In the opening part of the meeting, Ye Zishu fully affirmed the achievements of these enterprises in the past year and expressed his gratitude to them for their hard work in the past year.

As for the distribution of bonuses, they are all calculated automatically by the system. Ye Shu only needs to sign for confirmation, and there is no need to mention it.

Like other bosses, he will not insist on turning money into cash and presenting it in front of these people. They are not big bosses, and doing so will be considered a loss of status.

All the bonuses of the affiliated companies will be distributed to the personal salary accounts of all the affiliated employees within three days after he signed, without any delay.

For a company with generous treatment like theirs, there is no need to delay the payment of bonuses to achieve the purpose of keeping employees. There are more people outside who want to come in and can't get in.

After the opening remarks, Ye Zishu began to hold meetings for each company. The leaders of other companies did not go offline, but listened to the whole process, and there was nothing to keep secret.

The purpose of doing this is to increase the mutual understanding between various enterprises, and at the same time, they can learn some knowledge of enterprise management from each other, which is very beneficial to the development of the enterprises they manage.

In fact, most of the heads of these enterprises are half-way monks. Except for Lao Ren who has been a boss for several years, and Wu Chaoqiang who has managed small state-owned enterprises for several years, the others were discovered temporarily by him.

Now they can support such a large stall. On the one hand, their progress is really fast, and the improvement of their capabilities can keep up with the pace of enterprise development.

On the other hand, they occupy a leading edge in technology, so that they will not be able to easily suppress competitors without fighting with competitors.

If their technical strength is similar to that of their competitors, it is really hard to say whether their ability can gain the upper hand in the competition.

Ye Zishu first had a small meeting with Lei Jun, the head of Phoenix Technology Company. Lei Jun has been the president of Phoenix Technology Company for more than half a year, and his temperament has changed significantly compared to before.

Although his face is still very young, there is a majesty on his face, which shows that he has a lot of experience during this period, otherwise it would be difficult to cultivate such a temperament.

Last year's achievements were not mentioned at the meeting by Ye Zishu, but the current shortcomings of Phoenix Technology were brought up and discussed.

The company with the largest revenue last year was Phoenix Software, followed by Sea-Gull Interactive Entertainment. Although the rest of the business was developing well, the gap between these two companies was very obvious.

At the meeting, Ye Zishu did not discuss the situation of each company, but directly talked about the big directional problem, that is, their market is not well done.

He said: "Whether it is Suzaku Software Company or Jiufeng Software Company, their technical strength is not bad, and they can even be said to be far ahead of their peers.

However, there is still a big gap between their performance and expectations, which can only explain one problem, that is, the market is not doing enough.

Don't think that the current results are okay, that's because of the achievements made on the platform of the Phoenix operating system. Apart from this factor, the market performance will definitely be very weak.

And your Honghu Software Company and Baihe Software Company, their enterprise management system and government software also have strengths, why is their development so slow? "

Lei Jun, who was bombarded by this series of questions, was a little overwhelmed. You must know that among so many companies, the one that makes the most money is their software industry. I didn't expect them to be the first target of the bombing.

The problem is that what the boss said is true. Compared with their own strength, these business performances are not satisfactory. This makes Lei Jun have no way to refute and can only accept it.

Ye Shu continued: "Next, you must kill all the operating system simulators, and make this tool that helped us before completely useless."

After hearing this, Lei Jun asked, "Will this cause a strong backlash from users?"

At the beginning, this software tool helped their Phoenix operating system quickly occupy major personal computers, but now it has become a burden to the development of its software industry.

It is easy to invalidate this tool, but this will cause dissatisfaction among many users, because once invalidated, many software that could be used before cannot be used on the Phoenix operating system.

If you want to buy new software, you need to spend a lot of money. If the computer configuration is not good, you have to buy a new computer, which is a lot of money.

Ye Zishu shook his head after hearing this, and said: "Your worries are unnecessary, individual users actually don't have much resistance to changing computers, after all, the performance of Qinglong Technology's computers is too good, and the previous computers are almost like antiques.

Most of the users who continue to use old computers are business users. They will not easily replace them with new computers without special circumstances, because that will increase their costs.

But you make this tool completely useless, and they don't have money to replace equipment and purchase new software products. Although complaints are inevitable, they will not cause a particularly large backlash.

