Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 396 It would be nice to have an electronic navigation map

To be honest, Ye Zishu doesn't like flying. When taking off and landing, he feels uncomfortable and has tinnitus. It takes half an hour to an hour to get used to it.

If there is a choice of high-speed rail, he will definitely choose high-speed rail to travel, but he doesn't know when he will be able to run high-speed rail all over the land of the motherland.

Although he has great confidence to develop the entire high-speed rail system in 96, the actual construction is beyond his control.

It is hoped that in the past few years, the national finances can be greatly improved, so that the government can afford to invest in costly high-speed rail projects.

It's just that he is not very optimistic about this, because the huge state-owned enterprises have actually put huge pressure on the country's finances, and the Asian financial crisis in 97 was just an introduction.

Before takeoff, the stewardess came over to check whether everyone was wearing their seat belts. One of the stewardesses stared at Ye Zishu for a long time, then walked over and asked softly, "Are you Ye Zishu?"

She probably wasn't the one who boarded the plane just now, her name must have been written on the ticket, Ye Zishu smiled and said, "You know me?"

Hearing his confession, the stewardess immediately said happily: "I finally met Ye Shu in person! I am your fan, and I often listen to your tapes when I have nothing to do."

"Thank you for supporting me!" Ye Zishu said.

To be honest, he is very grateful for the support of fans all over the country and even the world. Without the contributions of these fans, how could he have invested so much money in the field of industrial technology.

The flight attendant's voice was a bit loud just now, causing everyone in the first class to look at him, and some even stood up, wanting to see who Ye Shu was.

The audience of Ye Zishu's songs is still very wide, and the number of fans in China is very high, but not many people have actually seen him and recognized him.

He only made public appearances twice at the Spring Festival Gala and the concert held in Hong Kong. Although the concert held 100 times in a row, not many people in China went to the scene.

The resolution of the current TV screen is very low, and there is still a big gap between his image on stage and his real life. Being able to recognize him means that he is a true fan.

Seeing so many people looking at him, Ye Zishu nodded to everyone as a greeting, and the flight attendant saw this situation and asked in a low voice: "Can you give me an autograph?"

"Of course no problem!" Ye Zishu said.

When the stewardess heard that he agreed, she quickly took out the pen and paper she had prepared. After Ye Zishu took it, she wrote her name in artistic fonts on it.

This artistic font is only used in his art works. In the company's official documents, he always writes his name correctly so that all employees of the company can identify it.

After the stewardess left, Ye Zihua whispered, "Brother, you are quite welcome!"

"Fame and fortune are gone, your brother and I have already quit the music scene, so what does it matter if we are popular or not?" Ye Zishu said.

Hearing his words, Ye Zihua didn't say any more. As a boy, he also felt that being a scientist or an entrepreneur was much better than being a singer, and he was also much more respected.

A few hours later, the plane landed at Nanhu Airport in Wuhan. The Tianhe International Airport in the previous life is still under construction and will not open until 1995.

In fact, Xunyang also has an airport, but it is currently used for military purposes. If it is used for civilian purposes, he can fly directly to Xunyang, which can save him a lot of time.

Since he checked in a car this time, he would not go to the baggage port to pick up his luggage as usual, but unloaded his car directly at the airport.

Ye Zishu drove the car outside the airport and rested for a while. Just after getting off the plane, he still had tinnitus. Driving on the road was prone to accidents, so he stopped by the side of the road to rest.

"Zi Hua, can you drive?" Ye Zishu asked.

Ye Zihua shook her head and said, "I think so, but I don't have a car to practice with. Why don't you teach me how to drive when you get home?"

"Okay, let's see your understanding when you go back!" Ye Zishu said.

After resting for more than half an hour, Ye Zishu felt that his ears had gradually returned to normal, and then Ye Zishu started the car and walked towards the national highway.

I bought some food in the store in the middle, and I was afraid that I couldn't find it on the road, but this kind of situation is not common, and they just took precautions.

