Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 411 In the future, instead of farming land, you will grow solar energy?

If this technology is not available now, it will still be available in the future, because in order to improve energy efficiency, direct conversion of heat and electricity technology is essential.

It's just because the heating of ordinary materials only accelerates the disordered movement of atoms, and cannot make the electrons in the surrounding atomic nuclei move regularly, thereby realizing a potential difference and forming an electric current.

The reason why a single-layer molecular material is made is because it is easier to form a voltage with the single-layer molecular material before and after the single-layer molecular material, so that electrons can break away from the single-layer molecule and form a current.

The principle is actually similar to the pn junction of semiconductors, except that the materials on both sides of the general pn junction are relatively thick, and the weak voltage formed pushes the electrons to move a limited distance, and there is no voltage.

The thermoelectric conversion device produced in this way is not efficient. It is better to directly convert thermal energy into mechanical energy, and then convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Therefore, the key lies in the large-scale low-cost production of large-area single-layer molecular structure technology. With this technology, the field of materials will undergo earth-shaking changes.

For example, graphene materials no longer need to be slowly peeled off from graphite, and directly synthesize large-area single-layer graphene, and the cost will be greatly reduced.

His layout in the energy field mainly has two directions. The first is solar power generation. After all, solar energy is a real clean energy source and an inexhaustible source of energy for the earth.

The second is controllable nuclear fusion, but it is still difficult for him to enter this field. He needs to wait for the policy to be more open before he may have the opportunity to enter this industry.

So there are not many choices before him, and the disadvantages of solar power generation are also obvious, that is, there is a huge gap in the time of power generation.

If it can generate electricity during the day, it will completely stop at night, but the national electricity consumption does not distinguish between day and night, so it is necessary to store the electricity generated during the day and use it at night.

Regarding the issue of solar power generation and energy storage, it has always been a problem that plagues solar power generation, and it is also an important reason why solar power generation has not been able to occupy mainstream power generation.

It cannot solve the problem of solar power generation and energy storage. Solar power generation can only be used as a supplement to other stable power generation methods forever, and will not occupy the mainstream.

Battery energy storage is convenient, but the cost of energy storage is too high, which raises the cost of solar power generation. Compared with other power generation methods, it is not much cheaper.

As for potential energy storage, that is, to use electric energy to transport water to a higher location, and then generate hydropower at night, there are still many restrictions on energy storage in this way, and special geographical location is required.

As for other physical energy storage methods such as flywheel energy storage, although it is a solution, they all face more or less problems and cannot solve the problem once and for all.

The method he thought of was chemical energy storage, using technology to artificially synthesize substances with very high chemical energy such as natural gas, gasoline, and diesel.

At night, the thermal power station can directly burn these chemicals to generate electricity, which can solve the problem of huge time gaps in solar power generation.

It’s just that the traditional thermal power generation technology has too much energy loss. Originally, the production of natural gas, gasoline, diesel and other products using electric energy and artificial synthesis technology already has energy loss.

Then these chemical products are burned to generate electricity, which will cause a lot of energy loss. Added together, at least 70% of the electric energy will be lost, which is unacceptable to him.

If there is a direct thermoelectric conversion technology, from electrical energy to chemical energy, and then to electrical energy, the energy loss in this process can be controlled below 20%, and this level of loss is still acceptable.

If the technology of protein, starch and sugar is combined, farmers will not need to grow food crops in the future, and only need to install solar panels.

Like ordinary farmland, it is not bad to produce 1000 catties of grain per mu. In fact, ordinary farmers cannot produce so much grain.

The maximum income per mu of land will not exceed 1000 yuan. Excluding the investment in agricultural materials such as fertilizers and pesticides, the net income farmers can obtain from one mu of land is at most 500 yuan.

This is still an ideal state. Many people can’t make much money from farming. It’s not bad to be able to keep their capital. At least it’s impossible to grow food and get rich unless they grow crops with high economic value.

