Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 474 A Fairer Assessment and Reward System

Under normal circumstances, the quality and speed of the development of a country's cultural industry are closely related to its economy. In countries with strong economic strength, the cultural industry generally has certain strength and influence.

The strength and influence of many industries of the Shengshi Cultural Group Company far exceed the economic level, and it is mainly due to Ye Zishu's credit that they have forcibly made their development trajectory out of the constraints of the economic foundation.

The main reason is that many of their industries have broken away from the restrictions of the domestic market and have a certain degree of globalization capabilities. This is the fundamental reason.

Like Shengshi Records, the degree of internationalization is not very high, so it is difficult for them to develop to the current scale. If they do not speed up the pace of internationalization, they can only develop slowly, and they will not develop rapidly until the domestic economy is up. possible.

The income of Shengshi Advertising Company is actually not that big compared to many international advertising giants. The main reason is that it relies heavily on the domestic market and has a low level of internationalization.

In stark contrast to them is Shengshi Film and Television Company. With a limited number of films each year, it has created huge economic benefits, and it is thriving in front of all domestic film and television companies.

There is also Shengshi Toys Company, whose development speed is not bad either. Last year's revenue exceeded 100 billion yuan, which is comparable to that of Shengshi Advertising Company.

There are several reasons for such a good result: The first one is that Shengshi Film and Television Company's movies are powerful, and they have obtained the exclusive authorization of the toy copyright.

The popularity of these movies in the global market will inevitably lead to the consumption of related cultural products, among which the consumption of toys is the bulk.

In particular, the three animation films of Shengshi Film and Television Company are very attractive to both children and adults. Buying related toy products has become one of the consumption choices of many people.

The second reason is that the toy image they created independently has achieved certain results. Although there is still a certain gap compared with established toy companies, the market performance is far better than expected.

Out of the 100 billion yuan in revenue, their independently designed toy images have actually earned 30 billion yuan in revenue in the global market, which is already remarkable for a toy company that has only been established for a few years.

The third reason is that the brand awareness is gradually increasing, which is also very important to them, and this brand awareness mainly comes from the above two reasons.

It has been the exclusive toy licensing company of Shengshi Film and Television Company for many years in a row, and the frequency of meeting with toy consumers is very high, so that quite a few people know the brand logo of Shengshi Toy Company.

In addition, the toys designed by ourselves have certain creativity and have achieved good market performance, which further increases the recognition of toy consumers for their brands.

In addition, they have high requirements for the quality of toys. They are in line with the international toy giants. The raw materials for toy production are very sophisticated, and the workmanship is also exquisite, which has won the trust of many consumers.

The direct result of the increase in brand awareness is that the market performance of the ordinary toys they designed is much better than before. Although the price of such toys is not particularly high, the quantity is huge and the total income is not low.

However, Ye Zishu pays little attention to this company. In Shengshi Cultural Group, it is a relatively marginal industry. Apart from relying on the group's inherent resources, everything else is developed by themselves.

Now their revenue has jumped to the second place among many subsidiaries of the group, and their right to speak should be much stronger than before, and they finally got rid of the previous state of obscurity.

If you want to have the right to speak in the group, you mainly look at two points. The first point is irreplaceability. This type of industry may not be large in scale, but it belongs to the foundation of the entire industrial chain and is indispensable.

For this kind of industry, we can't just rely on the economic scale to evaluate it. Even if it loses money year after year, the group will provide financial support so that they have more money for R&D investment.

The second point is the economic value created. This point is very intuitive, and it is also an important measure to encourage the development of various subsidiaries within the group. If there is no competitiveness index, there will be no motivation to develop.

That is, at the group leadership meeting, seats are arranged according to the economic benefits of the industry they are responsible for. If you are a person who has no desires and desires, you may not care about it.

But those who can enter the senior management, there is no one who has no desires, otherwise they will not work so hard in the study stage, so this ranking and the right to speak are very important to them.

In addition, the annual reward is also linked to this. Unless there is a special reason, generally speaking, the better the performance, the richer the reward, which is also the main source of income for the management.

Their salaries are not high compared to the scale of the industry. For example, Pei Qing of Taiji Group earns only 200 million yuan per year, and the annual salary of other group presidents is generally only 100 million yuan.

Many groups have achieved good business performance this year. As the president of the group, the annual salary will be adjusted to 200 million yuan. It is impossible to adjust the annual salary to tens of millions of yuan at once.

This level of annual salary is not low in China. Compared with the salary of group employees, it is even more exaggerated, but compared with international companies of the same level, it is nothing at all.

There is an important reason for this, that is, the development of these enterprises mainly relies on the technical strength of Ye Zishu. Without this, professional managers like them would not be able to perform so well.

In other words, although part of the credit for the rapid development of the group belongs to them, it is a bit exaggerated to attribute most of the credit to them.

