Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 419 "Galaxy 1" and "Tianlong 1"

Once the weather in the south passes through October, it gradually cools down. In this year, you can still clearly feel the breath of autumn, especially the maple trees with gradually yellowing leaves on the roadside, which seem to remind people to get ready.

Ye Zishu sat in front of the window sill, looking at the folks outside who were busy harvesting the rice that had turned yellow in autumn. The weather in autumn was not particularly hot, and it was much better than summer harvest.

Also on October 10, Qinglong Technology Company finally assembled the first intelligent supercomputer based on the technical information he gave, named Yinhe No. 1 supercomputer.

The entire supercomputer uses 10 smart chips, and its computing speed reaches 12 trillion floating-point operations per second. In fact, running smart programs will have a higher improvement.

Regarding the intelligent supercomputer, Qinglong Technology Company did not conduct any publicity, because the outside world's awareness of intelligent supercomputers is not high, and the publicity is just playing the piano.

Moreover, Ye Zishu and his companies have no plans to popularize science. It is fine for internal use, and there is no need to publicize it everywhere, so they are cold-treated.

This intelligent supercomputer is placed in the headquarters of Phoenix Software Company, and its performance far exceeds the current actual needs. This intelligent supercomputer is for his own use.

Through this intelligent supercomputer, he can manage the artificial intelligence on other intelligent supercomputers, and he can also do some research on this machine.

For the remaining 10 software centers, the number of chips of intelligent supercomputers has been directly reduced to 2, and the calculation speed has still reached 2.4 billion operations, which still beats all current supercomputers.

The intelligent supercomputer here has just been built, and Ye Zishu connects to it through the network, and installs the artificial intelligence program that has been prepared long ago.

The use of back-end artificial intelligence does not require the use of a special operating system. The artificial intelligence is installed on the hardware, which reduces the intermediate conversion process and makes the operation more efficient.

In addition, there is no conventional operating system, and most people can't understand what's inside, and the secrecy is very good. At least for now, except for himself, other people don't understand the back-end artificial intelligence.

After the artificial intelligence is installed, many tasks of Ye Zishu will be much easier to do, such as the intelligent medical system and intelligent medical research and development system that Taiji Group promised to build, can be built.

If someone else uses artificial intelligence, it needs a lot of data to cultivate, but he really doesn't need it, because he can formulate almost perfect rules, so that artificial intelligence can do certain aspects of work with almost no data training.

It only took Yeshu 5 days here to make artificial intelligence programming a reality, and the efficiency was thousands of times higher than his previous programming.

No matter how good he is in the past, he still needs to type character by character when programming. This link cannot be avoided, and time cannot be saved.

Now using artificial intelligence to program, such work can be almost ignored. He only needs to design the architecture and functions of the software system, and he hardly needs to worry about it later.

This still occupies a very small part of the resources of the intelligent supercomputer, which is less than one ten-millionth of the overall computing power, otherwise the speed will be faster, but it is completely unnecessary.

He used the summary file generated by artificial intelligence, and then designed a more powerful programming tool based on the front-end artificial intelligence components.

Although it cannot achieve the ability of fully automatic programming, the efficiency is 100 times higher than that of the previous intelligent programming tools, and programmers only need to do limited coding.

Compared with ordinary programming tools outside, the efficiency of the new version of intelligent programming tools has been increased by 1000 times, which is very important for Phoenix Technology, which has not yet abundant human resources.

They have a lot of plans, but due to lack of human resources, they can't do it if they want to, so they can only list it in the task list and develop it in the future.

With this programming artifact, their development speed must be faster, and the intelligent programming tool used before can be used by the staff of overseas subsidiaries.

The 10-fold increase in efficiency can enable overseas employees to create more value, but it is not particularly exaggerated, at least in the eyes of many people, it is acceptable.

After all, as the world's leading software company, it is not strange to have its own unique technology, and with this level of intelligent programming software, Phoenix Technology is not afraid of being stolen.

Not to mention whether they can do this, but they did, and the losses caused are within the acceptable range of Phoenix Technology Company, after all, they have more powerful artifacts in their hands.

The intelligent medical system is not a complete software system, but a framework system. To make this system effective, it needs to combine many medical hardware devices.

The purpose of the intelligent medical system is to integrate the data collected by various medical equipment, conduct intelligent analysis of the condition, and make relevant suggestions.

Generally speaking, the more detailed the examination data, the more accurate the diagnosis result and the more feasible the treatment plan given. Therefore, in order for this system to exert its power, it needs the support of many advanced medical diagnostic equipment.

