Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 395 When will we build our own plane

Early the next morning, Ye Zishu got up, but Ye Zihua didn't sleep in, she woke up earlier than Ye Zishu, her things had already been packed and placed in the living room.

After Ye Zishu finished washing and came out, he found Pei Qing already sitting on the sofa, and saw him say: "I bought breakfast for you, hurry up and eat."

"I'm sorry to trouble you!" Ye Zishu said.

"What's the trouble here, let's go there quickly." Pei Qing stood up, pushed Ye Zishu and walked out the door.

Entering Pei Qing's home, Ye Zihua was already sitting at the dining table upright and eating breakfast. The breakfast consisted of deep-fried dough sticks, steamed buns, porridge and tofu nao.

Youtiao steamed stuffed bun and tofu nao should be bought from outside, and the porridge looks hot, it looks like it was made by Pei Qing herself.

"I don't know what breakfast you guys like, so I just bought some," Pei Qing said.

Southerners usually eat porridge in the morning. He believes that the main reason is that they were poor in the past. In order to save food, they eat porridge in the morning. As a result, it has become a habit over time.

Ye Zishu didn't serve porridge, but chose to eat tofu nao. You can eat porridge every day when you return to your hometown, but tofu nao is very difficult to eat when you return to your hometown.

Seeing that the two brothers chose to eat tofu nao at the same time, Pei Qing said with a smile: "It seems that the porridge I made so early is a waste. I thought that southerners like to eat porridge for breakfast."

"Porridge is grown from a snack, but you can also eat it when you go back to your hometown. Tofu nao is different. It is rare to make these in rural areas, and it takes time and effort." Ye Zishu said.

"Then eat quickly!" Pei Qing said.

In order to show respect for the fruits of her labor, Pei Qing chose to eat porridge, and then ate with buns. The breakfast of the three of them was carried out in a pleasant atmosphere.

After breakfast, Pei Qing asked, "Do you want me to take you to the airport?"

"No, I'll drive there by myself. There are a lot of things this time, so I decided to check them with the car to my hometown." Ye Zishu said.

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing smiled and said, "It's probably the first time you've done this."

I don't know if anyone has done this before, but it must be very expensive to consign a car by air, and most people can't afford it. To be honest, Ye Zishu also feels a bit painful.

"No way, if there is a direct flight to my hometown, then of course there is no such trouble, we can only fly to Wuhan first, and then drive back to my hometown." Ye Zishu said.

Just driving back to Xunyang from Wuhan is not an easy task. If the construction of the Xunyang Yangtze River Bridge opened to traffic at the beginning of this year, he would not be able to drive back. He could only take the ferry back to his hometown.

Ye Zishu and his brothers carried their luggage downstairs and put them in the car, and then they left the gate of the community with Pei Qing. After they separated, Pei Qing went to the company, while Ye Zishu and the others went straight to the airport.

I thought it would be troublesome to consign the car, but in the end, a staff member specially contacted was arranged here to help him complete the formalities quickly, basically without his hands.

I don't know if it was because of his face that he paid a huge consignment fee, or because he knew his identity and it was specially arranged. Anyway, it saved him a lot of trouble.

They bought the first-class cabin, and it is impossible for ordinary cabins to buy tickets temporarily, and they have paid so many consignment fees, and they don’t care about the first-class ticket price.

Ye Zihua was very excited. It was the first time for him to take a commercial airliner. When he came to Beijing to study, he crowded the train all the way like Ye Zishu.

"Brother, this chair is very comfortable!" Ye Zihua said.

"I think your rocking chair is more comfortable!" Ye Zishu said angrily.

"How can it be the same!" Ye Zihua said.

In fact, the first-class seat is really not that high-tech. In his opinion, the design is very general, the function is very general, and the materials used are also very general, but it is slightly more spacious than ordinary seats.

Hearing what he said, Ye Zishu didn't bother to talk to him. It was his first time flying by plane, and he was still excited. After a few more rides, he wouldn't feel any better.

