Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 473 Incentive Plan

Since artificial intelligence can independently complete the creation of music content, in fact, artificial intelligence can also independently complete the creation of film and television content.

Because the cores of both of them are the same for artificial intelligence, except that one is the creation of music melody and lyrics, and the other is the creation of story content and images.

Their core content is still emotional issues. As long as the creative content can resonate with human emotions, it is a successful work.

If it is further sublimated, and the content is interpreted from a philosophical point of view to make the content more profound, then the created content will be more meaningful.

Whether it is emotion or philosophy, there are actually ready-made works and explanations. Although artificial intelligence cannot be original, it can be used and adapted, and there is no problem at all.

Even with the same philosophical thought or emotion, if you are not an expert in this field, you will not be able to see that the core connection between the two is actually very close.

It is quite remarkable that artificial intelligence can achieve this level, and the requirements for core originality should not be too high, which should be the work that humans should complete.

It's just that, will it reduce the number of related practitioners? Take music creation as an example, everyone still has a mouthful of food.

If artificial intelligence is involved, the volume alone can overwhelm human creations. Unless it is a work with obvious differences, it is difficult for ordinary works to distinguish them.

Ordinary people listen to music mainly based on whether it sounds good or not, and whether they can listen to it. As for the gap in it, ordinary people cannot hear it.

Under such circumstances, the income of music creators will drop sharply, and there will be fewer and fewer people engaged in music creation, which is very unfavorable to the development of music culture.

Don’t underestimate this point. Artificial intelligence does not have the ability to be original, at least the current level of artificial intelligence does not have such ability. If their living space is severely squeezed, it is tantamount to killing the potential of artificial intelligence.

This is true for other cultural products, whether it is film and television works or novels and written works. Artificial intelligence is completely fine for deconstructive creation, but it does not have the ability to truly create.

In this way, it seems that as long as the top cultural content creators are retained, it is enough, because the people who really have creative ability are these top talents, ordinary cultural creators, and the work they actually do is not much different from that of artificial intelligence.

But things can’t be looked at this way. If there are no huge ordinary creators, how can top genius creators be born? Only with a huge base can the number of geniuses be born.

This is the same as some "elites" who think that ordinary people are useless and that coming to the world is a waste of food.

How can top talents be born without a huge foundation of talents? This is also one of the fundamental reasons why Ye Zishu always believes that everyone has its own value.

His purpose of using artificial intelligence is to make more money and enable the business of his industries to continue to operate better, not to stifle the ability of human innovation.

If one ignores the future and only takes care of immediate interests, the future will eventually come to a dead end, and the more such artificial intelligence is used to its limit, the greater the harm it will cause.

Ye Zishu, who was sitting in his seat, was thinking quickly about how to solve this problem, and he couldn't continue to drag it down. Once the company saw the benefits, it would automatically ignore the dangers it faced.

Ye Zishu is aware of this danger because he does not completely position himself as a capitalist, but it is hard to say about the professional managers under him.

Many methods appeared in his mind in an instant, but the last method was the most feasible one, which was to share the benefits, and share part of the profits earned by the enterprise relying on artificial intelligence.

There are two ways to share. The first one is aimed at ordinary content creators, which has a certain nature of elimination, that is, to see the quality and popularity of their works.

The quality of works is evaluated from the value of their works. Such works are not necessarily popular in the market, but they have a very important reference for artificial intelligence.

For such works, content operation companies should give certain economic rewards based on the comprehensive score given by artificial intelligence, so that the creators of such content can have higher income.

If both quality and popularity can be achieved, then more benefits will be obtained. Not only can more benefits be obtained from consumers, but also more benefits can be shared from the interests of the platform.

Generally speaking, works with high popularity have a certain value. Although they are not completely absolute, they are still related to some extent.

The second is for creators with high originality. Such people are destined to create a limited amount of content, and it is impossible to guarantee high originality and mass production.

For such talents, the platform should give the highest economic and spiritual rewards, so that these people will not give up creation due to economic problems.

After thinking about this problem, Ye Zishu wrote down the content on his computer, and planned to use 10% of the company's income for the incentive plan.

