Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 472 The Prosperity Record Company on the Decline

Finally, there is the annual report of the Shengshi Cultural Group Company. Ye Zishu read it quickly, but he has not found how impressive their performance is yet.

At present, the blood supply enterprise of the entire group is Shengshi Film and Television Company, but Shengshi Records can be self-sufficient, and it is still unable to support the development of the entire group's industry.

Shengshi Records is currently relying on the old foundation he left behind. Although the new business is also actively developing, but if you want to see results, you can't see it now.

To be honest, seeing the struggling situation of Shengshi Records, Ye Zishu felt a little distressed, wishing to return to the arena and restore the situation that had gradually become lonely.

However, his time and energy are limited. Even if he still has a lot of goods in his belly, he can't do it himself. At least in his opinion, spending time on this aspect is already very low cost performance.

However, judging from their annual report, the decline is already obvious. Originally, most of the performance came from his music albums. Without his support, the music recording business would be much worse.

If it wasn't for giving them three Chinese albums and one English album last year, so that they wouldn't decline too quickly, otherwise the performance would be even worse, and it would be nice to say that they cut in half.

In fact, this year's performance is not very good. The annual gross profit has dropped from the previous 30 billion yuan to 25 billion yuan, and his music copyright income accounts for half of it.

But the good news is that their other businesses have grown slightly compared to before, so as not to cause a rapid decline in operating income due to the decline of the record business.

Last year, the gross profit was only 5 million yuan less than the previous year, but this year this figure may further decline, and it is already very good to be able to keep the gross profit at 20 billion yuan.

Seeing the performance of Shengshi Records, Ye Zishu sat at his desk and thought about it for a long time, and decided to help them, otherwise the future performance may become more and more ugly.

Although they have tried their best in variety shows and offline commercial performances, but the domestic economic situation is like this, and the people do not have much money in their pockets, so it is naturally difficult to make money.

The TV station can't offer too high a price, if the concert tickets are too expensive, there will be fewer audiences, and there will be too many shows, the fans can't bear it, and there is money in their pockets.

As for their international business, it has just started, and it will be difficult to achieve good results in three to five years, and it is not known whether the situation will develop as expected in three to five years.

Ye Zishu had considered developing a fully intelligent music production system before, using artificial intelligence to create music, but later postponed this matter due to time and energy constraints.

Now it seems that it is time to move forward, but with the current capabilities of artificial intelligence, it is very difficult to match the music created by top musicians.

It's not that it can't be done, but because it needs to use probability to count, create [-] songs, and there may be one or two high-quality songs in it. Compared with humans, the probability of producing high-quality songs is very low.

The only advantage is that the efficiency of artificial intelligence creation is very high. If you spare no effort in computing power, it is not difficult to create hundreds of thousands of songs a day.

However, in the songs created, the self-judgment quality of artificial intelligence is sometimes not very accurate. Although Ye Zishu has added a human emotion simulation system, it is not a real human being after all.

Some songs seem ordinary, but they can touch people's hearts. Sometimes simple notes can catalyze human emotions and arouse great resonance.

But now it is better to have something than nothing. The number of high-quality music works that appear every year is actually limited, and most of the works are still in the general category.

What's more, Ye Zishu can still improve further by using the knowledge he has learned, especially the human biology that he has learned during this period of time, which is of great help to this.

Although human biology is a pure science, it is actually deconstructing the essence of biology. Therefore, human biology will inevitably be studied in connection with some illusory factors such as human emotions, IQ, and soul.

Elementary biology only studies cell structure, organism operation logic, etc., while intermediate biology studies factors that cause the birth and change of biological emotions, differences in IQ, and other related issues.

Ye Zishu's current study of biology is between junior and intermediate biology, and some of the intermediate biological problems involved will help him study the relationship between cultural products such as music, film and television, and human emotions.

Gu Qiao's study during this time has achieved some results, which has a great effect on improving the human emotion module of artificial intelligence, but he has already written a version before, and he does not plan to upgrade immediately.

After all, he has too many tasks on hand now, and he feels that he can't finish it. Relatively speaking, upgrading the artificial intelligence emotion simulation module is not so important.

But seeing the annual report of Shengshi Records now, I realize that if I don't take action, it will be more and more difficult to maintain the current status and situation in China.

In particular, the cultural industry is not only a problem of the cultural industry itself, but also economic influence, international status, national self-confidence, etc., will affect the value of the cultural industry.

The high-tech industries he has established now have greatly improved national self-confidence, especially the computer industry of Qinglong Technology Company, which has had a huge impact.

Regardless of what Ye Shu thinks about the technical content of personal computers, in the eyes of ordinary people, computers are synonymous with high technology, and they are also honored to be the best in this field.

In fact, according to Ye Zishu, computers are not really high-tech, but the many industries and technologies involved in the Kirin Industrial Group are the real high-tech, and they can even be called black technology.

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu did not criticize their performance in the part of the annual report about Shengshi Records, except for the words "read".

In fact, they have worked very hard, but the environment is like this, not manpower can fight casually, not everyone has his ability, so he can't be too harsh on this.

What's more, the current situation is partly caused by the music platform of Kunpeng Information Technology Company. In order to promote the music platform, they have launched many preferential activities.

The foreign ones are better. After all, they have more money in their pockets. From the beginning, they are paid models. The preferential measures are just discounts. The record companies can still make some money.

If domestic companies want to promote music platforms, it is difficult to develop a paid model as soon as they come up, so it has always been a free model, and some costs are borne by Kunpeng Information Technology Company itself.

Because even if it is a free model, they still need to make a comprehensive evaluation based on the number of clicks and listening completion, and pay the record company a part of the fee. It is impossible to not pay at all, and the record company will definitely not agree.

It’s just that this fee is much less than the direct payment of users, because if it is too much, Kunpeng Information Technology Company will not be able to afford it, and the investment recovery cycle will be longer in the future.

At present, the number of computers in China is not very high, and the record companies have not been affected too much. It can only be said that they have been slightly affected, but this trend cannot be changed.

The use of artificial intelligence, in fact, cannot change the domestic situation in the short term. People have no money to spend on cultural products, and even the best technology is useless.

The reason why he wants to come up with an artificial intelligence music creation system is to let Shengshi Culture Company earn money from overseas users, so that it can make up for the losses in the domestic market.

The songs created by artificial intelligence are not only large in volume, but also very low in cost. It is nothing more than consuming some electricity bills. Even if the unit price on the music platform is very low, there is still a lot of profit margin.

Moreover, doing so can also speed up the involution of international music companies, allowing Kunpeng Information Technology Company to take advantage of it, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

At present, although International Records has cooperated with Kunpeng Information Technology Company, the songs they produce are all old songs in the inventory, and the latest songs will not be released on their music platform.

This has seriously limited the influence of their music platform. If other giants see that it is profitable, they are likely to come in to take a share, so the crisis is even greater.

Although the intelligent music production system developed before has played a certain role in the music platform of Kunpeng Information Technology Company, it is not as big as Ye Zishu imagined.

It is a bit difficult to use this system to keep their music platform in a long-term advantage. After some analysis, no matter how you look at it, a music system completely created by artificial intelligence is very necessary.

Ye Zishu didn't plan to delay it for a long time, and planned to settle the matter during the Spring Festival. He couldn't go home and just eat and drink for the New Year. He still had to continue working.


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