Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 407: A Happy Family

"Brother, didn't you say you want to teach me how to drive?" Ye Zihua said.

Now the sun is already westward, although it is still very hot, at least it is much stronger than before, while my brother is free, I made this request quickly, otherwise I don’t know when the next time will be.

"Okay, go to the village square to practice." Ye Zishu said.

The houses in the village are densely built, and the only open place is the village square. During the commune period, it was the place for discussions and the distribution of crops such as food.

So not only is it open, but the terrain is very flat. Although it has no previous function, the land is still preserved. In the previous life, with the increase of population, there was not enough land to build houses, so houses were built later.

The two came here by car, Ye Zishu first demonstrated to Ye Zihua how to drive, the points that need to be paid attention to, and how to use the accelerator, clutch, and brake.

After these demonstrations, Ye Zishu gave up the driving seat to Ye Zi Hua, and sat in the co-pilot seat himself, watching how Ye Zi Hua drove.

I used to be envious of Ye Zishu's driving, but now that he was sitting in the driver's seat, Ye Zihua was a little nervous and didn't step on the gas pedal for a long time.

Ye Zishu waited for a while, seeing that Ye Zihua hadn't started yet, he said, "You won't just talk but not practice fake moves?"

Stimulated by Ye Zishu's words, Ye Zihua took a deep breath, stepped on the gas pedal cautiously, and Ye Zishu wanted to laugh after reading it.

But this time is not the time to interrupt, Ye Zishu did not speak, but let Ye Zihua slowly explore, first understand the driving process, and then practice makes perfect.

I didn't expect Ye Zihua, who was too late to do it just now, to understand it after a while. Although the strength is not precise enough, it is already very good.

After two hours, the sun had completely set in the western mountains, the sky was already dim, and the leaf painting had become more and more proficient. At least driving in this square was no problem.

"Come here first, the sky is getting darker and darker now, it's not suitable for learning how to drive, come back tomorrow and learn how to reverse the car." Ye Zishu said.

"Oh." Ye Zihua agreed.

The car didn't go to the door of the meeting again, so it was left here, anyway, it wouldn't be lost anyway, when the two returned home, their parents had already returned, Ye Ziqi no longer played computer, but sat at the door with Ye Ziqin doing homework honestly .

"Okay, the light is so bad, don't read your homework, it's not good to damage your eyes," Ye Shu said.

It's already dark outside, and the incandescent light at home is not very strong. Reading and writing in this environment can easily make my eyes nearsighted.

But Ye Zishu looked at the incandescent lamps at home and wondered if he wanted to enter the field of lighting. In our country, most of them are still ordinary tungsten bulbs.

However, it feels a bit strange to let him do this alone, because the field of general lighting is really not very technical, and it is not worth his special effort at all.

His R&D personnel can handle it, unless he insists on developing unique lighting technology. Although the technical content is high, the price is too high and it doesn't make much sense.

After thinking about it, I decided to give up. When I really want to enter the electrical business field in the future, I will do it smoothly. There is no need to do it deliberately.

"If you don't come back again, I will call you to come back for dinner." Mother said.

"How can I trouble you to shout, why don't you come back obediently!" Ye Zihua said hastily.

"Did you just learn to drive?" Mother asked.

"Well, I want to learn while I'm free. In the city, it's very troublesome without a car." Ye Zihua said.

"Multiple crafts are always right," said my mother.

Ye Zishu on the side didn't explain it either. Nowadays, many people think that driving is a craft, and some people even make a living from it, but in the future, ordinary driving skills will not be considered a craft.

"What are you doing in the county today?" asked the father.

"I went to the county to withdraw 5 yuan as a deposit for the land. You can take it to the village chief and ask him to make a written statement, and then distribute the money to improve everyone's life." Ye Zishu said.

Although the average distribution is only 2000 yuan per household, it is not a small amount in rural areas, but there is a high probability that this money will be saved by everyone.

Food and clothing in rural areas are basically on their own, and they grow their own food, and they basically buy cloth for clothing, and then ask tailors to help them make clothes.

