Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 398 Brother, You Are Too Partial

Don't look at him as if he is very rich, but if you really look into it, Taiji Group has made some money, which can support the development of other industries. Although other companies also make money, they can't give much.

For example, Phoenix Technology, although it has made a lot of money, can be regarded as a software giant no matter whether it is at home or abroad. After all, its annual income is tens of billions of dollars, which is quite a lot.

But all this money needs to support the development of other software industries under Phoenix Technology, and when the cloud computing platform is built, it needs to invest a lot of money in hardware.

What's more, from now on, it is necessary to launch Internet products intensively, and Internet products require a lot of funds to support them in the early stage, and it will be several years later when they are rewarded.

Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company have also reached the stage of making money this year. If they develop well, they will naturally not lack funds.

But if something unexpected happens and their income drops sharply, it will be quite dangerous, which makes him very cautious in using the funds of these two companies.

Before a decisive victory has been achieved, the two companies must try their best to stockpile ammunition, whether it is a strategy against competitors or used to survive the winter after the cold winter appears, it is necessary.

Therefore, although he can transfer some of the funds from these two companies, he does not dare to withdraw a large amount of funds like the Taiji Group, and it doesn't matter if it is almost emptied.

Now he hopes that Kirin Industrial Group and Huanyu Group can bring him good income in the future, so that he can have more funds to invest in larger industries.

Although Kirin Industrial Group is positioned as a basic industry, the price of such industrial products is generally not particularly high, but it has the two advantages of large quantity and necessity.

What's more, there are many unique high-quality products that can obtain very high profits. If Kirin Industrial Group develops well in the future, it is possible to have an output value of several trillion yuan, or even reach ten trillion yuan.

Then there is the transportation products of Huanyu Group. The automobile industry is most likely to provide high income in the near future. In order to support their automobile industry, he plans to come up with some black technology.

It is difficult for a new brand to stand out in a short period of time with its excellent design and regular performance improvements. It must have a certain performance index, which is much higher than other similar products.

This is a selling point that attracts consumers. As for the level of technology in other aspects, it is basically a icing on the cake, which can make users have higher loyalty to the new brand.

"Stop chatting, they've been driving for a day, and they're probably hungry, so let's eat first," said the mother.

To be honest, they were already too hungry. At two or three o'clock in the afternoon, they were so hungry, but now they don't feel it anymore, but it is still necessary to eat.

There are four dishes on the table, stir-fried peppers, loofah soup, long beans, scrambled eggs with chives. The two of them came late, so they prepared such dishes at home, but the portions were bigger.

Ye Zishu is not particularly particular about food. He is not very good at cooking by himself, so he naturally pays attention to eating according to fate. It is good to have delicious food, and he can eat delicious food even if it is not delicious.

Growing up in the countryside, I have no qualifications to be picky eaters. I eat whatever vegetables are available in the field. Even when there are no vegetables, a bowl of fried rice with soy sauce can be delicious.

I didn't feel hungry just now, but now I'm gobbling up a meal. In just about 15 minutes, I finished eating two large bowls of rice.

Ye Zihua was in the same situation as him, but it was normal to eat like this in the countryside, but there was no such thing as eating slowly, everyone was poor, and they didn't pay much attention to it.

After the meal, Ye Zishu made himself a cup of tea, sat at the dining table without getting down, and chatted with his family while drinking tea.

When he felt that the atmosphere was about the same, his mother asked, "Why did you stay at home for so long all of a sudden, did something happen outside?"

The father just thought that the two sons were back, and he felt very happy. Now when he heard his wife ask this question, he hurriedly asked, "How long will you stay home this time?"

"It's not what you think. My work is going well. If you don't believe me, you can ask Ye Zihua. He was basically with me during this time. He knows the company's situation very well." Ye Zihua said.

Hearing what his brother said, Ye Zihua hurriedly said: "You guys haven't seen my brother's work status, basically he works all night long, working very hard.

