Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 412 Temporarily Abandoning This Idea

Everything looked good, but Ye Zishu gave up this idea after weighing the interests, and the timing of taking it out now is not right.

At present, his ability is still unable to control such a large interest. Not only may he not be able to keep such a large interest, but even the current industry may suffer a huge blow.

Wealth certainly makes people like it, but if he doesn't have the ability to control it, it will only bring disaster. At least for now, he thinks he can't control it.

It is also possible to share these wealth with other capitals, but he actually hates capitals, and he thinks that he is still very different from other capitals.

Sharing wealth with these capitals, how many will actually enter the hands of ordinary people?What's more, the ones who can share wealth with him at this time may be mainly foreign capital, and he is even more unwilling.

In addition, he is currently unable to complete the closed-loop industry. To accomplish the feat mentioned above, he must have sufficient financial resources and action capabilities, which he does not have.

Although he seems to earn hundreds of billions of yuan every year, he is already a super rich man, but compared with the industrial chain above, he pales in comparison and is completely incomparable.

Although the prospect is very bright, but it needs to pay attention to methods and methods. He needs to gradually improve the closed loop of the entire industrial chain, and do things in a subtle and silent manner.

Although I gave up this idea, it doesn't mean that there are no other technologies to achieve similar results, that is, work hard on engine design and materials.

Generally, the thermal efficiency of a gasoline engine is only 25% to 35%, and most of it is lost in the form of mechanical loss and heat loss.

Through a series of technology and material innovations, he can increase the theoretical value of thermal efficiency to about 50%, which means that it saves about 20% of fuel on average compared with other cars.

Although compared with the black technology of thermoelectric conversion level, it is not enough, but compared with the current engine level, it still has great advantages.

And the whole car can't just rely on one or two advantages to compete, but start from the components and do the best in every aspect, and the final advantages will be even greater.

After figuring this out, Ye Zishu actively devoted himself to his work. This time, it was no longer simply copying technical data, but to verify whether each car product was in an ideal state.

He needs to conduct experiments in the virtual laboratory every time, and then make improvements to achieve the best results. Fortunately, the virtual laboratory has a more important function.

That is the experiment suggestion function, which he rarely uses at ordinary times, because just copying some data casually can crush the current level of technology, and there is no need to achieve the best results.

However, after so many years of development, the automobile industry is already a very mature industry. It is not so easy to occupy a huge advantage on this basis.

This requires him to strive for the best in every detail when designing, so the improvement suggestion function of the virtual laboratory is particularly important.

Without this function, if he wants to achieve the best results in a short period of time, he may need to conduct thousands of experiments, and the direction is not necessarily correct.

With this experimental improvement suggestion function, in most cases, he only needs to make more than a dozen improvements to achieve the best results, and complex systems do not need more than a hundred times.

For this kind of systematic and complex engineering, the function of the virtual laboratory is like an artifact, especially when there is no mature technology, it is even more valuable.

In order to further save energy, the gasoline-electric hybrid technology is adopted, which can keep the internal combustion engine in the best working condition at all times, and can also make the car more stable.

It's just that gasoline-electric hybrid cars need to be charged. Although it doesn't take a long time to charge like a pure electric car, it is still very troublesome in his opinion.

He wondered if he could use photovoltaic power generation technology on the surface of the car to let the car charge itself, so that there is no need to charge the gasoline-electric hybrid car.

There is no need to have a high solar power generation efficiency. It only needs to reach 200 watts per square meter. According to the calculation of the irradiated area of ​​5 square meters, one hour is 1 kilowatt-hour of electricity.

It doesn’t look like much, but it’s actually pretty good. A pure electric vehicle usually has 10 to 15 kilowatt-hours of electricity per 10 kilometers, and the power generated in one hour can run almost [-] kilometers.

In fact, the fundamental purpose of gasoline-electric hybrid power is not to replace fuel with electric energy, but to maintain the working condition of the internal combustion engine, so that the internal combustion engine is always in the best state, thus increasing the power of the internal combustion engine.

Moreover, most people's cars will not be in operation for a long time, and most of the time they are still placed in the parking space to bask in the sun. At this time, it belongs to the pure solar charging stage.

Gasoline-electric hybrid vehicles with built-in solar charging technology are quite good for mid-to-high-end cars. As for low-end cars, there is no need to use this technology.

Although Gu said that this kind of solar charging efficiency is not high, only about 20% power generation efficiency, but if you want to integrate with the car body, you can't see the use of solar charging technology at all, which is a technical problem.

The current solar power generation technology is either solar thermal radiation power generation, which must not be used in cars, or photovoltaic power generation.

However, the current photovoltaic power generation technology is not as efficient as this level, and the silicon crystal material placed on the body will seriously affect the aesthetics of the car.

And the technology he came up with is photovoltaic coating technology, which is not much different from using ordinary paint, but it needs to be coated with a layer of transparent protective coating on the outside to avoid direct damage to the photovoltaic coating.

And these paints are all nano-coatings, the technical content has been improved a lot at once, and they look taller, so they are naturally worth a lot.

In fact, he can also come up with higher photovoltaic coating technology, but it is completely unnecessary and can be upgraded slowly in the future, which is also a major selling point.

To sort out these materials, Ye Zishu sorts them out while thinking, and the speed is not very fast, but every time I see a technology sorted out, I still feel a sense of accomplishment.

Compared with many technologies presented before, the automobile technology presented this time has a large proportion of originality. When he thinks, he is actually doing experiments in a virtual laboratory.

"Don't call you, don't you even eat?" His father said.

Hearing what his father said, he raised his head and looked at the time. It was already 12:30 noon, and he quickly said, "I forgot, let's go to eat."

He quickly locked the computer, then got up and followed his father, and walked towards the old house. Once outside, the heat wave hit instantly, and his originally cool body suddenly couldn't bear it.

"If you keep the air conditioner in the house and bask in the sun outside, it's easy to catch a cold." Seeing his appearance, his father said.

"Then you can move here earlier." Ye Zishu said.

"You mean we won't catch a cold?" asked the father.

"No, no." He quickly denied.

Then he continued: "You don't have to work so hard to farm the land anymore. Farming is tiring and doesn't make money. Why bother? No matter how bad I am, I can guarantee that your food and clothing will be fine.

It's better to rent the land under your name to other people in the village to cultivate, and they can get more income. You just keep the vegetable garden. "

"But we are only in our 40s, and we haven't reached the retirement age yet," my father said.

From my father's point of view, it is a bit embarrassing to stop working at a young age and wander around the house all day. I have to find something to do, but what is there to do in the countryside.

Obviously not, either farming or doing odd jobs for others, and odd jobs are not that simple, you either have crafts or physical strength.

"According to what you think, as long as you can work hard, you won't be able to retire, so when will you be able to retire?

In the past, the livelihood of the whole family required you to be busy, so there was no way, but now there is no need to do so. You are so busy, and the medical expenses for treating your body in the future will be more than what you earn. "Leaf Book said.

In fact, no one is willing to work, at least not willing to work for a living, there is no way to do it, and his father is no exception.

It’s just that as a father, he has to rely on his son to support him at a young age. It’s a bit embarrassing. It’s only natural for children to provide for the elderly, but they are only in their 40s, when they are young and strong.

"Listen to me, you will be 50 years old in a few years, your body is going downhill, high-intensity physical labor is very harmful to your body.

Of course, not doing any work will also lead to affluence. It is estimated that you will not be able to be idle if you are completely idle, and you can do some relatively easy things. "Leaf Book said.

"Let's discuss it with your mother," said the father.

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