Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 397 "How can I eat meat every day"

Cars are very rare in this day and age, not to mention rural areas, but cities as well, so when many people see cars entering the village, they basically follow them all the way.

When they saw the car parked in front of Ye Zishu's house, everyone knew who it belonged to, and at the same time, everyone took it for granted, after all, his family had a promising child now.

Ye Zishu parked the car, came down and looked around, adults and children surrounded him, he immediately asked Ye Zihua to distribute the remaining snacks in the car to the surrounding children, while he himself took out cigarettes from the car and gave them to the adults Yours sincerely.

Many people saw that it was a good cigarette, and after taking it, they put it in front of their nose and smelled it, and then held it between their ears, not wanting to smoke it immediately, which made Ye Zishu very emotional.

Especially when he saw that many people would rather smoke their own pipes, or younger villagers smoke cigarettes without filter tips, it means that everyone is still poor.

Their village is considered good. Many young laborers have been hired by him to work in Xuanwu Technology Company. Even if they just entered, they still have a minimum monthly salary of 250 yuan, and the monthly salary will increase with the length of service.

If nothing else, Xuanwu Technology will make a lot of money this year, and will no longer operate in debt as before, and its salary will increase even more.

Just after Ye Zishu and the uncles and elders in the village finished greeting, Ye Ziqin, who had been following behind her buttocks, finally seized the opportunity to ask, "Brother, did you bring me anything?"

"Go find your second brother!" Ye Zishu scratched her head and said with a smile.

To be honest, he didn't know which of the items he brought belonged to Ye Ziqin and which belonged to other people in the family. Ye Zihua was responsible for buying these things.

At this time, his mother finally finished the dishes in the pot, walked over, saw Ye Zishu and the two of them, and said, "I told your father, if you don't come back again, you probably won't be able to come back this year."

"No way, I will definitely come back when I come back in the middle of the year. I still miss you, as well as Ziqin and Ziqi. When I come back this time, I will stay at home for a long time, maybe after October." Ye Zishu said.

My mother, who was originally happy, did not become happier when she heard his words. Instead, she was a little worried. Everyone said that "the spring breeze is proud of horseshoe disease", and now she suddenly stayed at home for so long, indicating that there may be problems outside.

It's just that there are so many people now, and his mother didn't ask more specifics, but said: "It's better to stay longer, just take this opportunity to rest at home for a while, you greet everyone first, and I'll finish dinner."

Mother turned around and went to the kitchen, and his father came back after a while. The pigsty was some distance away from the residence. Seeing the bustle in front of the door, he knew it was Ye Zishu and the others who had returned.

"Daddy!" Ye Zishu said.

"It's good to come back, if you don't come back, your mother will talk about it again!" His father said with a smile.

Ye Zihua moved all the luggage brought back into the house, then took out the prepared snacks, put them on a plate, and gave them to the children and adults in the village.

And his father, after returning to the house, brought out a lot of tea on a tray in a short time for everyone to drink. Although they were all acquaintances in the village, or even relatives, there was no need for such trouble.

But when Ye Zishu returned to the village, he had achieved such a great achievement, so he should show something. This is the traditional way of treating people here.

In the countryside, no matter how much achievements you have made, you still hope to be recognized by the villagers when you come back. Ye Zishu is not disgusted with this, and this custom can maintain a high moral standard.

Ye Zihua then took out many benches and put them in the small living room for all the uncles to come in and sit down. But seeing that it was already meal time, the uncles hurriedly drank the tea in their hands, then took their leave and went home.

After everyone dispersed, Ye Zishu's family could finally sit together. His father asked, "You and Zihua drove all the way back?"

"Thousands of kilometers, it's tiring to drive. We flew to Wuhan by plane, and then drove from Wuhan to home." Ye Zishu said.

"That's okay, I heard the road is not smooth." Father said.

"Most of the places are still very good, after all, there are only a small number of bad people." Ye Shu said.