It is precisely because of this that these professional managers have no opinion on this annual salary standard, and their greater source of income is business development incentives.

In the past, rewards were formulated mainly based on the company's income. Now after the intelligent management system is launched, there will be comprehensive evaluation indicators for the management, combined with the company's operating conditions, and will be recalculated every year.

The purpose of this is to prevent professional managers in the past from desperately squeezing the potential of the company in order to get more rewards, so that the company with a longer lifespan will fall into a recession in a short period of time, or even go bankrupt directly.

There are many examples of this kind of malpractice, such as Enron Corporation, the management of this Fortune 500 company did not consider whether the company itself could continue to operate for its own benefit.

Anyway, the presence or absence of the company has nothing to do with them. At that time, they had already patted their buttocks and left with the profits.

This is why among the longest-running companies in the world, family businesses account for the highest proportion, because family business operations are very concerned about sustainability and will not be exhausted.

It is not so easy for their management to get bonuses. It does not mean that they will be able to get generous bonuses if the company makes money, but it depends on how much they contribute.

In the past, it was difficult to clarify this point, because a lot of work could not be quantified, and even if quantified, it was not necessarily accurate, which greatly hindered the assessment.

Now that management informatization and intelligence are fully implemented, many tasks can be quantified relatively accurately, especially Yeshu also provides a special mathematical formula for evaluating their work effectiveness.

Almost all the content involved in business management is included in the parameters of the mathematical formula. Although it may not be completely accurate, the truthfulness of reflecting the reality can at least reach more than 95%.

For example, the revenue and net profit of Xuanwu Technology Company cannot keep up with Qinglong Technology Company, but the management team represented by Wu Chaoqiang received much higher bonuses than Qinglong Technology Company.

Because the current achievements of Qinglong Technology Company are not due to how good the management is, but because of the blessing of Ye Zishu's technology and the R&D personnel's non-stop research and development.

Moreover, the number of employees in their company is relatively small, and the employees are basically highly educated talents. The difficulty of management is several grades worse than that of Xuanwu Technology Company.

In contrast, the management of Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. can bring the company to the current state, which can better reflect their management ability and hard work.

They deserve higher rewards, because some achievements are formed by natural conditions and cannot reflect the real ability and dedication of the management.

This is very important. If a company is in the fast lane of industry development, even if a pig sits in that position, it can achieve good results.

He doesn't care how other people do the assessment, but he thinks that in such a situation, rewards that do not conform to the actual situation should not be given, which will encourage unhealthy tendencies and fail to reflect the principle of fairness.

If he owns only one company, it is not a big problem to judge it completely according to its performance. After all, there is no harm if there is no comparison.

There are so many companies under his umbrella, covering such a wide range of fields, and the achievements of various industries are caused by many reasons. The revenue and net profit alone cannot reflect the real situation of business operations.

If only relying on the company's revenue, it will make many business leaders in unfavorable industries feel unfair. They have paid so much for the company, but because of the industry, their income is so low.

In this case, these capable managers may consider changing jobs, which is not conducive to maintaining the stability of the industry, and will also lead to lower and lower quality management of companies in relatively disadvantaged industries.

The result is that companies in difficult industries have become more and more difficult to maintain because of the continuous decline in the quality of management, let alone salted fish turning over.

His separation from the industry background, emphasizing the management ability of the management itself, and taking into account the achievement of the company's achievements are the most fair among the many assessment programs.

Moreover, the assessment involves almost all aspects of the entire business operation, rather than the performance of a few parameters, which makes it difficult for the management of the enterprise to cheat, and it is also difficult to rely on one or two indicators to improve the assessment and evaluation.

Ye Zishu always believes that the reason why a company can always be strong is that it must perform well in all aspects. It is difficult to persist in a long-term marathon by relying on one or two indicators of excellent performance.

In addition, the data cannot be artificially modified, and the whole process is handed over to artificial intelligence to process, there will be no artificial modification of data in the middle, and the authenticity of the assessment data can be guaranteed.

Although such an assessment method may make some management critics, because the industry they manage will inevitably develop rapidly in the future, because they are standing on the cusp.

Some managements in relatively disadvantaged industries feel relieved, as long as they work diligently to manage their business well, the rewards they get may not necessarily be poor.

No matter what they think, they still agreed to pass the new assessment plan, otherwise there may be a situation of "pirates splitting the money", and it will be a complete waste.

When the time comes, those who express different opinions will not only lose face, but may lose their face. They are still very clear about this.

The most important thing for senior managers is enterprise management skills. Everyone has this. If you disagree, then everyone should change positions. It’s not that other people can’t control your business.

If it is a scientific research work, it is very professional and it is difficult to cross majors. However, the basic skills of the management are the same, so there is no problem of crossing majors. At most, it is necessary to adapt to the industry situation in the early stage.

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