Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 408 Finally moved into a new house

Ye Zishu took a thin quilt and put it next to him, and if it was cold at night, he could cover his body. As a result, he didn't feel very cold all night.

It’s just that when I woke up the next morning, I still felt uncomfortable in my bones. The bamboo recliner was still too hard.

But compared to sleeping in a crowded room, it seems that this discomfort can be overcome. At least I slept soundly last night.

After breakfast, Ye Zishu called Guo Dongsheng directly, told him about the construction of the house at home, and asked him to arrange someone to come over to help with the construction.

When Guo Dongsheng heard this, he immediately became interested. The boss's house was going to be built.

In order to make the house build faster, Ye Zishu reported the types and quantities of materials needed to Guo Dongsheng, and asked their people to bring these materials along with them when they came.

"Do you want to get an anti-shock device?" Guo Dongsheng asked.

"Have you been able to mass-produce it?" Ye Zishu asked curiously.

The anti-vibration device was handed over to Wancheng Jiye during the Chinese New Year, and it has only been about 6 months since it was fully charged. It stands to reason that the production capacity will not be formed so quickly.

"The plant and equipment are being built, but the laboratory can still be done." Guo Dongsheng explained.

"Forget it, build the house more solidly, there is no need to use anti-vibration devices," Ye Shu said.

If it's ready-made, he doesn't mind installing a set. If it's not ready-made, then forget it. It takes a long time to make a set in the laboratory, and he can't wait.

What's more, if the quality of the three-story villa is reliable, the earthquake resistance level is still very high, and there will be no situation where it cannot be evacuated in time like a high-rise building.

"Do you want to pull an engineering team over there?" Guo Dongsheng asked.

Originally, Ye Zishu planned to invite craftsmen from the surrounding area to do the specific work, but when he heard Guo Dongsheng's question, he thought about it and said, "Okay, let's send an engineering team over, and don't forget the necessary mechanical equipment."

It is mainly a lot of machinery and equipment, and the craftsmen around them may not be able to use them. They all build houses in the traditional way, and their hands are not bad, but there are still some gaps in efficiency and concepts.

He hoped that the new house could be built quickly, and even the materials needed were prepared by Guo Dongsheng, just to save time.

"Mr. Ye, don't worry, the arrangements must be properly made. The house will be built within a month at the latest." Guo Dongsheng assured on the other end of the phone.

"Okay, the personnel are here, and I'm giving them the design drawings." Ye Shu said.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Zishu saw that Ye Zihua was not there, and asked Ye Ziqi, "Where's your second brother?"

"It seems that I went to practice driving, and Ziqin also followed." Ye Ziqi said.

Ye Zishu hurried over to take a look, and found that it was okay, there was no problem. He was afraid that it would be too dangerous for the children in the village to circle the car during practice.

Although there were many people watching around, the children were all pulled by adults, and they also realized that it was dangerous to follow the car.

Originally, he planned to teach Ye Zihua how to reverse a car this evening, but now that he has come, he also taught this by the way, and as for the rest, he will have to rely on Ye Zihua to learn by himself.

So I found a small wooden stick, drew the lines of reversing and parking on the ground, then got in the car, and began to teach Ye Zihua how to reversing and parking, which is a difficult part for novices.

Fortunately, Ye Zihua learned it fairly quickly. After teaching it a few times, Ye Zihua operated it himself. Although it was not very standardized, it was still acceptable.

Then Ye Zishu said: "You can practice more when you have time, but you must pay attention to the safety of the children around you. It is best to let Ziqin watch by the side and keep the car windows open, so that it is easier to find dangerous situations."

He was afraid that Ye Zihua was greedy for comfort, so he closed the car window and turned on the air conditioner in the car, so that danger outside would not be discovered in time.

After giving instructions, Ye Zishu returned home directly. He basically didn't do anything these few days. Now that many things have been arranged, it's time to start working.

Ye Ziqi was quite self-conscious, and was doing homework on the table again. Ye Ziqin didn't know where she was going crazy, so he didn't care, just picked up the laptop and started working.

According to the to-do list that he had made long ago, Ye Zishu started to work. The to-do list was so long that he sometimes felt a headache when he looked at it, but there was nothing he could do. Now was not the time to be a shopkeeper.

In the afternoon, the post and telecommunications bureau called to confirm some information. The laying of electric poles had already begun. Relatively speaking, laying electric poles was much simpler and faster than laying optical cables by slotting.

The next morning, Guo Dongsheng called and said that the engineering team over there was ready, and all kinds of equipment were also ready, and the train had already started, and it was expected to arrive tomorrow.

