Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 487 Wancheng Foundation is Qualified to Attend the Annual Meeting

February 2th is the day Yezishu decided to hold its annual meeting, because February 5th is New Year's Eve, and employees of various companies have started to go home to celebrate the New Year one after another.

The work of major enterprises this year is basically over, and even the bosses of the various groups are finally relieved, and can live a good year with peace of mind.

Last year was a year of great development for many companies, which is of course something to celebrate, but everyone is tense and at full capacity.

In particular, some situations were not considered before. When the business suddenly exploded, it was discovered that the manpower was very tight. However, it takes a process for new recruits to be able to start working.

Many things can only be undertaken by old employees. In contrast, next year's business may be more, but the busyness will be much lower than this year.

Ye Zihua went on winter vacation a few days ago, but this time he was extravagant, flying directly from the capital to Wuhan, and then stayed here and did not go back.

One is to see the situation in Wuhan and the industrial situation in the capital of Ye Zishu. Ye Zihua is quite familiar with it. After all, he has been here for so long and has visited all over the place.

But he didn't know much about the industry in Wuhan. He didn't even know that his brother owned a Kirin Industrial Group, let alone what this group was doing.

This time, he finally took the opportunity to take a good stroll here, so during this period of time, he was quite happy, running around, and he didn't even want to stay in Ye Zishu's office.

The second is that I want to go back with Yezishu. No matter if I go back by ferry or by bus, it is not as comfortable as going back by Yezishu’s car, and the time is even shorter.

Anyway, he lives here in the company's hotel, which is much more comfortable than living in the school dormitory, and the food is much better than the school, so he is very satisfied in all aspects.

However, Ye Zishu asked him to find some time to buy some New Year's goods and gifts, and give them as gifts when he returned to his hometown. He didn't go back at the end of the year for several years, and many relatives didn't move around.

This time when I go back during the Chinese New Year, relatives at home will have to move around, so gifts must be prepared, and it is no secret that I have prospered, and all my relatives and friends know about it.

If the Chinese New Year gifts are still in accordance with the standards of the hometown, then it will be inappropriate. Although relatives exchange gifts lightly and affectionately, it depends on the situation, and it is not short of money.

So Ye Zishu waved his hand and gave Ye Zihua 10 yuan directly, asking him to buy New Year's goods and gifts according to this standard. Specifically, how many copies to sell and how to buy, you can call your parents to discuss.

In the past, his family was in a normal situation, and his relatives who were far away basically did not communicate with each other. Now that he is prosperous, the relationship between relatives in the family may be much more complicated than he imagined.

At that time, if there are not enough gifts, the situation will be very embarrassing. I would rather have leftovers than less, and leave the rest for home use. If there are fewer small county towns, I may not be able to buy them.

This year's annual meeting adopts the method of online meeting. Everyone is scattered all over the world, and the transportation is not very convenient, so there is no need to get together.

Attending the annual meeting were Phoenix Technology Company, Qinglong Technology Company, Xuanwu Technology Company, Taiji Group, Shengshi Culture Group, Huanyu Group, New Oriental Education Group, Wancheng Foundation Group and the Kirin Industry Group represented by him.

Before, because many industries were not on the right track at all, and he himself was relatively busy, so he didn't hold a serious annual meeting, and everyone didn't mention it.

Now many industries have produced huge benefits, and each group company has its own industrial foundation. The annual meeting is not only a summary of the achievements and lessons learned in the past year.

It is also a plan for business operations in the coming year, and it is also a meeting for closer cooperation among various group companies. The last point is more important.

The future development plans of many group companies have actually been handed over to Ye Zishu in the form of documents, and they will not conduct detailed discussions on the development plans.

With so many group companies, the annual meeting only lasts for one day, so it is impossible to talk about it at all. Each group company will have very little time to speak, so they can only focus on the key points.

It is not surprising that other group companies participated in the conference. After all, they are all independent group companies. Wancheng Foundation was invited to participate in such a high-end conference, which surprised many people.

Wancheng Foundation is now nominally a subsidiary of Taiji Group, and there will be more capital injections from other companies in the future. The company's shares have become more complicated, and it is still slightly different from other group companies.

In the eyes of outsiders, Wancheng Jiye has a lower status. Taiji Group, Phoenix Technology Company, and Qinglong Technology Company are all major shareholders of Wancheng Jiye.

But Ye Zishu didn't think so. Although Wancheng Jiye was a real estate company, it was very different from ordinary real estate companies.

First, in terms of industrial capacity, the industrial scale of Wancheng Jiye will not be small in the future. Relying on the development of the real estate field, their industrial capacity will not be weak.

