Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 399 I really want to build a house

The reason why Ye Zishu offered a big reward was mainly because he felt that it would be difficult for Ye Ziqi to get the first place in the school, and it would not be so easy to narrow the gap even if it was just a few places.

He just wanted to use this as a bait to let Ye Ziqi focus on studying. If he really got the first place, his more than 30 yuan would be worth it.

Unexpectedly, Ye Ziqi said: "What's the use of a car, I don't know how to drive, and I'm not interested."

"Then what do you want?" Ye Zishu said.

"I don't know your mind yet. You don't need to be so tempting. I can read my own books. This final exam is just a little abnormal." Ye Ziqi said.

This is embarrassing. When he was a child, he often used such tricks, but there was really not much at home at that time, and he usually used food as bait.

However, he was growing up at that time, and he was very eager to eat, so he broke his promise a few times, and now Ye Ziqi is immune to this temptation.

"Well, since you are so confident, I won't say much. After all, reading is good for you, and it's your own business." Ye Shu said.

After speaking, she turned to look at Ye Ziqin, before he could speak, Ye Ziqin said, "Brother, I was admitted to the key class of County No. [-] Middle School!"

Hearing what she said, Ye Zishu didn't seem to have anything to say. Although there are gaps in key classes, no matter what, if you enter the county key class, you will basically be admitted to undergraduate.

There are so many students in the county, but there are only one or two key classes. In addition, the top students gather together, and the learning atmosphere is very strong. Generally speaking, the grades will not drop quickly.

"During this time, Zi Hua and I are both at home. You have more than ten days to go to school, so you should study systematically, especially Ziqi." Ye Zishu said.

Ye Ziqin was very resistant to this decision. She managed to get through the busy life of the third year of junior high school, and finally she could take a break to welcome the arrival of high school life without a sense of urgency.

Ye Ziqi is very interested. Ye Zishu has taught them to read since they were young. Although they have seldom taught them since they entered university, the habit is still there.

In addition, Ye Ziqi is going to be in his third year of high school soon, and the college entrance examination is going to be in no time.

After everyone finished eating, Ye Ziqi went to wash the dishes, Ye Ziqin and her mother made the beds for the two brothers, and the three elders sat in front of the TV and chatted while watching it.

When the time came to 10 o'clock, everyone went back to the room to sleep. Ye Zishu and Ye Zihua slept in the same room. The big bed, which was considered relatively spacious before, felt a bit crowded no matter how they slept.

Coupled with the hot weather, the two brothers could not fall asleep in bed, tossing and turning, feeling uncomfortable no matter what.

Both of them are not short, and they sleep with their heads side by side, which seems a bit crowded, so they choose to sleep head to tail, but in order to avoid the smell of feet, they can only sleep on their sides, but after a long time, they feel uncomfortable.

In the past, he listened to his father's advice and did not rebuild the house. Now he feels that he can no longer listen to his father's advice. He must build a new house and build it bigger, so that everyone has a separate bed to sleep in.

Otherwise, every time he goes home, he will suffer, and he is not short of money, so there is no need to be so harsh on himself.

Early the next morning, Ye Zishu finished washing and said to his father while having breakfast, "Daddy, I'm going to build a new house."

"Why, are you going to get married?" Father asked.

"Can't build a house if you're not going to get married?" Ye Zishu said angrily.

Ye Zihua also seemed to be suffering from guilt, and deliberately said: "Dad, you don't know at home, but I saw my future sister-in-law, she is very beautiful."

It’s okay if you don’t say this, but as soon as you say it, everyone else looks at Ye Zishu gossipingly, and Ye Zishu quickly said: “I haven’t written the horoscope yet.”

Hearing that he didn't completely deny it, his father immediately said with a smile on his face: "That means building a new house. With a new house, you can go out independently."

Although he really wanted to explain, but seeing his father agreeing, he didn't continue to argue. If there is no reason, it is still a bit difficult to convince his father.