"Brother, you can even develop high technology such as computers, when will you build our own passenger plane?" Ye Zihua asked.

Before Ye Zishu responded, there was a laugh from behind, but then stopped. Although Ye Zihua was a little embarrassed when he heard it, there was no need to be angry about it.

Anyway, in his eyes, his brother is definitely a top-level genius. He used to be good at reading, but now he has created such a large industry in such a short period of time, and his image has become even taller.

"My Huanyu Group is engaged in transportation business, and I still can't devote my energy to it. Compared with airplanes, what our country needs more urgently is high-speed rail." Ye Zishu said.

Although the airliner is indeed the crown of the civil industry, the actual situation in our country is that the aircraft is not the first choice at present, but the high-speed railway is.

One is that the air fare is relatively expensive, and ordinary people cannot afford it. The other is that the carrying capacity of the plane is too low, and my country is a country with a large population. The key is to solve the travel problem for most people.

Just as Ye Zishu finished speaking, laughter came from behind. Ye Zishu had to glance back. Sitting was a woman with a slightly fashionable dress. Her age couldn't be discerned, probably between 20 and 30. .

Sitting next to him was a man in his 40s. The man did not show a mocking expression, but nodded apologetically to Ye Zishu.

Ye Zishu will not get angry because of other people's ridicule. Before doing something, it is normal for others to laugh at them. The only way to respond to ridicule is to do something and slap them in the face with facts.

Of course Ye Zihua could hear the other party's ridicule, but Ye Zishu taught him since he was a child, there is no need to argue with people who are not the same, it is meaningless.

So he just took a look, turned his head away, pretended he didn't hear, but continued to ask: "Brother, when will our passenger plane start?"

Ye Zishu calculated carefully. At present, Huanyu Group's business is motorcycles and batteries. This time, it is mainly to sort out the industrial technology related to automobiles.

After Huanyu Group got the technology, no matter how fast it was, it would take at least a year for its first car to roll off the production line. This still has the basic support of many brother companies, otherwise it would take longer.

The technical standards he presented must be very high, and the requirements for basic industries are also very high. Fortunately, Xuanwu Technology Company has accumulated in this area, and Kirin Industrial Group also has a layout for basic industries.

If Huanyu Group can recruit a large number of R&D personnel next year, he will provide high-speed rail-related technologies for them to study first. After all, high-speed rail is more complex than cars, and it is a comprehensive transportation project.

His ideal state is to use two years to build a complete high-speed rail industry chain. He hopes that high-speed rail technology can produce mature products in 1996.

In 1995, it will also provide technical information on ships, allowing Huanyu Group to start manufacturing marine vehicles. It will take about two years to achieve results, and then it will be in 1997.

If the previous projects went well, in 1996, he might let Huanyu Group get involved in aircraft manufacturing. He hoped to produce results within two to three years, and the time came in 1999.

These research and development tasks of the Huanyu Group do not wait until the research and development of the previous vehicle is completed before starting, but are carried out alternately, which can save time and reduce the pressure.

Of course, this is also related to their financial situation. If their auto industry develops very well and has a large surplus, it will be much easier to implement the subsequent plans.

If the auto industry is not going well, it may take more time to cultivate this area, and the subsequent plans may be delayed for a while.

Yeshu is going to provide financial support when they develop the automobile industry, and then they need to rely on themselves to accumulate capital, and will not provide financial support anymore.

"Huanyu Group still has a lot of things to do. If we want to see my country's first large civil airliner, it will probably be in 1999." Ye Shu said to Ye Zihua.

"It's not that many years, only about 6 years." Ye Zihua said.

"This is just the best forecast. If there is something unexpected in the middle, it may be delayed." Ye Shu said.

"Brother, I believe you will be able to do it well!" Ye Zihua encouraged her brother.

"When did your brother disappoint you? Believe me, we will definitely let our plane fly in the blue sky of the motherland." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

If he really wants to die, he can enter the field of aircraft manufacturing now, but he thinks it is unnecessary, because this is not such an urgent task.

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