As for materials, some common materials, such as bricks and stones, can be purchased from here. As for cement steel bars and other products, the grades of cement steel bars are higher than ordinary cement steel bars. They are mainly used for housing structures, and they will be pulled from the production plant of Wancheng Jiye .

The various decoration materials behind are not in a hurry at present. In the process of building the main body of the house, just slowly pull them here.

Now Wancheng Foundation's main production bases are in the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and Bohai Bay, because these are the three major economic centers in China, and the construction of production bases can provide construction materials nearby.

So these materials are pulled from these bases, and the freight is still quite high, but there is no way. At present, the urban construction here is not developing fast, and the construction of production bases basically loses money.

Unless Wancheng Jiye's real estate development business expands here, they will consider building a production base and provide construction materials nearby.

In the evening of the next day, I finally heard a long convoy of equipment and construction workers coming to the entrance of the village. Everyone was shocked when they saw the battle.

There are more than ten sets of various construction equipment, not to mention small tools, and the construction team has a total of 20 people. I know that it may not be possible to arrange so many people to live here.

The frame-type temporary work shed materials were also brought over. After the motorcade stopped at the village square, the first thing to do was to set up the work shed. If you want to have a good night tonight, you must finish it.

Ye Zishu's mother was so busy, she didn't expect so many people to come all at once. In order to let them feel the hospitality here, she made a lot of food after busy work.

They even had to get involved with Ye Zishu, and they even invited people from the village to help. This is free of charge, anyway, everyone is like this, just ask for help.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, the engineering team completed the construction of the temporary work shed. Although there is no air conditioner installed, there are fans in every room, which is not particularly uncomfortable.

The leader of the construction team was obviously of a high level. Ye Zishu showed him the architectural drawings he had drawn, and he understood the meaning and how to do it.

So early the next morning, the engineering team started to work on laying the foundation. While the morning was not too hot, they got up to work after 5 o'clock.

Due to the large number of people, it was troublesome for Ye Zishu's mother to prepare breakfast. It was not ready until 8 o'clock. After breakfast, the engineering team continued to work.

Noon lunch break until 03:30 in the afternoon, when the sun is not very hot, they will continue to work, this is Ye Zishu's request, to prevent the staff from heatstroke, although he is anxious, but he can't let them work to death.

It took two days to complete the foundation earthwork. In order to increase the earthquake resistance of the house, the foundation is very deep. The bottom will be paved with flint and pebbles, and the top will be poured with reinforced concrete.

Ye Zishu has a lot of things to do on his own. Apart from coming over to see if it meets his blueprint requirements, he basically doesn't stare at him afterwards. The construction team is very professional.

However, with the start of construction of the new house, the whole village has been bustling. If there is nothing to do, the villagers will gather around to watch. After all, they have never seen such a new house.

It took 5 days to lay the foundation, and then started pouring the frame of the entire building using reinforced concrete, a process that took a week to complete.

Since the cement was not used, it dries very quickly. Three days after the frame was completed, the wall began to be built. Not only the construction team did this, but also many people were invited to help.

It only took 2 days to finish all the wall-building work, and then to paint the wall. This work was also completed in 2 days.

Afterwards comes the decoration work. The materials are all pulled from Wancheng Jiye Company. Before pulling them back, many things have already been cut in the factory, and they can be installed here.

These materials are all environmentally friendly materials, do not contain formaldehyde, and are high-end products. Within a week, the decoration work was completed, including the yard in front of the house.

It took a total of 26 days to complete a three-storey villa. Everyone in the village saw how the villa was built, and it was very beautiful after completion.

It's just that it's beautiful, but it also costs a lot of money, so much that they can't even imagine. Just such a house, including the land, cost a total of 400 million yuan, which is almost the cost price.

Although Ye Zishu's parents also feel sorry for the money, they are still very happy to see the beautiful new house. There are all kinds of furniture in it, which is more comfortable than houses in the city.

When the engineering team closed, Ye Zishu gave each of them a big red envelope of 1000 yuan. After all, it was not easy to do this job in such a hot day.

The villagers who helped out during this period also prepared some gifts, and they would definitely not take money if they were given directly, because it is a tradition in the village to help each other, and they don't ask for money.

After the house was built, the inside had been cleaned, and Ye Zishu lived in that day. As for the parents, they would only move in when they planned to move the old bed from home.

According to them, I am not used to sleeping on that kind of spring bed, but the old bed is more comfortable to sleep on.

Ye Zishu could only follow them. As for the younger siblings, they all went to school.

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