Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 410 High Efficiency Thermoelectric Conversion Materials

For non-critical equipment and products, he is open, unless he can keep himself at an advanced level, so that the other party can't catch up even if they want to catch up.

For example, with advanced chip technology, Qinglong Technology can maintain its leading edge for a long time with his presence. He doesn't worry about other people's research and development if he doesn't disclose it. Anyway, the research and development expenses will be in vain in the end.

However, the low-level autonomous driving technology used in cars can be developed to a similar level if you really need to invest in research and development, but the cost may be much higher.

As for the voice control system, the same is true. Although it is impossible to achieve the intelligence provided by Ye Zishu, a slightly lower level of technology can still be developed.

Because there are only so many words commonly used to control the car, as long as the control is optimized for these words, there is not much technical content.

However, it is still very difficult to achieve the intelligent voice technology he provided, with a more open context, smooth response, and sensitive response.

Especially for various languages ​​and accents around the world, it is still not easy to do well, but at least it can deceive consumers who do not know the truth.

Of course, he wouldn't sell these things on a stick. If Huanyu Group's complete vehicles can be sold quite well by virtue of these technological advantages, then there would be no point in selling bulk technology.

Just like the strategy of Qinglong Technology Company, when they are sure that their products are on the market, they have an absolute crushing advantage. Whoever buys chips alone, occupies more of the package market, and earns more money.

Ye Zishu predicted that as long as Huanyu Group does not take the initiative to sell these products, other auto giants will not take the initiative to seek cooperation.

Because they are direct competitors, in their eyes, these technologies are the advantages of Huanyu Group, and it is impossible to sell them to them casually.

What's more, it is not so easy to come to the door to seek cooperation. It may be necessary to agree to many unequal terms, and the price must be extremely expensive, so that the price of their complete vehicle is high, and they are still not very competitive in the terminal market.

This is also the reason why Ye Zishu doesn't let Huanyu Group take the initiative to come to the door to sell. There is still a big gap between taking the initiative to come to the door to seek cooperation with others. Only by taking the initiative in your own hands can you get more benefits.

No matter how the future develops, he always believes that the above technologies cannot achieve absolute advantages, and as time goes by, the advantages will become weaker and weaker.

Unless he comes up with L5-level autopilot technology, relying on a greater technology gap, he will make the other party feel desperate, but now he has to pay too much for this level of technology.

And it can’t be a king bomb from the beginning, there is no reason to upgrade in the future, the technology needs to be released bit by bit, and continue to whet the appetite of consumers.

As long as you maintain an advantage over your competitors’ products, Wang Zha should hide it behind unless it is absolutely necessary, and don’t take it out all at once.

There are two ways to kill competitors. One is to come up with Wang Zha, sweep all competitors into the trash, and monopolize the global market.

The current Qinglong Technology Company's personal computer is of this type, and he just wants to see if he can wipe out other competitors in a short period of time.

This is a decision he made after careful consideration, because although the field of personal computers has developed for many years, the scale of the industry is still much lower than that of automobiles.

If this kind of industry is really destroyed by the impact, although it will also cause a strong rebound, it should not be as violent as the automobile industry.

There must be resistance. He is not naive enough to think that others will be caught without a fight, but he thinks that the final victory must be Qinglong Technology Company.

The automotive industry is different. It is very difficult to completely eliminate competitors. Even the most advanced cars cannot do this.

After all, no matter whether a car is advanced or not, it is used for transportation. As long as this function exists, even if it is garbage, as long as the price is cheap enough, there will still be a certain market.

What's more, the chain involved in the automobile industry is even larger, with more jobs in the industry chain, larger interest groups, and various forces are intertwined.

Wanting to dominate the market is wishful thinking, so the strategies adopted are different. The best way is not to beat them to death with a stick, that is unrealistic.

Instead, it is slowly dying. As long as the products produced by Huanyu Group always maintain a certain leading edge, so that the opponent will not be so desperate, the resistance will be very limited.

They will continue to invest huge sums of money in research and development, hoping to catch up in technology. As long as their technology catches up, Huanyu Group will throw out more advanced technology.