On the contrary, the longer you delay, the more opportunities you will give your competitors. It is best to cut the mess quickly and end the competition in the software field as soon as possible, which is good for you. "

Valley Thorium

Hearing his words, Lei Jun thought for a moment in silence, and felt that what the boss said made sense. Now that they are in an absolute dominant position, they have the strength to do this matter, and it is easy to cause problems if they look forward and backward.

After seeing Lei Jun nodding in approval, Ye Zishu continued: "In addition, you also need to reach strategic cooperation with well-known universities and companies around the world.

For college partners, you can implement large-scale profit sharing. As long as it is not used for commercial purposes, it is also possible to use the school version for personal use, which is completely free.

When these students leave school, the software system they are most familiar with will be yours, which will lead companies to have to replace your software system, which will benefit you in the long run.

For large and influential enterprises, certain discounts can be given. If no discounts are given, more services should be provided, and their software systems should be replaced with yours.

Enterprises with great influence are generally the wind vane of the industry, and the small companies in the same industry behind them will also use your software, which is very important. "

If you want Phoenix Technology's software to quickly occupy the market, you can't be haggling in the early stage, and you can't be vague when it's time to give up profits. After you really occupy the market, are you afraid that there will be no benefits?

This passage was highly recognized by Lei Jun, and Ye Zishu didn't say much. The specific implementation details had to be formulated by Phoenix Technology, and he would not intervene in such details.

Then he continued: "And when you are promoting the market, you must pay attention to the advantages of group combat and give full play to your own advantages, instead of just choosing to fight alone. Doing so is a great waste of resources.

This group operation mode is divided into two meanings. The first layer means group operations within your software industry, which can give full play to your advantages in the entire software industry chain.

Your software is very rich, covering almost all software categories and almost all business and personal usage scenarios, which is something that other companies cannot do.

The most important thing is that your software system is more advanced in terms of technology and function, and can quickly adapt to market changes with extremely efficient work.

Therefore, I suggest that you set up a unified software promotion and sales department to integrate each of its software products into a one-stop solution for various application scenarios.

In this way, there are huge benefits in promotion. It can solve all software usage problems for enterprises, help enterprises improve management efficiency, reduce overall costs, and generate greater value.

Moreover, this one-stop solution model can also increase your comprehensive technical level and increase the overall added value. At the same time, it can also find weak links in your products and make your software industry foundation more solid.

The second meaning has also been mentioned before, that is to give full play to the advantages of our entire industry, realize the linkage of software and hardware, and provide enterprises with one-stop software and hardware solutions.

Now the server of Qinglong Technology Company has come out, but it is not easy to quickly promote it just by relying on the server. After all, the server purchased by others cannot be thrown away immediately.

At this time, your software industry has played a role. By providing users with more powerful software systems, enterprises can automatically eliminate their outdated server products.

The reverse is also the same. When Qinglong Technology Company promotes its own personal computers and server products, it must also promote Phoenix Technology Company's one-stop software solutions by the way.

I mentioned it before, but now it seems that you are still not doing enough. It can be said that you are too busy to take care of everything. This year, you should be able to straighten out this cooperation, right? "

When Ye Zishu said this, Lao Ren, who was on the sidelines, nodded frequently. However, he only cared about the personal computer market before, and there was no dedicated team responsible for the enterprise market, which resulted in the ineffective cooperation between software and hardware.

"Finally, let's talk about your government software. There are real reasons for the poor business development, but I don't think it's the root cause, but that you haven't really put your heart into this market.

Now that the tax reform has been preliminarily completed, and the central government has a certain amount of funds, your government software business may usher in changes in the external environment.

How to seize this opportunity is very important. I am not worried about technology, but I am worried that your thinking mode will not keep up, and you are still stuck in simply providing products.

A good sales strategy is to make consumers have a strong desire to buy after hearing it, but how to make the government have this desire?

I think that our products can bring obvious benefits to government management, and at the same time advocate advanced management concepts, such as service-oriented government, transparent government, information-based government, and convenient government.

Don't think that the concept is empty, sometimes the role that the concept can play is beyond your imagination, and the advancement of government-related work really needs to rely on such slogan-style indoctrination.

And no matter which of the above slogans is inseparable from the support of your advanced government software system, if it is separated from management informationization, it will lose its color a lot.

In addition, you need to continue to work hard on the product, and you must be more professional than the professionals in the government department, so that you can persuade customers to use our products instead of being led by others.

This means that you are not simply doing software, but going deep into the industry and truly becoming top experts in this field. You still need to continue to strengthen your studies. "

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