Ye Zishu had never driven home before, so he had to ask someone how to get there, but he found out that he didn't need to cross the Xunyang Yangtze River Bridge at all if he took the national highway to go home.

Just cross the Yangtze River in Wuhan to Wuchang, and then go all the way to the national highway. In this era, the information is still too closed, and many things are not so easy even for him to check.

This reminded him of getting his own electronic map. If he wanted to develop localized services in the future, electronic maps are an essential infrastructure.

It's just that electronic maps are a sensitive industry. I don't know if Phoenix Technology can apply for it, and it also involves electronic maps of almost all countries in the world.

As a global enterprise, the service object is consumers all over the world, and global electronic map information is an indispensable facility.

However, the satellite data in our country are relatively sensitive. I don’t know whether the country is willing to cooperate. If you want to make a map without the help of satellites, it is difficult to get an accurate electronic map just by running on the road.

Moreover, although the satellite launched this year is a remote sensing satellite, it is an experimental satellite, and he does not know how accurate it is, let alone the support of a positioning and navigation system.

If Laomei's GPS is allowed to run north and south in our country, whether it is supported by the policy is also a question that needs to be considered. If it is not supported, then it will be discontinued.

However, electronic maps and positioning systems are the infrastructure for many future applications. If they are not built early, they will seriously affect the development of many technologies.

Even if he wants to acquire a civilian electronic map company, let alone the question of whether it can be acquired or not, there are not many such companies in the world at present.

The main reason is that there are too few fields where electronic maps are used. Everyone has not seen the broad prospects of electronic maps, and the technology of existing electronic map companies is not very good.

Are you going to enter the satellite field again?To be honest, although he has indeed created many miracles during this period, he is not sure whether the national policy supports it when it comes to the satellite field.

Anyway, there are currently no private companies participating in the R&D and operation of satellites. I don't know if it is not allowed by the policy, or because private companies simply cannot do this.

The current private enterprises are not enough to get involved in this field, no matter in terms of scale or technical strength, and are generally supported by the state, not only in my country, but also in the whole world.

If the country allows him to enter the field of satellite research and development and operation, he really intends to flex his muscles. Whether it is remote sensing satellites, positioning satellites, or even communication satellites, he is willing to do it.

Encountered unclear places along the way, Ye Zishu got out of the car and asked locals, or passing driver friends, and finally arrived in Xunyang after spending nearly 6 hours.

But this is not over yet. It will take nearly two hours to get from Xunyang back to his small county town of his hometown. Fortunately, this section of the road is also a national highway, without too much bumps.

When they arrived at the county seat, it was already evening, and the two of them just ate some snacks in the middle. They were not full at all, and they were already very hungry.

The road from the county seat to the town below was the beginning of the nightmare. It rained very often in summer. They happened to meet each other. On the dirt road, other cars pressed out a deep gully.

The gully is full of yellow muddy water. If the pool is shallow, it will be fine, it will only dirty the car, but if it encounters a deep pool, it will be very unfriendly to his car.

Unfortunately, they met them and got stuck in the mud pit and couldn't get out. They had to ask the nearby villagers to help push them out. After pushing them out, they distributed a pack of cigarettes to each of the helpers.

Tractors are the most suitable for dirt roads like this, and the means of transportation in rural areas are basically walking tractors, and other tractors may not be easy to use.

Stumbled and stumbled, it took an hour and a half to get home after a journey of more than ten miles. At this time, I walked home. In the past, Ye Zishu went to school and came home from the county with his feet, which only took about an hour and a half.

When they drove back to the village in their dirt-stained car, it still caused a huge commotion. In this day and age, being able to drive a car is definitely synonymous with rich people and wealthy people.

When Ye Zishu drove the car to his door, his father was busy feeding the pigs, and his mother was cooking in the kitchen, but the two younger sisters happily ran out to see what happened.

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