Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 486 If You Can’t Sell Medical Insurance, Sell Medical Membership

After chatting with Yuko Ogura about work, I thought she would go back immediately, but I told him that I want to go around the country and see the customs here.

Ye Zishu will definitely not follow her around, but her freedom cannot be restricted. As long as the country allows her to go, Ye Zishu naturally has no reason to stop her.

However, he still suggested moving around the city as much as possible, and at the same time arranged for two employees, a man and a woman, to follow her to avoid accidents. As for when she would return to Japan, Ye Zishu didn't ask much.

The time quietly came to February, and Ye Zishu worked overtime to finally sort out the technical information on power transmission and electricity, which made him heave a long sigh of relief.

The personnel department of Kirin Industrial Group is relatively strong. In the past few months, he has recruited 1 R&D personnel related to power transmission.

Most of them are veterans with technical experience, who were recruited from major scientific research units, which was hard to imagine before.

It seems that more and more people have accepted the existence of private companies, and there is no such resistance as in previous years. As long as the salary is high and the job is guaranteed, many open-minded scientific researchers are still willing to work in private companies.

What surprised him was that Kirin Industrial Group had such an appeal. It didn't mean that all private companies could easily recruit researchers from national scientific research institutes, and they also had to pick companies.

If it was Qinglong Technology Company, Xuanwu Technology Company, and Phoenix Technology Company, I would not be surprised. At present, these three companies are already well-known, and recruiting people is much easier than before.

Kirin Industrial Group is still in the dormant period, and there are no products in the market, and it has not done any publicity in China. The number of people who know this group is still very small.

After questioning, I realized the reason. It turned out that many of the people who came here were introduced by their classmates and friends, or learned some information about Kirin Industrial Group through the mouths of classmates and friends.

At present, the number of scientific researchers here is already quite a lot, and the number of personnel has reached nearly 3. Such a large scientific research team is relatively rare in the world.

What Kirin Industrial Group is doing is a complete set of industrial systems, which involve a lot of technical and scientific categories, almost covering the entire science and engineering subjects.

This is different from other companies that focus on a certain field. It is like a hodgepodge. Everyone can find a scientific research job that suits them in Kirin Industrial Group.

In addition, when the HR department is recruiting, it is more and more like to use his banner, or the banner of other well-known brother groups, which is more convincing.

Ye Zishu finished sorting out the technical information, and immediately distributed the information to each of its industrial groups, letting them each be responsible for part of the business.

It is mainly the basic support business, which requires other industrial groups to support research and development. The assembly work and market-oriented technical equipment research and development work are done by Kirin Electric Industry Group itself.

The most urgent matter at hand has finally been dealt with. Apart from dealing with some scattered technical work, Ye Zishu's next job is to start sorting out medical technical materials for Taiji Group.

He had already sorted out the list of medicines to be developed before, and now he only needs to follow the map to sort out the information of these medicines on the list.

In fact, the list of 3000 drugs does not cover all human diseases, and there are still quite a few drugs that target the same disease, but they are divided into two categories: Chinese patent medicine and Western medicine.

This is because the acceptance of Chinese patent medicines in the international market is not very high, but the acceptance of chemical synthesis-based western medicines is relatively high, which is due to international considerations.

In addition, due to the consideration of the domestic economic level, if the domestic medical cost is too high, it will be difficult to benefit the ordinary people in the country, and the price must be reduced to a level acceptable to the ordinary people.

To be honest, this cannot fundamentally solve all medical problems. At least the cost of treating major diseases is still very high. Without the support of medical insurance, it is still difficult for ordinary families to afford it independently.

To solve these problems, it is also necessary to launch a critical illness insurance business, so that the model of risk sharing for the whole society can be realized and the ability of individuals to resist risks can be enhanced.

It's just that he doesn't have relevant financial and insurance business at present, and it's not easy to apply for this business, which is the difficulty.

Now there are three main ways to solve this problem. The first way is for Taiji Group to launch its own critical illness insurance financial business, and include the treatment of discovered critical illnesses into the scope of critical illness insurance payment.

The advantage of doing this is that Taiji Group will not have to worry about market pricing since then, and it can not only guarantee the interests of ordinary insured persons, but also protect the interests of Taiji Group itself.

The current situation is that if the price in the domestic market is too low, it will seriously affect their pricing in the international market, which will naturally affect their global operating income.

