Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 409 How Can the Auto Industry Stand Out?

Ye Zishu used to start a business and study outside, and his parents thought he was taking care of both. This time when he returned home, he couldn't hide it at all, so he could only explain it honestly.

If it hadn't been for hearing that the school didn't have any objection to this, he would probably have been taught a lesson by his father, and his set of "false principles" would finally save him from the pain of flesh and blood.

His parents didn't have any lofty ideals in letting him study, they just thought that only by studying can he change his destiny.

When everyone can't even eat enough to eat, it is impossible to have such an idea. It is all to get rid of the current predicament and make life a little better.

The post office promised to bring the network cable over within a month, but it took only 20 days to bring the network cable to the village. When the house was being renovated, they connected the network cable to his new house.

He opened the highest network speed, 10mbps is currently the highest network speed provided to residents, there is still a 4mbps network speed below, and there are services that do not connect to the Internet, only a telephone is installed, and the network speed is only 64kbps, which is used to transmit voice data.

Among the materials brought by the construction team, there were a lot of cement and concrete bricks left behind, which was requested by Ye Zishu, and he planned to tidy up the meeting square.

Rain is a common thing in the south, especially in the rainy season, which lasts for more than a week at a time, and sometimes even lasts for half a month.

This made the roads in the village very difficult to walk. Anyway, Wancheng Jiye had a lot of these materials, so he asked him to bring a lot of them to harden the square and public roads.

So on the second day after the engineering team left, all the men, women and children of the village participated. Using traditional methods, it took four days to harden all the public roads in the village with cement and concrete bricks.

The reason why the engineering team was not allowed to help with this was mainly because this was a public area, and the hardening of the road surface was a matter for the whole village.

Even his parents participated in the work, and even he himself did the work for a day. Unfortunately, after a day, his hands developed blisters.

As for shouldering the burden, he couldn't do it anymore. In a short period of time, he could still rely on his youth and strength to do things. If it took a whole day, he would also be unable to bear it. A layer of skin would definitely peel off his shoulders.

So after working for a day, he resolutely chose to quit. If he continued to work, it would take a long time for his hands to heal, and he would not be able to do the work he was doing.

Fortunately, everyone has no opinion on him not working. After all, all these materials are produced by him, and together they cost more than [-] yuan.

Because the cement used is high-grade quick-drying cement, the price is much higher than ordinary cement, and the road surface is thicker to avoid cracking after a long time.

In the study room of the new house, Ye Zishu sat on the boss chair, listening to the bustling sound outside, he had to calm down and busy himself with the matter at hand.

There are many tasks, but he believes that the first task is to sort out the relevant materials of the automobile industry, which is very important for the future development of Huanyu Group.

Once their motorcycles are off the assembly line, it means that they have a certain amount of transportation product manufacturing capabilities. Although there is still a big gap compared with the automobile industry, at least they have a foundation.

Even so, one year may not be enough time to build a complete automobile industry chain. He hopes to complete the construction by the end of next year.

However, this difficulty is still quite high, and Huanyu Group needs to make more efforts. The most likely thing is that the first car product should be rolled off the production line at the beginning of the next year.

Therefore, the sooner he sorts out the data on the automobile industry, the easier it will be for Huanyu Group to complete the task according to the timeline.

It is not difficult for him to obtain ordinary automobile industry materials. It is just that he wants to make the car have advantages that other cars cannot match as soon as it is unveiled. This requires him to think about it.

The electronic level of current automotive products is actually not high, because the level of development of the world's electronic semiconductor industry is right there, and it is basically impossible to make cars as multifunctional as in the previous life.

In the final analysis, the current car is four wheels and a box for people. In his opinion, the configurations inside are all antiques, and even the car stereo uses tapes.

Xuanwu Technology Company and Qinglong Technology Company have a lot of electronic semiconductor technologies and products in their hands, which can be applied to cars, so that cars are no longer just a means of transportation, but also a mobile entertainment platform.

It's just that the 3G network has not yet come out, and it will take several years to spread it all over the world. Otherwise, designing a car entertainment platform will become easier.

But now if you want entertainment, whether it is watching videos or listening to music, you can also use a USB flash drive as a transmission medium. Although it is a bit troublesome, it is much better than the current method.

Car users can download their favorite resources from the streaming media platform and music platform of Kunpeng Information Technology Company.

Equipping cars with video playback systems, better audio systems, advanced instrumentation systems, and other more user-friendly features are just icing on the cake.

Because the addition of so many advanced equipment means higher prices, some people consider these bells and whistles not necessarily the reason they have to buy out of the consideration of saving money.

Of course, these bells and whistles are also based on the excellent driving performance of the vehicle and a more stable engine. These foundations are not solid, and no matter how bells and whistles are, they will not have much effect.

To make a new brand car stand out from the crowd surrounded by many global auto giants in a short period of time, the most basic thing is to lead in basic technology.

He can guarantee that the basic technologies, such as engine technology, chassis technology, vehicle technology, etc., will exceed the level of existing automobile companies.

But these gaps can be smoothed out through brand awareness. Only those buyers who understand cars and don't care about brands will choose to buy such new brands.

Ye Zishu thought about it for a long time, and felt that autonomous driving should be counted as one, but this is not very practical, but the gimmick is very strong, and it can attract the favor of quite a few consumers in the early stage.

But as time goes by, everyone will find that automatic driving seems a bit tasteless, because it is currently impossible to achieve fully automatic driving, and it still needs to be controlled by car users.

With the current level of electronic semiconductor technology, coupled with the excellent algorithms and technologies he provided, at most L3-level autonomous driving can be achieved.

This technology can be used in high-end cars, and low-end cars pay more attention to price. Equipped with such a system, it is a bit flashy for car owners.

In his opinion, cars worth more than 30 yuan are equipped with an automatic driving system, which has certain significance. People who can spend so much money on cars are more attracted to this advanced technology, which is very attractive.

Moreover, in the early days of the industry, the use of autonomous driving technology cannot be sold at the price of cabbage. It will definitely take a while before it will gradually become popular.

If other car companies are unable to produce the same level of self-driving technology, it is likely that the self-driving technology will always be used in the high-end car field and will not be popularized for the time being.

In addition to autonomous driving, there is another technology that is quite attractive, that is, voice control technology, and the artificial intelligence technology he brought out is not very difficult to use in this regard.

Voice control technology can be used on cars worth more than 10 yuan. Because of its low cost, it is very suitable as a selling point to attract ordinary consumers.

The voice control system cooperates with the advanced entertainment supporting system to improve the user's driving experience, which can make the car products of Huanyu Technology Company have a strong competitiveness.

It stands to reason that with so many high-tech applications, it is already competitive enough compared to the products of other auto companies, but Ye Zishu thinks it is not enough.

People have developed for hundreds of years, but they can't be leveled in a short time by using these technologies. Brands sometimes have such magic power that a pile of shit can be sold at a price far exceeding its true value.

Just like Chanel's straw hat, isn't it the straw hat that farmers usually wear when they work, but they dare to buy 8000 yuan if they put a label on it.

What's more, although these technologies are very advanced, it is not impossible for other car companies to catch up if they invest huge sums of money in research and development. After all, these technologies are not beyond the scope of understanding.

It is even possible that these companies purchase complete systems and integration solutions from his subsidiaries, and it is not impossible to sell them, because these things can also make a lot of money.

It is not a good way to blindly block this kind of technology that others can invest in and succeed. It is forcing others to develop their own systems, and it is better to sell them directly.

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