Farming is hard work. With this physical input, doing anything else will yield higher income than farming. Growing food is not a cost-effective thing at all.

If these lands are used to arrange photovoltaic power generation devices, the situation will be completely different. In addition to the high investment, no matter the physical and energy input is low, but the income is much higher.

He is confident that the light energy conversion efficiency of photovoltaic power generation technology will be increased to more than 90%, which is the efficiency of practical application scenarios. If it is in the laboratory, the efficiency will be even higher.

Calculated on the basis of 666 square meters per mu of land, the average annual sunshine duration is 1000 standard hours, and the standard power generation per hour of one square meter of solar power panels is 0.9 kilowatt-hours.

If calculated according to the fact that solar panels account for 50% of the total area, the total electricity generated by one mu of land will reach about 30 kilowatt-hours per year.

In this way, even if the land use fee is 0.01 yuan per kilowatt-hour of electricity, farmers can earn 3000 yuan a year from one mu of land, which is much more cost-effective than farming.

Farmers can earn these incomes while sitting at home, and they don’t need to work as hard as growing grain. If they have time to do other things, they will have additional benefits.

Our country has a large population. Even if he desperately develops industrialization, it is impossible to transfer everyone to the city. There are still a large number of people distributed in rural areas.

If he wants to achieve full-scale industrialized grain production, he must solve the problem of farmers' income. Only when this worry is solved, can his plan be implemented.

Otherwise, no matter how advanced the technology is, if it cannot benefit everyone but only himself, it will only bring disaster to him, so he has been trying to solve this problem.

This is the most feasible method in his opinion. On the one hand, it does not require farmers to work hard on the land, and can get far more rewards than before. On the other hand, it solves the energy problem in our country.

The Northwest and Northeast regions of our country belong to the category of sparsely populated areas, especially the Northwest region, where the average annual sunshine time is the longest, so it is naturally the most suitable for the development of solar power generation industry.

However, in order to use solar energy stably, it is necessary to disperse the solar power generation industry as much as possible, because the climate is capricious, and relatively stable data can only be obtained on a larger scale.

Therefore, if we want to develop well, we must deploy solar power generation industries all over the world. When the rainy season in the south, the power generation is not strong enough, the power generation in the north can be supplemented.

In the same way, if there is heavy snow in the north and the solar panels are covered and cannot generate electricity for a short time, the solar panels in the south can still provide a steady stream of electricity.

This arrangement will at least not affect the electricity consumption of residents and ordinary industries. As for the weather in the whole country, the power generation has greatly increased, far exceeding the electricity consumption of ordinary industries and residents.

Then the industrial enterprises under him can use the extra electric energy to continuously produce food, meat, natural gas, gasoline, diesel and other materials, and the electric energy will not be wasted.

Moreover, the land where the solar panels are installed does not need to be very good. Most of the southern areas are hilly areas, where large machinery and equipment cannot be used, and the cost of growing crops is very high.

These lands are used to arrange solar panels without any problem at all. As for the plains and fertile land, they can continue to be used to grow high-value cash crops.

Once this cycle is completed, my country's agricultural form will undergo earth-shaking changes. From the perspective of the entire country, the impact of weather and climate on agriculture has been greatly reduced, and relying on God for food will become a thing of the past.

Moreover, it can also greatly reduce the consumption of inland water resources. At the same time, the economy of the Northwest will also be sparsely populated because of the vast land. The solar power industry will allow their local economic scale to catch up with the possibility of the eastern coastal areas.

In the future, relying solely on the energy industry in Northwest China, the people in these areas will be able to live a prosperous life, which is of great significance to the realization of common prosperity.

From these strategic meanings, direct thermoelectric conversion technology is particularly important. Without this thermoelectric conversion, this cycle would not be so perfect.

It's just that he has to consider whether such a high-efficiency thermoelectric conversion technology will cause other problems, at least for now, he needs to be cautious.

So even if it is taken out, it needs to be differentiated and differentiated. There are many things that need to be considered.

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