Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 418 Once the platform is established, it depends on whether the content can keep up

It is too difficult for Ye Zishu to enter the field of traditional media. At most, Shengshi Culture Company only runs newspapers and magazines, and TV media do not even think about it.

As for foreign countries, although running newspapers and magazines is free, they will actually be subject to many restrictions, unless he chooses to immigrate, which is obviously not his wish.

As for the TV media, it is even more difficult. Even if he has the money to buy these media, their national government may intervene.

Every country attaches great importance to the media, and they definitely don't like their mouthpiece being in the hands of others. No matter how rich he is, he can't do anything about it.

The only breakthrough is the Internet. He hopes to create a super news platform and a streaming media platform to realize his dream of a media empire in disguise.

How much money he makes is not what he particularly cares about, but he needs his own voice channel. Although such channels are not commonly used, they are very useful at critical moments.

The platform jointly built by Qinglong Technology Company and Phoenix Technology Company has great competitive advantages, making it possible for his idea to be realized.

Shengshi Culture Company is to provide a steady stream of content for this platform, and now they are also actively investing in the development of the global film and television media industry, hoping to make some achievements.

In addition, Phoenix Technology also has some media resources of its own, and can cooperate with Shengshi Culture Company to make the news platform and streaming media platform bigger and stronger.

According to Ye Zishu's thinking, he can refrain from doing bad things. This is a matter of his personal morality and conscience.

Especially if he likes to eat alone, there will definitely be many enemies. After their personal computers came out, they offended the global computer brand merchants and the semiconductor companies behind them.

Now that their music players and game console products are released, they will sweep the global market again, causing huge losses to companies in this area, and offending quite a few people.

The rise of his industries all came about by stepping on the corpses of his competitors. By then, not to mention all the enemies, the number of them would certainly not be small.

It's the early days, and competitors are still thinking about how to get back technically, so they haven't taken drastic actions yet, but the future is not certain.

When they found that no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't compete with his industry in terms of technology. In the process, they would slowly lose blood, and it was not impossible for them to jump over the wall in a hurry.

It's just that at that time, ordinary boycott methods were of little use. In the process of competition, the market share of his industries must be very high, the technology is advanced, and some products are even irreplaceable.

In addition, it is a development model of the whole industry chain, direct prohibition means offending the people, because they will not be able to obtain the goods they want.

If it is prohibited by using technology, it cannot be prevented, because his whole industry chain development model is to prevent this, and can build its own industry into an indestructible one.

This kind of extraterrestrial trick is useless, so there is only incompetent rage left, which is a verbal fight. Although it seems that it will not cause substantial harm to him, it is not.

It may not be a big problem to talk about it once or twice, but if you say it every day, even if it is illogical, it will gradually be regarded as the truth, and it will affect the thinking of a considerable number of people.

At this time, he needs to take countermeasures, and he doesn't even need to end the game himself. As long as the interests of the platform are properly tilted, many self-media can help defend his industry.

To put it bluntly, "The media is a dog raised by capital." As someone who has experienced it, I have a deep understanding of these. Although there are individuals who stick to principles, this is the case as a whole.

In this way, Phoenix Technology's products have occupied the platforms of personal computers, games, TVs and future mobile phones.

This full-platform development model can not only control rich media resources, but also means that it can obtain huge benefits.

The game content industry is not only a technology industry, but also a creative industry. If you want this industry to develop rapidly, it is not a good practice to close it.

Seagull Interactive Entertainment is planning to open the game engine platform to the outside world, although it is incomparable with the intelligent game engine platform they use internally.

However, compared with the outside technology, it is still at the sling level, and there is no significant gap in the performance of the game produced, mainly due to the gap in efficiency.

Gu Haiou Interactive Entertainment understands that no matter how many employees they recruit, they still cannot gain an absolute advantage over global game production companies.

Therefore, efficiency is particularly important. At present, their intelligent engine is 10 times more efficient than ordinary engines, which is already an exaggeration. Otherwise, they would not be able to make so many games in such a short period of time.

In fact, in the field of games, he doesn't have to worry too much about production efficiency. The big deal is to recruit more people. It's just the lack of game creative talents that is what he is more worried about.

At present, most of the game ideas of Seagull Interactive Entertainment Company are provided by him, and he uses the good game ideas and solutions from his previous life.

There are hundreds of pieces and pieces, some can be made into a series of games, and some can be derived from existing gameplays to create new gameplays.

It's just that hundreds of kinds seem like a lot, and it's not worth mentioning to the entire game market. It's just that Ye Zishu can't devote too much energy to games.

Moreover, his creativity is not unlimited. If he wants to develop sustainably and healthily, he still needs more creative talents to participate and jointly promote the development of the game industry.

It is difficult for excellent game creative talents to learn from the scriptures, which made Sea-Oll Interactive Entertainment a little bit blind.

Like developers and artists, they can go through systematic training, and after reaching a certain standard, they can start working immediately.

But even so, Seagull Interactive Entertainment is still working hard to cultivate its own game planning and creative talents, hoping that the big waves will wash away the sand and leave real gold.

Based on the creative planning of hundreds of games provided by Ye Zishu, they summarized and refined, and formulated their own game production teaching materials, which is of great significance for a systematic understanding of game production.

Through the systematic study of game production, as well as various game classifications and gameplay, as well as the purpose behind doing so, the basic knowledge of game production talents can be very solid.

As for newer ideas, it depends on God's will. At least the talents cultivated in this way can reach above the baseline and cannot make amazing games, but there is still no problem in making ordinary games.

No matter how bad it is, it is always possible to do the work of copying and changing skins. The reason why Ye Zishu took out hundreds of game ideas and plans is for this purpose.

Copying the ideas of other game companies may be gossiped by others, but copying the game ideas of your own company is impossible for others to gossip.

What's more, everyone is copying each other. It is too difficult to make a game of independent innovation. It is already good to be able to make some innovations on the basis of others.

Sea-gull Interactive Entertainment is planning to release the ordinary game engine to the public by the end of this year, allowing companies from all over the world who are interested in making games on the Phoenix operating system platform to join in.

In order to promote their engine platform and game platform, so that more talents can join in, the use of non-commercial activities is completely free, and individuals can use it for learning.

For commercial users, the fee is charged according to the proportion of the total income. This total income is before being shared with the game platform, because the game platform may share 50%.

The highest charging ratio is 5%, which means that game companies using this game engine platform have to pay up to 10% of the revenue they share with the game platform to Sea-Gull Interactive Entertainment.

This may seem like a lot, but it is actually very cost-effective. On the one hand, using a game engine can lower the entry threshold for games. This is very important. Not all companies have excellent game development capabilities.

On the other hand, this is to reduce the size of the game company's staff, because the game engine can greatly improve their development efficiency, and the remaining money is enough to pay the fees charged.

After reading these data, Ye Zishu is very satisfied. Although most of these data are forecast data, there may be some discrepancies with the actual situation, but it should not be very big.

In terms of hardware technology, they have indeed achieved a crushing effect. The only thing that worries him is the lack of content, which is likely to affect their sustainable development.

The only thing he can do now is to provide technical support on artificial intelligence to increase the strength in the content field. As for how much they can do, it depends on themselves.

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