And if he wanted to reduce the burden on the common people, he had to reduce the cost of using these medical diagnostic equipment, otherwise he doubted whether it was worth the cost of a checkup like in his previous life.

The intelligent medical diagnosis system is only a part of the intelligent medical system. Taiji Group can integrate all its medical resources so that they can know the medical system well.

The reason for emphasizing this point is that due to the particularity of the medical system, it is impossible to prevent medical corruption by relying on simple rules and regulations and human supervision.

If there are only one or two medical institutions under the Taiji Group, there is no need to do this, but if there are thousands of medical institutions, it is not an easy task to manage them well.

This makes the smart medical system particularly important. Although it cannot solve all problems, it can prevent medical corruption to a certain extent.

The architectural design and functional design of this system took him three days, but the programming took only a few hours to complete.

Ye Zishu did a detailed inspection of the completed intelligent medical system. Although some writing styles are different from his own habits, there are no problems, and the entire system is completely qualified.

As for the use of programs for system detection, it is completely unnecessary. Artificial intelligence automatic programming is fine, and automatic detection is even easier.

Currently, the intelligent medical system can only be temporarily deployed on his intelligent supercomputer. After the deployment of Taiji Group's own intelligent supercomputer is completed, it can be migrated there.

What Taiji Group can do now is to add data to this system, making the original clean intelligent medical system more intelligent and more accurate in diagnosis.

Compared with the intelligent medical system, the intelligent medical research and development system is much more complicated. It is not that the procedure is complicated, but that it needs to sort out a lot of medical theoretical knowledge and human biological knowledge.

With these theoretical knowledge as the basis, artificial intelligence can have a clear "understanding" of pharmaceutical research and development and medical technology research and development, thus playing the role of assisting research and development personnel.

This is not a short-term task, and he didn't intend to complete the research and development at once, but planned to take it slowly, as he used it to improve slowly when he changed his mind after other work.

The conventional supercomputer of Qinglong Technology Company is almost built simultaneously with the intelligent supercomputer. The conventional performance indicators between the two are similar, but there is a difference in the operating efficiency of intelligent programs.

Regarding conventional supercomputers, Qinglong Technology Company has no intention of concealing it, and directly issued an announcement, saying that it has broken through the limit of supercomputers, and can achieve a maximum of 2.4 billion times.

At present, the fastest supercomputer has a calculation speed of only 1tflops, which is 1 trillion floating-point operations per second. The speed of Qinglong Technology's supercomputer is 2.4 times that of theirs.

According to the development speed of the supercomputer in the previous life, it will be increased by 1000 times every ten years, which means that the computing speed of the supercomputer of Qinglong Technology Company has reached the level that was only possible in 2013 in the previous life.

To be able to do this, in addition to making a lot of breakthroughs in the chip manufacturing process, the most important thing is the architecture of the supercomputer chip he provided, which greatly improved the performance of the chip.

The technical level of supercomputers reflects the strength of a country's scientific research and technology. At least with faster supercomputers, the development of scientific research, industry and people's livelihood is much faster.

As soon as this news came out, it can be said that it shocked the world. The storm that Qinglong Technology Company caused in the field of personal computers and game consoles before is no longer a big deal.

Because the appearance of their supercomputer marks that our country's technological level in the computer field is far ahead of all countries in the world, and we can't even see our backs.

It also makes Qinglong Technology Company, which has already gained a reputation, become a veritable top computer giant in the world, and it is also a super giant with diversified development.

In order to promote the development of various fields in the country, Qinglong Technology Company did not ask for prices because of the advanced nature far beyond the times, and the price of bare metal is set at 10 billion yuan per unit.

This price is still much more expensive than the supercomputers of other enterprises, such as the "Dawn No. 6.4", which is also just developed, with a peak fixed-point speed of [-] million times per second.

It was precisely because of the breakthrough of "Dawn No. 10" that foreign countries began to lift the embargo on supercomputers with a speed of [-] billion operations in my country.

The emergence of the "Tianlong No. [-]" supercomputer of Qinglong Technology Company, in turn, is my country's embargo on supercomputers from other countries.

Ye Zishu, who was far away in the country, couldn't clearly feel the various turmoil caused by this news, but he could also imagine that the international community must be very lively.

However, although this price is not very high in the eyes of Ye Shu, it is still expensive in China, and only national units can afford it, and it is not an ordinary national unit.

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