Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 420 The satellite seems to be an unavoidable hurdle

At first, Ye Zishu thought that such an expensive supercomputer would not be easy to sell. After all, it was dozens of times more expensive than existing supercomputers.

But what I didn't expect was that not long after the news was announced, two orders were obtained, one was ordered by the National Meteorological Administration, and the other was ordered by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

In the information released by Qinglong Technology Company, it did not say that their supercomputer architecture can continue to expand computing power, because that is too exaggerated.

Even now, the speed of 2.4 billion floating-point calculations per second is already exaggerated, and the current performance configuration takes into account the needs of both computing power and energy saving, and achieves a relative balance.

With the emergence of these two supercomputer orders, Phoenix Technology has also received two custom software research and development orders, but they still need to make great efforts to make them.

The order from the Chinese Academy of Sciences is better, mainly focusing on the field of scientific research. In this regard, Phoenix Technology has a certain amount of accumulation, and it does not belong to starting from scratch.

However, the weather software system has not been researched by Phoenix Technology before, and it starts from scratch. It is not easy to do well in this area.

It would be a bit embarrassing for them to take over the task, but no one else did it well, so Phoenix Technology asked Ye Zishu.

It is hoped that Leaf Book can provide support for architecture design and algorithm support for meteorological data prediction, and cooperate with artificial intelligence technology to complement each other.

In fact, Qinglong Technology Company also promoted its own intelligent supercomputer, but because it was more expensive and it was unclear how much performance improvement it could achieve, it did not sell it.

Moreover, scientific computing is not simply repeated calculations, it is more logical, and the performance of intelligent supercomputing cannot be fully utilized, which is also one of the important reasons.

When Ye Zishu received this task, he was scratching his head. He had never studied weather-related knowledge, let alone high-level algorithms related to weather.

When he got the task, he could only scramble temporarily, mainly because he attached great importance to it, and weather forecasting is very important to the national economy and people's livelihood.

The economic losses caused by meteorological disasters every year are not small, and they are also accompanied by a large number of human losses. If the weather forecast is more accurate, many things can be avoided.

So one more task was added to his tasks. If he wants to learn meteorological knowledge, it cannot be completed in a day or two, and there is no ready-made system for him to copy.

Therefore, he first designed the architecture and functions of the meteorological software system. After completing this work, he directly handed it over to Phoenix Software Company.

Let them prepare the framework of the software system in advance according to these designs, and after he has researched many algorithms on his side, he can directly set the algorithms in.

In fact, supercomputers alone are not enough, and more advanced weather satellites are also needed to assist, so that more accurate data can be achieved, and the results obtained will naturally be more accurate.

This has turned to the research and development of satellites. It seems that if you want to make more advanced scientific research products, satellites are an unavoidable link. Ye Zishu is a little scratching his head about this.

He also doesn't know whether the country will allow private companies to conduct satellite research, but no matter whether it is possible or not, he has to try it, and there is no loss anyway.

Compared with the research and development of weapons and missiles, satellite research and development is relatively less sensitive. In his opinion, there is really no need for restrictions.

In addition, Qinglong Technology Company has just completed major scientific research achievements, which shows that private enterprises are becoming more and more capable in top scientific research fields, and will make the country realize that private enterprises can play a more important role in major scientific research fields.

So he asked the administrative staff of Phoenix Technology Company to help him apply for a new company called Baihu Technology Company, whose current main business is satellite research and development.

As for the future, he certainly hopes to carry out research and development in the field of military industry, but the field of military industry cannot be rushed, so take one step at a time.

In his hometown, his work and rest time gradually returned to normal. He worked 12 hours during the day, leaving 10 hours for himself to sleep, and the remaining 2 hours for eating and doing other chores.

The reason for doing this is that with the needs of the company's business development, more and more knowledge has exceeded his previous accumulation and needs to be relearned.

Previously, the main task was to learn medical knowledge, which is very important for the development of the Taiji Group's business. If they rely on their own development, I don't know how long it will take to reach the top level in the field of medicine and medical treatment.

Then there is the learning of more advanced software and mathematical knowledge. If you want to develop more advanced artificial intelligence technology, this is not a particularly urgent matter. It belongs to the content of leisure time learning and is used to change your mind.

Now there is more learning about meteorological knowledge, and it is completely from scratch, but scientific research is inseparable from the support of mathematics.

Before that, his accumulation of knowledge in mathematics was not bad. It can even be said that he has relevant solutions and proofs for many unsolved mathematical problems in the world, but there is no need to publish them in papers.

Anyway, he is now used to playing stand-alone and doing his own things. As for the scientific and academic circles, he is not willing to participate, at least he is not in the mood at present.

In this way, the time quietly came to November, and it was almost the end of the new year. Ye Zishu felt that it would be inappropriate to stay in his hometown any longer.

So he decided to return to work. During lunch, Ye Zishu said to his parents: "I have been in my hometown for a while, and I plan to return to the company the day after tomorrow."

Hearing his words, his father said, "You should have gone back to take a look a long time ago. How can you start a company like you? I'm not afraid that others will empty the company out."

"Don't listen to your father talking nonsense, you haven't been working at home for a long time every day." Mother said.

"The end of the year is coming soon, and there are many things that I need to check. During this period of time, I have almost rested at home. If I don't move, I will probably be even less willing to go out. The food cooked by Mom is delicious." Ye Zishu said with a smile .

"Just make me happy. I know how good I am at cooking, but will you come back after Chinese New Year when you go out this time?" Mother asked.

This stumped him. At present, there are not many things that require him to stay outside for the New Year. Before, he was unable to work because he went home for the New Year. Now it seems that going home does not delay his work.

It's just that after returning home, it's inevitable to be greeted and sent, which will take up a lot of his time, and it can even be said to take up a large part of his time.

It's better if he didn't go home for the New Year. As long as he comes back for the New Year, all the relatives and elders in the family will visit. If he doesn't visit, it will be impolite and make his parents lose face.

"It's not clear at the moment. If there is no major event, you should come back for the New Year. If there is a temporary event, you may not be able to come back." Ye Zishu said.

Hearing what he said, my mother said: "I don't know about your affairs outside, so I don't want to say much, but I just hope you don't stay home all year round."

After hearing this, the father said, "It's fine for us to take care of ourselves. It's fine for them to know how to do their own affairs. We don't want them to worry."

Mother still doesn't know how much wealth he has in his hands, but father still knows, although the number reported at the beginning has shrunk severely.

But my father knew very well that to have so much wealth, there must be a matching industry. There must be a lot of employees surrounding this industry, and there must be a lot of things.

To be honest, he has been back to rest for more than two months. Although he works every day, he doesn't have many phone calls, which makes his father wonder how he earned such a large family fortune.

If he hadn't never lied, his father would have wondered if he was bragging. If he could make so much money like him, it would feel a little unreasonable.

"Are you going to go straight back to the capital?" Father asked.

"This time I won't go back to the capital directly. I will go to Wuhu first. There I have a company that produces motorcycles and batteries. This time I went because they are going to develop and produce cars next."

Before Ye Zishu finished speaking, his father asked in surprise, "Can you still produce motorcycles and cars?"

My father doesn't understand the technical difficulty of computers, so he is not very surprised, but he has some knowledge of motorcycles and cars, and thinks that these things are not easy to do.

Hearing his father's words, Ye Zishu said with a smile: "Do you think that I can make so much money just by opening an ordinary factory? How can I make more money if there is nothing difficult?"

It seems to be the reason. After hearing this, my father stopped talking. He really doesn't have much say in making money. If you want to blame it, you can blame the world for changing too fast.

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