I also persuaded him before that it was not good for his health, but at that time he always said that he was too busy with work, it seems that the work is a little easier now, and he is going to go home to recuperate for a while. "

Ye Zishu just wanted Ye Zihua to testify, but he didn't expect him to reveal the matter of his working all night, which made Ye Zishu couldn't help but glared at him.

"I know that you are alone and helpless outside. If you want to succeed, you must rely entirely on yourself, but you must also take care of your body. Don't let your body break down. Don't think that it doesn't matter if you are young." Father said seriously .

Gu "I know my own body, but I was busy at that time, and you also know that everything is difficult at the beginning, and now it is finally a little better, why don't I go home and rest!" Ye Zishu said.

"Then stay at home for a while, work will never be finished." When the mother heard that he had nothing to do outside, she finally felt relieved and said with a smile.

"Well, I know!" Ye Zishu said.

In summer, the weather is very stuffy. His house is an adobe-brick house, which is better insulated, but it is still too hot. If there is not an electric fan blowing, it is impossible to treat people.

"Dad, why don't we install some air conditioners, the house is really too hot." Ye Zishu suggested.

"Why spend that unjustified money, we don't feel the heat, you, you are still used to sitting in the office, it is difficult to adapt for a while, it will be fine in a few days." Father said.

Hearing what his father said, Ye Zishu had no choice but to give up, knowing that it would be useless to say it. In this family, his father still had some authority.

Unless he is married, he can have a certain right to speak. After his father is 60 years old, as the eldest son, he has the possibility of being the master of the family.

"Brother, do you really not intend to become a star?" Ye Ziqin asked.

"Well, my brother is too busy with work, I don't have the energy to do these things, and you are not too young, what's so good about chasing stars, you should study hard and try to get into a good university." Ye Zishu said.

Speaking of this, Ye Zishu turned to Ye Ziqi and said, "You are about to enter the third year of high school, how are your grades?"

"Brother, don't just stare at me, Ziqin just passed the high school entrance examination, don't you care?" Ye Ziqi looked at Ye Ziqin and said.

Hearing Ye Ziqi's reminder, he found that he had indeed overlooked this point, mainly because he didn't think the high school entrance examination was difficult, and the college entrance examination seemed more important in comparison.

"Let's talk about Ziqin later, let's talk about your studies first!" Ye Zishu said.

"Well, I didn't pass the final exam this time, and I ranked eighth in the whole grade." Ye Ziqi said.

"What rank do you usually rank in the exam?" Ye Zishu asked.

"It's generally within the top five." Ye Ziqi said.

Hearing what he said, Ye Zishu felt that although it was not very safe to get into Tsinghua University and Peking University, it should not be too difficult to get into other key universities.

Although the economy of their county is not particularly good, the county No. [-] middle school is still very good in the region and in the province. Almost every year there are students admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University, and the strength is quite strong.

Being able to rank in the top five in the school grade, although this final exam is in the top eight, it is still very competitive.

But Ye Zishu said: "Girls of your age are easily distracted by some things, so I won't say much, I hope you can devote more energy to your studies in the third year of high school.

Did you see that car outside? If you get No.1 in the whole grade, that car will be given to you, and you can buy a new one! "

Just after saying this, Ye Zihua, who was sitting on the side, suddenly asked: "Brother, are you a bit biased, why don't I have such a reward?"

You must know that Ye Zihua was also admitted to Tsinghua University as No.1 in the No.10 County No. [-] Middle School, and even ranked in the top [-] in the whole province. This result is quite good.

But the elder brother didn't say anything at all, it's fine if there is no comparison, but now he says that if Ye Ziqi gets the first place in the school grade, he will be rewarded with a car.

I have also seen the leaf painting of the car, which cost more than 30 yuan, but he just wanted a computer, and his brother would hold it back, which made him feel very unfair.

"If you want a car, make money yourself!" Ye Zishu said angrily.

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