If the domestic pricing is too high and in line with international standards, then the domestic people will not be able to afford it. This also violates the original intention of Taiji Group and the idea of ​​Ye Zishu.

Gu Yu is now caught in a dilemma. He wants to let the domestic people benefit from Taiji Group's advanced medical technology, but also wants to earn high profits from the international market.

The second way is to cooperate with domestic insurance companies to jointly launch critical illness insurance business. If we do this, it can only be said to be slightly better, and it cannot fundamentally solve the problem.

Because this is an external cooperation, all treatment costs of the Tai Chi Group need to be quoted externally, and the probability is that it will be determined according to international standards. A slight domestic discount will not be too big.

This means that the cost borne by the insurance company is also not low, and it is naturally not low when reflected in the insurance premium. Most people may still not be able to afford the cost of critical illness insurance.

Then the coverage of critical illness insurance is relatively small, and it is still reduced to serving a small number of people. Although this situation is much better than no insurance, it is much worse than the first one.

The first option is that Tai Chi Group bears all the costs by itself, and the premium is only so much. If you want to earn more premiums, you can only reduce the cost of treatment.

This is equivalent to the contract system. Regardless of the actual cost of the Taiji Group, the insured will pay so much money. It is the Taiji Group's ability to make more money.

The third way is to cooperate with the national medical insurance, but he thinks this is the least feasible way at present, mainly because the national medical insurance system is not perfect.

In addition, Taiji Group is a private enterprise, and it is even more difficult to reach a cooperation. Moreover, Taiji Group has not yet shown strong strength, so the possibility of cooperation is even lower.

Of these three paths, his favorite is naturally the first one, but the enforceability is the lowest, at least from the perspective of insurance.

Ye Zishu sat on his seat and thought for a long time. He thought that this problem must be solved. If it was not solved, Taiji Group could only focus on doing international business. In his opinion, it was a kind of sadness.

After thinking for a long time, he finally thought of a way to bypass the restrictions of insurance and financial attributes, so that the common people can also enjoy related benefits.

His idea is very simple, that is, the membership system. The business model of the membership system in the previous life is not new. Whether it is a supermarket, a department store, or a barber shop, they all have their own membership system.

Anyway, Tai Chi Group wants to build its own hospitals all over the country. How is this different from chain department stores, except that one is to provide disease treatment services, and the other is to provide commodity sales services.

As long as the Taiji Group builds a huge medical network across the country, all members can go to any hospital that belongs to them for treatment with their membership.

Ordinary people only need to pay a membership fee every year, and it is even possible to change to monthly payment in order to reduce the pressure on people to pay.

After obtaining membership, during the membership period, members can enjoy discounts on medical expenses, allowing members to spend less when treating diseases.

In fact, it is no different from medical insurance, but if you change the business name, the situation suddenly becomes clear, and you don't even need the approval of the relevant state departments.

The only difference is that the members who purchase the Tai Chi Group can only use it in the medical institutions of the Tai Chi Group, and cannot use it in other medical institutions.

If the technical level of the Taiji Group is average, such a membership system is difficult to work out. After all, the first reason for people to join the membership is to help them cure their diseases, and the second is to save money.

Obviously, Taiji Group, with the technical support of Ye Zishu, should have more medical strength than other medical institutions, and there are not many obstacles to implementing the membership system.

The more he thought about it, the more feasible he felt. He didn't expect that the problem that he thought was difficult to solve before could be easily solved by changing the way of thinking, which made him feel amazing.

As for whether there will be policies against the Taiji Group after it grows bigger in the future, he can't control so much. He can take over this task if he has the ability. Anyway, the medicine and technical equipment of the Taiji Group are sold at normal prices.

At that time, no organization can take over this task. As long as they take over, if they do not raise prices, they will not be able to maintain sustainable operations, unless the policy requires Taiji Group to sell its own medicines, technologies and equipment at low prices.

But this is not in line with the laws of the market. Since the Taiji Group can set a high price, it must be acceptable to the market. It is a bit too much to brutally interfere with the normal business behavior of an enterprise.

And when Taiji Group reaches that point, Taiji Group is no longer what it is now, it is already the world's top medical service institution.

And it's not just an ordinary commercial organization. Medical services affect the interests of thousands of ordinary people, so you have to think twice before you want to treat Taiji Group roughly.

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