Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 400 I Have Never Seen You Such a Prodigal

The village chief didn't waste time either. After chatting with Ye Zishu, he immediately went door-to-door to notify the ancestral hall to discuss matters. Every household needed someone.

In the past, every household head would be at home, but now it is different. Some household heads also went to Shenzhen Xuanwu Technology Company to work. Only when they are really old, they will choose to stay at home and let their children and grandchildren go out to work.

When Ye Zishu came to the ancestral hall and saw that most of them were women, he was in a bad mood, although going out to work solved their income problem and improved their quality of life.

However, this will inevitably lead to the situation of left-behind women and children. But does he have a good solution, because the current national policy and actual infrastructure make the industrial layout not so balanced.

The headquarters of Kirin Industrial Group is located in Wuhan, and its industries are located in the three provinces of Hunan, Jiangxi and Hubei. It is actually an attempt by him, hoping to drive the economic development of the border areas of the three provinces.

When the three provinces can see the benefits of real business development, many administrative obstacles will be weakened, and at the same time they will be more proactive in fighting for policies.

I am afraid of comparison in anything. Everyone was poor before, and it is only natural for them to be poor. If a province suddenly has a region with explosive economic growth, other regions will not be able to sit still.

You will think about attracting investment, and attracting investment requires a lot of hard conditions, such as the efficiency of government affairs, the degree of government integrity, the construction of road facilities, the strength of policy support, and so on.

The industries under Ye Zishu are better. They are basically high-tech industries, which can bear high costs and are very competitive in the market.

But ordinary commerce and manufacturing do not have such capabilities, and any higher cost will basically make investors lose their money.

Especially those small and medium-sized investors, they are not strong in themselves, and their resources are not extensive. If they are taken by others, they are basically lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

This is also the reason why it is difficult for many inland provinces to develop industries and commerce, because before they grow up, they have already been squeezed dry, and there is no chance to grow at all.

And those who can grow up have extraordinary relationships. Anyway, it is even more difficult for ordinary people to start a career in industry and commerce. This situation is difficult for Ye Zishu to change.

He can only hope that through some hard work, he can see if there is any improvement. As for whether the result can meet his expectations, he doesn't know, so he can only watch as he works.

The current industry of Kirin Industrial Group is still in the research and development stage. The initial industrial layout is in the urban area and will not spread to the county. After all, the further down the country, the more complicated the situation will be.

If the first phase of the construction plan is carried out very well, more industrial layout may be carried out, and the industry will gradually be deployed to county-level administrative units.

At that time, maybe Ye Zishu's county will also have supporting industries for construction, but when it will develop to the county will depend on the actual situation.

"This time, please come over to discuss one thing. Just now, Zishu approached me and wanted to build a house and buy land from the village.

What he set his eyes on was the one-acre lot in front of the village square, and he came here this time to discuss whether this matter is feasible. "

The village chief hadn't finished speaking, but there were whispers below. Everyone thought it was normal to build a house, and Ye Zishu's family also had the strength, but more than one acre of land was too big, and everyone still had opinions on this.

The scale of the collective land in the village is so large. If everyone builds such a large house, there will be less and less land available in the future. We can't occupy the cultivated land all the time, and we have to keep the land for food.

Seeing this situation, the village head quickly said: "Zi Shu didn't take this land for nothing this time, and planned to spend 100 million yuan to buy this land.

The 100 million yuan will be divided evenly according to the number of households in our village. About 4 yuan can be allocated to each household. Everyone can use this money to build their own houses. "

After saying this, the discussion below became louder. A grandparent stood up and asked, "Zi Shu, do you agree with your father when you hand over so much money?"

Although Ye Zishu has made money, his father is still in charge of his family, and it still needs to be confirmed if such a large amount of money is involved.

It just so happened that Ye Zishu's father also came over. To be honest, my son spent so much money to buy land, and the premium was many times higher. He didn't discuss it with him, so he was still a little angry.

But in front of so many people, it's not easy for him to directly refute his son's opinion. After all, the child is already grown up, and with a successful career, some things are beyond his control.

Hearing the elder's words, his father stood up and said, "Although this is the first time I've heard of this matter, Zishu can completely decide on this matter."

