Back in the dormitory, no one else went out, they were all chatting. For freshmen, going to university must be full of excitement, so naturally there are endless topics to talk about.

Especially when there are roommates whose parents work at Tsinghua University in the dormitory, they will naturally become the focus of the dormitory. Zhou Lianpeng is such an existence.

Seeing that Ye Zishu came back after leaving for so long, Zhou Lianpeng said: "We will wait for you, let's have a meal together, and we will be brothers in the trenches from now on!"

"That's right, I'm hungry too, and I'm looking for something to eat. As a landlord, what do you recommend?" Ye Zishu also said with a smile.

"If you go out to eat, there are many outside the east gate, but if you go on campus, it's basically the same." Zhou Lianpeng said.

Hearing that he seemed to be going out to eat, Ye Zishu couldn't help but touch his pocket. Originally, there were only ten cards of Great Unity, to pay the travel expenses, etc., and there was only less than 60 yuan left.

This is his living expenses for the whole semester. It's not that he doesn't want to take more, but that his family can only support him so far, and he needs to raise the rest by himself.

He does have the idea of ​​making money, but many methods are not immediate. During this period, the money needs to be saved and not wasted.

There are also roommates in the same situation as him in the dormitory. If you spend a few more dollars outside, you will definitely be in pain for a long time, so give up this idea as soon as possible.

So he said: "It doesn't matter what you eat, as long as you are full, the most important thing is that everyone gets together, this is the meaning."

After he finished speaking, several roommates from the countryside immediately nodded in agreement, and other roommates from the city also nodded in agreement.

Not all urbanites are also wealthy families, and the living expenses provided by the family can only be said to be barely enough, and if they can save a little, they can save a little.

Zhou Lianpeng saw that the meaning was basically the same, and he stopped being entangled immediately, and directly greeted everyone to come to the canteen of the Bauhinia Garden, and order what he likes.

Ye Zishu ordered two vegetarian dishes, one meat dish with a few pieces of meat, and 5 taels of rice. After the settlement, the total cost was 5 cents, which was actually very cheap.

Now the price of pork is 2.3 yuan per catty. This meat and two vegetables, plus rice, only cost 5 cents. There must be government subsidies behind it.

Just seeing the price, he was still worried. According to this price, the 60 yuan in his hand is estimated to take less than two months.

Because there are other expenses to be paid, and a semester is at least four months, the money in his hand will not last until the end of the semester.

What's more, he didn't intend to continue to ask his family for money, but wanted to earn living expenses by himself to reduce the burden on his family. If he earned more, he wanted to send some money to his family.

When he finished his meal and returned to his seat, he found that everyone was talking about the association. This must have been started by Zhou Lianpeng, and few others knew about it.

"Let me tell you that if you want to have more opportunities to get in touch with girls, you must join more foreign language clubs. Other departments are basically monk temples."

"Is that why you majored in foreign languages?" Ye Zishu sat down, picked up his chopsticks, and asked.

"Hee hee, am I that kind of person? I'm not afraid of your jokes when I say it. I'm thinking of other departments, but the conditions don't allow it."

Zhou Lianpeng didn't think there was anything to be ashamed of, he didn't seem to take this seriously, and admitted that his academic performance was not very satisfactory.

After finishing speaking, Zhou Lianpeng continued: "I'm not worried about Ye Zishu. Judging by his appearance and height, he is a handsome guy, and he will definitely be liked by many girls.

However, for most people, they still need to take the initiative to chase girls, so the probability of success is much higher. If you have any troubles in this regard, you can consult me! "

Hearing what he said, Ye Zishu asked curiously, "Have you been in many relationships?"

As a result, Zhou Lianpeng said boldly: "Although the actual combat experience is a little lacking, the theoretical knowledge is very rich, and you have never eaten pork or seen a pig running?

So don't worry, if you have any doubts, just ask me, you will never be disappointed! "

Well, it turns out that I am a master of theory. If it is professional scientific knowledge, theory is very useful, but it is not necessarily applicable to emotional matters.

Especially those who can be admitted to Tsinghua University are relatively proud in their hearts. Even if their family background is poor, it will not affect their proud heart.

In addition, now is not the future, and the girls are not so open. It is not an easy task to catch up with girls easily.

"However, our school has too many monks and too few groceries. If we want to reduce the difficulty, we still have to look for other schools. There are quite a lot of universities with more girls in the HD area." Zhou Lianpeng finally concluded.

This statement is quite pertinent. As a top science and engineering university in China, it is relatively difficult to take the exam, so a considerable number of girls are eliminated. Coupled with major reasons, the ratio of male to female is very disparate.

Don't look at Zhou Lianpeng talking about his boyfriend and girlfriend. Although the others listened with great interest, the unnaturalness on their faces was obvious.

We are all honest children, have not yet adapted to the complexity of the adult world, and are still at the stage of longing for and concealing the relationship between men and women.

"Zhou Lianpeng, you must have a wider network than me here, and I want to trouble you with some things!"

Ye Zishu thought about it, and still wanted to see Zhou Lianpeng's resources. He did have many ways to make money, but he was not familiar with this place.

If the local people are brought by a wide range of people, it will be difficult for him to succeed, and he will not even be able to find a way. This is his biggest dilemma now.

Although he didn't know if Zhou Lianpeng had connections, at least he had to ask. If there were connections, he would save a lot of time and energy.

But when Zhou Lianpeng heard what he said, he didn't rush to agree with him, but asked, "It depends on what your business is about!"

For his prudence, Ye Zishu still recognized him very much, which gave people a reliable feeling. If he didn't listen to anything, he would pat his chest to assure him, but he would feel like drumming in his heart.

"Actually, it's not a big deal, I just want to find some resources for music production, distribution and publishing, and I want to make my own music and publish my own books.

To tell you the truth, I only have less than 60 yuan left in my pocket this time. If I can’t make any money, my brother, I’m going to be hungry. At that time, everyone may have to help. "

He did not hide his current predicament, but spoke out openly.

Anyway, he doesn't feel ashamed, everyone will have their own difficulties, and his current difficulty is just lack of money.

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