Seeing that the mother wanted to ask about the girl's situation in detail, Ye Zishu hurriedly said, "Don't ask any more, so what if you tell me. When the conditions are ripe, I will bring it back for you to see."

Hearing what he said, the mother finally didn't ask about the girl's situation in detail, but said: "If the two parties are really interested, they should get along well, be considerate of each other, and not let the girl down!"

"I know!" Ye Zishu said.

In the generation of parents, marriage is a lifetime event, but in his generation, marriage is not necessarily a lifetime event.

After the post-90s and post-00s, it is probably another scene. Some people may feel like they are getting married every day, but there is no need to tell their parents about this, because it doesn’t make sense.

After getting his father's permission, Ye Zishu went to the village chief's house after breakfast to discuss the issue of the land for the new house. Generally speaking, after the land is delivered to the household, if you want to build a new house, you need to exchange your own land for others.

If the land under my name happens to be around the village, then there is no need to change it, just build a house directly, but it needs to be approved by the township government.

Since Ye Zishu went to university, his files and household registration have been moved to the school. He is no longer registered in the village, and it is very difficult to obtain the approval of the township government.

Therefore, if you want to build a new house, you cannot use cultivated land, you can only use the existing non-cultivated land, which basically either belongs to the individual or the village collective.

Fortunately, the current system for building houses on rural land is not particularly perfect. In addition, they all have the same surname, which is recorded on a family tree, and it has not been long since they left the village.

As long as the government's rules and regulations were circumvented, the villagers would not particularly object, so the village chief basically had no opinion after listening to him.

However, it needs to be discussed where to build the house. He hopes to build it on collective land, so that if he spends a sum of money, the whole village can share the benefits, and no one will be dissatisfied with it.

If you just buy one person's land alone, other people will not be able to benefit, and it will inevitably break your mouth. This is something he has to consider.

After discussing with the village chief, it was finally decided to grant him land in front of the village, next to the village square, with an area of ​​about one mu, maybe a little more.

This area is actually very large. The land area for building houses in rural areas is generally only about 4 fen of land, even if it is larger, it will not exceed 6 fen of land.

The next step is to talk about the price, Ye Zishu said: "I'm going to buy this land with 100 million yuan!"

When the village head heard what he said, he was shocked and said quickly, "Why do you need so much money!"

"Listen to me, I know that many people in the village have gone to Shenzhen to work, and their living conditions have improved somewhat, but they are generally still relatively poor.

You can see that the houses in the whole village are basically adobe houses, and there are many children in the family, so it is very crowded to live in.

If I build a house, it will definitely be beautiful. With such an obvious contrast, how can I have the nerve to build the house so well?

The 100 million is just distributed to everyone in the name of selling land, so that people in the village can also have money to build new houses, so everyone is better.

There are 25 families in our village, and each family can get 4 yuan. It is no problem to build a multi-storey building. "Leaf Book said.

In fact, he really wanted to give back to the village, but he just needed to find a name, and he couldn't give money directly, so he simply used the name of buying land to benefit everyone.

At the same time, the construction of a small villa in his family will not be so eye-catching. He can't do things like "the rich wine and meat stink, and the road is frozen to death".

The village head thought for a while and said, "I understand what you're thinking. We uncles must thank you. We'll hold a village meeting later to discuss this matter. It shouldn't be a big problem."

Any matter involving the village collective requires such a meeting. He has experienced a lot in his previous life, and some things can go on for several years, or even more than ten years.

Although the efficiency is very low, and there is even an urge to beat people, it has to be said that sometimes it can still protect the interests of the whole village, and it will not allow the village head to have too much power.

The result is that everyone is unwilling to be a job, because this is really not a good job, there is not much subsidy, and there is no benefit.

Everyone came from the same ancestor, and many of them were even older than the village. If they went too far and were beaten by the elders, there was no reason to justify them, and they would not be able to hold their heads up in the village.

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