After going on like this for more than ten years or even decades, they found that they were being walked as dogs by others, the huge R&D investment was difficult to recover, and their market share was constantly being eroded.

After the reaction, it is already a situation of no return. Due to the continuous blood loss, the stakeholder groups in this industry chain are slowly lost until their influence is no longer so great.

Of course, these are ideal states, and no one knows the specifics, but when the Huanyu Group makes plans, it can follow this. Whether it will work or not will only be known after it is done.

Although this is a protracted battle, Yeshu thinks that it is necessary to further increase the competitive advantage, and at the same time make it impossible for the opponent to see the hopeful competitive advantage.

And his eyes are on energy saving. The energy utilization rate of the internal combustion engine is not high. For example, the theoretical value of the gasoline engine is only about 30%, and the utilization rate is even lower in the actual use process.

The energy utilization rate of diesel engines will be higher, but not much higher. You must know that the energy utilization rate of thermal power plants is generally more than 40%, and only supercritical power generation technology will be higher.

The lost energy is mainly dissipated in the form of heat energy. If there is a technology to collect this heat energy to generate electricity, the utilization rate of energy will be greatly improved.

There are mainly two types of heat loss in internal combustion engines, one is high-temperature exhaust gas, and the other is engine conduction heat dissipation. As long as these two parts are solved, the energy utilization rate can be greatly improved.

A technology he is going to present is a special thermoelectric conversion technology, which has a very high efficiency of thermoelectric conversion, and the theoretical value can reach more than 90%.

It's just that the manufacturing technology of this material is very high, and it is formed by stacking single molecular structure layers similar to graphene in the previous life, so the difficulty can be imagined.

In the previous life, graphene was called black gold, the price was very expensive, and the output was very low, but the material he produced had higher requirements than graphene.

It can be said that at the current speed of technological development, no one will be able to manufacture the same product in the next 50 years.

The synthesis technology of monomolecular layer materials alone is a threshold that cannot be crossed. This is not enough. It is also necessary to stack monolayer materials layer by layer according to certain rules to form thicker films.

More importantly, these monolayer materials are not one kind, because one kind is difficult to displace electrons due to thermal excitation, and requires different materials to be superimposed to form a relatively long-lasting voltage so that electrons can continue to displace.

Once this material product is developed, the greatest use is not to improve the efficiency of the engine, but the thermal power station, which can directly increase the energy utilization rate from more than 40% to more than 90%.

This directly doubles the energy utilization rate, and also breaks away from the traditional inherent technical path of boiling water to generate electricity, and its application range is quite wide.

Even in the future, controllable nuclear fusion, if there is no such technology for direct thermoelectric conversion, it is just the inherent power generation idea of ​​boiling water.

He has the technology in his hand, but he is still a little hesitant about it, because this kind of technology is really too dark technology, once it comes out, it will have a huge impact.

It is equivalent to subverting the original fossil energy power generation method, and mankind will enter a new stage of power generation, which is of historic significance, and of course the benefits are also huge.

It can be said that with this technology, he can control all other traditional power generation fields in the world except hydropower. Whether it is thermal power or nuclear power generation technology, it is just "boiling water".

It is impossible for him to sell materials alone, and he must sell various finished products, such as thermal power generators, nuclear power generators, etc., so as to maximize the benefits.

To put it simply, the total global power generation in 1997 was 139487 billion kwh, of which thermal power accounted for 64%, and nuclear power accounted for 17.2%. Only these two together accounted for 81.2% of power generation.

That is to say, the power generation of these two power generation methods alone is as high as more than 11 trillion kWh. If the new cost of 0.1 yuan per kWh is accepted by everyone, after all, the efficiency has more than doubled.

This means that it can bring him 1.1 trillion yuan in revenue every year, which is very scary, and using this technology, the efficiency of geothermal power generation will also be greatly improved, and the proportion of geothermal power generation will increase rapidly.

This is only for the application value in the field of power generation. If it involves various applications in life, the value may be even higher. The benefits are so huge that he feels a little panicked.

This technology alone can bring several trillion yuan in revenue to his industry every year in the future. He feels that he seems to be a bit big in black technology.

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