"Okay, you give me the money, I'll go there." Father said.

Hearing this, Ye Zishu immediately went back to his room, handed over the packaged 5 yuan to his father, and said, "I suggest you divide it up tonight, it's not safe to hold it in your hands."

Gu "I know, just remind the village chief later." After his father finished speaking, he took the money and went out immediately.

"Brother, why didn't you talk about pulling the network cable?" Ye Zihua said.

"Why are you talking about this? Otherwise, you're saying I'm a prodigal. It won't be too late to wait until the network cable is pulled to the door." Ye Zishu said.

After his father went out, he still didn't come back at meal time. Ye Zishu asked Ye Zihua to call his father to come home for dinner. His mother said, "Your father is also, and he will not come back consciously when it's time for dinner."

"Maybe the chat was more speculative." Ye Zishu said.

"Mommy, I watched the movie my brother made this afternoon, and it was really good." Ye Ziqi said, and Ye Ziqin on the side also nodded in agreement.

"You still make movies?" Mother asked in surprise.

The countryside is no stranger to movies. There have been film teams going to the countryside a long time ago. If someone in the village has a big wedding, they will also invite people from the film team to show movies, but they are all open-air movies.

That should be the happiest time when he was a child. The one he remembers the most is the little soldier Zhang Ga, and he watched it more than once. After all, there are not many domestic movies.

Now there are fewer and fewer activities to send movies to the countryside. In the future, there will be fewer and fewer people doing things like this that don’t make money and only lose money.

"I'm not an actor, but a director." Ye Zishu explained.

This made my mother a little confused. When watching a movie, everyone only pays attention to the actors, and most people don't pay attention to the behind-the-scenes personnel such as directors and producers.

"It's me directing others how to act." Ye Zishu explained.

"Oh, it turns out that actors need others to direct how to act." The mother said suddenly.

Ye Zishu didn't laugh. Many people actually don't know how an actor should play a role under the command of the director. Everyone thinks that an actor naturally knows how to play a role in a movie.

"Then please watch your movie together some other day!" Mother said with a smile.

"Mommy, this movie is aimed at foreigners. The actors in it are all foreigners, and it hasn't been released in China yet." Ye Zishu explained.

"Can foreigners listen to you?" asked the mother.

"That's right, foreigners can recognize money." Ye Zishu said.

Hearing what he said, my mother nodded and said, "That's the reason. It took a lot of money to make a movie, right?"

"Not much, not all foreign actors have to spend a lot of money." Ye Shu explained.

He didn't say the exact value. Tens of millions of yuan must be an astronomical figure in the eyes of my mother. If I say it, I have to ask whether it will lose money. After all, in her eyes, movies are basically shown for free, and even if they are charged, they are not expensive. .

"Oh, that's good, let me and your father take a look later." Mother said.

After agreeing, his father and Ye Zihua stepped into the house, saw that everyone hadn't eaten yet, and said, "Don't wait for me, you can just eat when it's time for dinner."

"I'm not very hungry, and I was talking to Zishu about the movie just now," the mother said.

Then the mother talked about Ye Zishu's filming, and the father said: "Then tonight, we have to see how the filming of Zishu is going."

After everyone finished their dinner lively, my father went to the village ancestral hall again, and distributed the 5 yuan directly according to the accounts.

It was already 9 o'clock when I came back, Ye Zishu quickly took out his computer, put it on the table of the Eight Immortals, called out the movie, and showed it to his parents.

But he himself didn't intend to revisit it, he just lay down on the bamboo reclining chair, he didn't plan to go back to his room to sleep tonight, he planned to lie here all night, he slept really uncomfortable yesterday.

The movie was in color, which was different from the black-and-white movies shown before. My mother commented while watching, for example, the eyes of foreigners are indeed blue, and why their hair is curly.

And why they speak Chinese so well, the father next to him explained to his mother, and Ye Zihua would help explain if he didn't understand, the family sat together and enjoyed themselves happily.

This made Ye Zishu feel that it would be much more convenient to bring a smart TV to the house as soon as it was launched, connect to the Internet, and watch movies or TV shows.

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