Gu Yu's industrial capabilities are only reflected in the fields related to real estate, but the technical content is not weak at all. Standing with industrial giants like Xuanwu Technology Company, they are not much weaker.

If it's just a simple house buying and selling business, among these bigwigs, their identities are indeed a bit mismatched. Because of the relationship between Ye Zishu, technology has been integrated into the cultural genes of his industries.

For industries with technological content, the heads of these companies will naturally take a high look at them. Although they will not discriminate against simple transactions, the weight is much lighter.

Second, in terms of importance, Wancheng Jiye shoulders the mission of accelerating urbanization in my country, and is also an important platform for the redistribution of benefits. It is a hub for realizing the flow of wealth to a lower level, and its role is very important.

Ye Zishu had discussed this with Guo Dongsheng a long time ago, and hoped that when he was in business, unpleasant things would not happen because he valued his interests.

The real estate industry is a mixed bag, and there must be a lot of things. In order to avoid trouble, Guo Dongsheng proposed to do it all by himself. Although the burden is heavy, the complexity is greatly reduced.

Like the phenomenon of construction outsourcing that often occurred in the past, it is not allowed in Wancheng Foundation, and the welfare of the most grassroots employees can also be guaranteed.

The only thing to worry about is whether doing so will affect work efficiency. After all, no matter how much you do or how little you do, the salary is the same, and everyone's enthusiasm is naturally very weak.

Now with the launch of the artificial intelligence management system and the deployment of various intelligent assistance systems, the situation has been greatly improved.

That is to say, Wancheng Foundation can keep track of all the progress of the construction site in a timely manner, and through the intelligent management system, the workload and content to be completed every day can be directly sent to the most basic level.

The tasks assigned by the intelligent management system are relatively reasonable. It will neither make the construction site employees do a lot of work, nor give them the opportunity to work abroad.

Every day, the work completion needs to be reported, and the intelligent quality system can make a certain evaluation by itself, and there will be quality inspection personnel to check in the later stage. If there is a quality discrepancy, you may be punished.

And all these operations only need to rely on a palm-sized device, the assignment and completion of tasks, assessment scores, salary status and other information can all rely on this device.

This equipment was specially developed by Qinglong Technology Company entrusted by Wancheng Foundation. The purpose is to manage every grassroots employee in a refined manner, and at the same time control the work situation at the grassroots level more comprehensively.

We must know that Wancheng Foundation invests trillions of yuan in funds, and the number of employees under management may exceed tens of millions. If there is no effective management method, the consequences will be disastrous.

What's more, these funds have to be spent in a short period of time, and the stalls will be very large. The management is not in place, and work accidents are prone to occur, and corruption problems are also prone to occur.

In order to be able to effectively manage its tens of thousands of construction sites and huge industrial support systems, Wancheng Foundation has purchased an intelligent supercomputer from Qinglong Technology Company as the center of the entire management system.

With powerful software and hardware support, not to mention tens of millions of employees, hundreds of millions of employees can arrange their work in an orderly manner, while reducing unnecessary intermediate losses.

The third is that Guo Dongsheng was the first to follow him to fight the world. Although it seems that there is no one who followed him, the necessary status is still given to Guo Dongsheng.

As long as Guo Dongsheng is able to work conscientiously, don't make him a moth. Ye Zishu still attaches great importance to this friendship, and also hopes that through Guo Dongsheng, the heads of various groups under it can see it.

He, Ye Zishu, is definitely not the kind of ungrateful person. As long as everyone does their job well, there is no need to worry about things they don't want to see later.

Of course, if someone does not obey the rules, Ye Zishu will not be polite. In his position, it is difficult to let go because of feelings, because the influence is too bad, it is easy to let go, but the team is not easy to lead .

In addition to the above three more important reasons, Ye Zishu is more optimistic about the future development of Wancheng Foundation, and now it is just a dormant period.

When their real estate business is launched, and there is a huge industrial technology system built around real estate, the income generated is no lower than that of these technology companies.

It is not yet the golden age of real estate development. Many established real estate projects can only be held by Wancheng Foundation itself, and then rely on rent to live, with limited income.

Regarding the development potential and necessity of Wancheng Foundation, Ye Zishu has actually talked with the person in charge of its group. After all, if they want to use their funds for the development of Wancheng Foundation, they must give a passable reason.

So when they knew that Guo Dongsheng of Wancheng Jiye participated in this meeting, although everyone was a little surprised, they were not too surprised. They just believed in some words about Wancheng Jiye that Ye Zishu had said before.

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