When Gu heard him say this, the discussion below became louder. As long as everyone understands, Ye Zishu is giving money to everyone. If it is the real price, a few thousand yuan will be enough.

After discussing for a while, the village chief said: "This is the situation now. If everyone agrees, then this matter is settled. If you disagree, express your point of view and let everyone hear whether it makes sense."

This is just a formality. Faced with such a huge amount of funds, even the difficult people in the village will not stand up and provoke public outrage. This is an embarrassment for everyone.

As for asking for more, it is really a snake swallowing an elephant, too greedy, and there is no voting process. After waiting for a while, it seems that everyone has no intention of objecting.

The village chief said again: "Since everyone has no opinion, then this matter is settled like this, Zishu, please say something!"

Ye Zishu stood up and said, "Thank you for the support of the elders. The amount of 100 million yuan is too large, and it is difficult to withdraw it all at once. I will go to the county to handle it later, and pay the land purchase money to everyone as soon as possible."

Hearing his politeness, the village head took over the conversation and said, "Zi Shu, you are too polite. You have sent so many people in the village to work in Shenzhen, and your income has increased a lot. We have already accepted your favor.

This time you are willing to spend 100 million yuan to buy land. We also know that you want to support every household in the village. We should thank you. "

After saying this, everyone agrees. Although there is no real land transaction in the village, everyone still knows a little about the land transaction price in the villages around the county seat.

One or two thousand and one mu of land is the normal price, and that is the land price around the county seat. They are still more than ten miles away from the county seat, and the land price is even less valuable.

"I'm not being polite, I just came back yesterday, and my brother and I slept on the same bed alone, it was very crowded, and the weather was hot, it was really a bit of a torment.

When I come back this time, I will stay at home for a month or two. Everyone knows that I can't bear hardships. If I live like this for a long time, I can't stand it! "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

After he said this, everyone laughed. Ye Zishu used to be a well-known lazy man in the village. Now that he brought it up by himself, everyone couldn't help but think of his previous appearance.

But a lazy person is not necessarily poor. No matter who told him to have a good brain, his grades from childhood to adulthood were unspeakable, which led to him still having a certain prestige in the village.

Even people in the village now know that reading is the only way to change their destiny, but reading in rural areas is entirely dependent on talent, not the material for reading, no matter how much you force it, it will not help.

It's impossible to hire a tutor like the people in the city. If you really don't have the talent for reading, you basically only finish elementary school, so you don't become illiterate, and then you have to go out to work.

"Zi Shu said this, as if we are born to like to endure hardship, but there is no other way, I still plan to wait for the child's father to work to save some money, and then tear down the current house and rebuild it. When the child grows up, the house will become more and more crowded. ’” said a sister-in-law.

Now the minimum monthly salary of Xuanwu Technology Company is 250 yuan, and they can save 200 yuan a month, and 2400 yuan a year. In three or four years, they can build a good brick house.

In fact, if you work for a few more years, the salary will not be so low. It is normal for the monthly salary to rise to 300 to 400. If Xuanwu Technology Company makes money, it will further increase the salary.

This statement has been agreed by many people. They are not willing to live in such a house, because they really have no money. With the money from Ye Zishu, there is no pressure for everyone to build a house.

"Elders, let me say one more thing. This time I am building a house. Anyway, I need a professional company to help. I know that all the strong laborers from every household have gone to work.

Even if I come back for the Chinese New Year, it will not be long. If I repair the house at home and delay making money, if everyone trusts me, we will do it together, so that the quality of the house will be guaranteed, and it will look better.

I know that you may not be able to make a decision on this matter in a short time. Later, you can call my family and talk about it. Anyway, there is no rush. "Leaf Book said.

The current structure of rural house construction is still relatively backward, the earthquake resistance is relatively weak, and the living comfort is not particularly high. He has a deep understanding of this in his previous life.

Of course, such a situation is mainly due to insufficient money. If everyone has money, they are naturally willing to build a tall building and do as much work as they want.

After the meeting, when he returned home, his father couldn't help but said, "I've seen a prodigal, but I've never seen such a prodigal like you!"

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