At this time, his mother said: "If I know that you are coming back today, I will go and buy some meat."

"Zi Hua and I don't need these. You can often get them over there. On the contrary, you guys don't need to save money if you give them money. It doesn't cost much to eat better." Ye Zishu said.

Gu "There is no one who eats meat every day!" said his mother.

Ye Zishu's words did not sound pleasant to Ye Zishu's ears, not because his family was so frugal, but because this was the real situation of most Chinese families, especially in rural areas.

Only during the Chinese New Year and holidays throughout the year can you see a little meat. Even after more than ten years, families in rural areas will not be able to eat meat every day.

At that time, it was not because they had no money, but because they were not at ease in their hearts, and they wanted to save up some money if they had any money in their hands, so that they could use it for emergency in case of a catastrophe.

In fact, for ordinary families, the only time for a catastrophe is a serious illness. Other catastrophes, except for natural disasters, are predictable, and there is no need to save money desperately.

No matter how well-to-do the family is, a serious illness will basically wipe out the family. If there is no effective treatment, it will be a bottomless pit.

Villages like theirs, which are gathered by surnames and clans, are better. If someone in the village is seriously ill and has no money to turn around, the villagers will generally donate.

Gathering together, although not necessarily able to cover the treatment costs, can also support for a period of time. Basically, this kind of mutual assistance mode can reduce the danger of natural disasters bringing destruction to a family.

Faced with such a problem, he doesn't have many solutions. After all, he is not a government, and no matter how rich he is, he is not as capable as the government.

The only solution is to develop more medicines and medical technologies to reduce the cost of treating serious diseases, and at the same time introduce cheap medical insurance to further reduce the burden on the people.

In the past, he thought that Taiji Group could do it step by step, first develop and produce vaccines, and then improve the technical level of medical equipment.

As for the medical field, it can be delayed a little bit, but now he feels that if he has enough energy, some things still need to be pushed forward.

The second is to increase the income level in rural areas, in addition to continuing to provide more urban employment opportunities, so that the surplus rural labor force can find jobs in cities to earn a living.

Another thing is to increase the economic output value of rural land. It’s just how to do this. In fact, there is no systematic research in Ye Zishu.

He just thought that growing food would definitely not make the countryside rich, and he didn't think it was a good thing for everyone to move to the city. Urbanization is certainly good for economic development, but the disadvantages are also very obvious.

Most importantly, he believes that the countryside is an important part of maintaining traditional Chinese culture. In his previous life, urban life became more and more westernized, and traditional culture was almost lost.

On the contrary, rural areas still maintain relatively strong traditional cultural concepts, some of which he does not think are good, but most of them are still desirable.

His only company involved in agriculture is the Taiji Group. It is estimated that the formal construction of their Chinese herbal medicine planting base should start at this time.

As for organic vegetable cultivation, although many new technologies have been used to improve the planting efficiency while maintaining the taste and nutrition of vegetables, the cost is still relatively high compared to income.

This means that the domestic market size of this vegetable planting technology is limited, and to do this well requires advanced logistics and terminal sales networks.

Without a huge system to support it, it would be impossible to obtain a higher income by relying on the straggler-like sales model.

These are all things to talk about. The first problem we are facing now is to separate tens of millions of rural families from food cultivation, so that it is feasible to engage in the production of higher economic crops.

He can come up with industrialized food production technology, but the current energy cost is too high, and the price of the produced food is generally high. This must first solve the problem of low-cost energy.

To solve the energy problem, there are two ways to solve it. On the one hand, it is to improve the power generation efficiency of traditional thermal power generation, thereby reducing the cost of thermal power generation.

On the other hand, it is to invest huge sums of money into the green energy industry. This refers specifically to solar power generation, and it can also be controlled nuclear fusion. Other wind energy and tidal energy are difficult to become mainstream energy sources.

But these all require huge funds to support, and even he is a little hesitant to do it.

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