The proportion of Gu Yi does not seem to be much, but it is actually very considerable. The economic value created by artificial intelligence is not comparable to that of human beings. This proportion is higher than the economic value of content created by all human beings.

As I said before, artificial intelligence can create hundreds of thousands of songs of acceptable quality in a day. Such a huge number may not be able to be created by all music creators in a year.

Even if the sales volume of each song is relatively low due to the large number, the total economic value is still very considerable.

Such an incentive plan is not only applicable to Shengshi Records, but also to all enterprises that benefit from artificial intelligence technology, such as Shengshi Film and Television Company and Kunpeng Information Technology Company.

As for whether there will be companies that earn money from this incentive plan, Ye Zishu doesn't care, as long as they have the ability to get benefits from this plan, they have achieved Ye Zishu's goal.

After reading the annual report of Shengshi Records, Ye Zishu saw the content of the annual report of Shengshi Advertising Company. Their business situation is still very good.

Last year, their total advertising revenue exceeded 100 billion yuan, and the annual growth rate was very high. After all, it has only been established for a few years, so it is not bad to have such an income.

But the specific details here are debatable, that is, among these profits, his subsidiaries contributed a lot, accounting for almost half of the proportion.

Almost all the advertising and publicity business of his entity industry is handed over to them, and they will find media platforms to cooperate with, and they will earn the price difference from it.

There are also some platforms that are their own, such as the offline advertising platform they are still investing in. Basically, except for the rental fee, the extra income falls into their own pockets.

Therefore, it is only natural that they can obtain more than 100 billion yuan in revenue. This is due to the fact that his entity companies do not need to use excessive advertising, and advertising is relatively restrained.

Shengshi Film and Television Company had a revenue of 300 billion yuan last year, and the main income came from the three animated films and two live-action films he provided.

The global box office of the five films has all broken through the 10 billion US dollars mark, which is much better than the results in the previous life. The main reason is that the reputation of Shengshi Film and Television Company has been established.

In the past few years, Shengshi Film and Television Company has been like a constant victor in the film and television industry. There is no major film that is not good to watch, which has led to a phenomenon of blind obedience among the audience.

Few people think about whether it is really good or not. As long as it is a work that Shengshi Film and Television Company has shown globally, everyone will not hesitate to buy movie tickets.

Although sometimes the content of the movie may not meet the tastes of certain audiences, it is still worth the money to buy movie tickets, and it will not make everyone feel cheated.

It is precisely because of the formation of such expectations that Shengshi Film and Television Company dare not take out movies for global screenings, because it is not easy to maintain such a reputation. Once it is destroyed, their myth of invincibility will be shattered.

Therefore, some of the films they produced were only screened on a small scale. When promoting them, they also deliberately distinguished them from the five films produced by Ye Zishu to weaken consumers' expectations.

Although such an approach seriously violates the principle of maximizing benefits, in the long run, they think it is worthwhile.

The quality of their own creations cannot be guaranteed to be very good, and the income is not stable, but the quality of the works produced by Ye Zishu is definitely not bad. Maintaining word of mouth is equivalent to maintaining their stable source of income.

The other half of the income comes from their film and television copyright income. This ratio is actually not high at present. Under normal circumstances, the copyright income is higher than the box office income.

But at present, their overall film and television content is still limited, and the period of copyright income is still short, which has not really reflected the value of publishing copyright, because copyright income is a long-term income.

Ye Shu took a quick look at these contents and did not pay much attention to them, but paid attention to their self-made film and television works. Last year, they invested in and personally filmed 20 live-action TV series.

I have gained a good reputation in China, but I didn't make much money. The main reason is that I have cultivated my own talents and gained a good reputation in the investment circle. These are the most important things.

At the same time, 5 animation series have been produced. Although the number of creations cannot be compared with Phoenix Special Effects, this is a good start for them.

They had almost no experience in animation creation before, and they created 5 animations last year. Regardless of the quality, their behavior is worthy of recognition.

Although the domestic cultural market is not very large, the competition is not fierce, mainly because the audience has no money to sell at high prices, but the demand is huge and not saturated.

Regardless of the quality of the content of their works, they can meet the audience and reduce domestic dependence on similar foreign works.


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