remind them not to forget about this business. Only by selling enough server products can they earn back their investment.

The second is related to the innovative application of advanced technology. Electronic technology Qinglong Technology Company is relatively solid, but how to make these technologies play their due value will be a test of their ability.

At present, the products they launch for consumers are all products that have already appeared. Even if the products have not appeared before, they are also ideas provided by Yezishu.

The product idea originally created by the employees of Qinglong Technology Company has not been seen so far. It seems that the problem is not big at present, but it will be very problematic if it continues to be like this.

Ye Zishu hopes that the internal culture of Qinglong Technology Company not only advocates scientific research, but also advocates product innovation. The two cannot be neglected, otherwise no matter how good the technology is, it will not be transformed into real value.

In the past, they could also say that the company arranged so many scientific research tasks that they couldn't think about other things at all, and now a lot of their work has come to an end.

In addition, the foundation is relatively strong, and it is time to start thinking about product innovation. Ye Zishu asked the old man to conduct special research on this issue after returning.

To be honest, Ye Zishu didn’t have much expectations for them. In the previous life, Apple also faced the same problem. It only had those few products over and over again. In fact, it was still relying on the laurels left by Jobs.

Perhaps Qinglong Technology Company will also fall into such a predicament for quite a long time. Although it is earning huge profits, it has no new development direction.

Ye Shu didn't have a good way to do this, unless he did nothing else and gave them advice, which was impossible, at least he didn't plan to take care of it until he encountered an existential crisis.

The money he left behind is enough for them to eat for many years. If it doesn't work out by then, it won't be too late. This is his current attitude.

In addition to these two things, Ye Zishu also asked the old man to focus on the digital camera business. The business that should have been released last year was continued because the arrangement was too tight.

Leaf Book did not say much about the personal business, but aimed at the digital camera business at the enterprise end. Ye Shu hopes to sell their complete set of digital systems to TV stations and film and television companies all over the world.

Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the market development efforts in this area. He predicts that these markets alone can reach tens of billions, which is already quite a lot.

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