Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 394 Wanting More Advanced Artificial Intelligence Technology

In the end, Ye Zishu hurried back to his home, and he was completely at a disadvantage against Pei Qing. Even after closing the door, he could still hear Pei Qing's laughter.

"Brother, it's too high-profile for you to talk about love!" Ye Zihua was still lying on the rocking chair, and said to Ye Zishu with a smile.

"Aren't there too many things you care about?" Ye Zishu said angrily.

"Pretend I didn't say it!" Seeing Ye Zihua's stern eyes, Ye Zihua hurriedly said.

Every time I see Ye Zishu's eyes like this, Ye Zihua feels a little guilty. This is a shadow from childhood to adulthood. If she doesn't obediently admit her cowardice, she will face the beating of a violent storm next.

"Hurry up and take a shower, I have to wash and dry the clothes later," Ye Zishu said.

Seeing Ye Zihua go to his room to take a shower, Ye Zishu also went back to his room to take a bath, the hot weather, plus eating chili just now, felt his whole body was sweating.

After taking a shower, Ye Zihua sat on the sofa to dry her hair, and Ye Zishu took the clothes to the washing machine for washing.

"Pack up the personal belongings that you want to take back later, the plane is at 8 o'clock tomorrow, it's early, so don't panic when it arrives," Ye Zishu said.

"Well, I see." Ye Zihua said.

After Ye Zihua finished blowing her hair, Ye Zishu continued to blow her hair. After the clothes were washed and dried, she went back to her room and lay down on the bed to study before going to bed.

The artificial intelligence brought out this time can meet most of the needs, but there is still a big gap from the artificial intelligence he imagined.

He wants more advanced artificial intelligence technology. Even if there is no ready-made technology, he also wants to find relevant theoretical support and is ready to continue to improve the current level of artificial intelligence.

At present, he has come up with two kinds of intelligent technologies. One is the intelligent technology used in various software from the beginning, such as the chip design software system, which is this level of intelligent technology.

The scope of application of this kind of intelligent technology is relatively narrow, and each application needs to redesign and adjust the algorithm, which was done by him before.

The only advantage is that it is small in size, can be applied in various independent software, and the requirements for computer computing power are not so harsh.

It’s just that the algorithm has to be redesigned every time, and the understanding of intelligence and mathematics is very high. Most people can’t do this, and they rely heavily on him.

He has a lot of work, and it is impossible to provide such an intelligent algorithm every time, so he has the idea of ​​​​developing general artificial intelligence.

This kind of artificial intelligence is being produced now, and its scope of application is much wider, but its disadvantages are also obvious, that is, it consumes a lot of resources and requires a training process.

Using such artificial intelligence technology is very suitable for jobs that do not require face-to-face communication, but it is not suitable for jobs that require a certain understanding.

This kind of artificial intelligence is mainly applied to cloud computing services, cloud software and Internet applications, because it does not need to communicate directly with netizens, but only needs to manage programs and services.

What he needs now is to be able to communicate face-to-face, and the other party will not be able to recognize that it is artificial intelligence communicating with them. This is even more difficult.

Although he mentioned in front of Lei Jun that the existing artificial intelligence can be provided with an emotional simulation system, which will indeed have certain effects, but after careful identification, the difference can still be seen.

This level of artificial intelligence combined with an emotional simulation system is barely competent for literature, music creation, etc., because it does not need to communicate face-to-face with users for a long time.

And the reason why he wants a higher level of artificial intelligence now is mainly for the online education business of New Oriental Education Group.

Because online education needs to communicate with students online for a long time, and the questions asked are also strange. In such a scenario, the existing artificial intelligence technology is a bit dwarfed by comparison.

If students can clearly feel that the person facing them is not a real teacher, then the binding force and prestige to students will be significantly weakened, and the effect of education will be greatly reduced.

So he needs a higher artificial intelligence technology, so that anyone who communicates with it will not be able to feel that the other party is an artificial intelligence program, but a living person.

Moreover, this kind of artificial intelligence, compared with the existing artificial intelligence, also has a powerful real-time inference ability, instead of only copying the results of learning, it cannot provide real-time feedback on new problems.

Because human thinking is inherently unconstrained, and even some words have a lot of understanding, which has very high requirements for the instant understanding ability of artificial intelligence.

It can be said that reaching this level of artificial intelligence is already quite remarkable. If it goes further, it will have the ability to innovate, and if it goes further, it will have independent emotions. It is not a tool, but a new species.

He has been busy with the copying and integration of current simple technical materials before, and he doesn't have much time to study again. When he returns to his hometown this time, he also wants to put aside mundane affairs and concentrate on studying software-related knowledge.

In fact, he also looked for more advanced and ready-made artificial intelligence technology, but unfortunately, in the vast sea of ​​books, he did not find a complete technology that met his requirements.

There are two reasons for this situation. One is that his authority in the virtual library is not enough, and higher-tech materials have not been opened to him.

The other is that the virtual library does not have such ready-made technology. It needs to read a lot of theoretical knowledge and develop it by itself, which is a test for him.

Since it is a talent training system, it can't just simply copy technical data, it seems too simple, and it is difficult to achieve the role of cultivating top talents.

No matter what the reason is, he needs to calm down and study, because if he wants to increase the authority of the virtual library, he needs to reach a certain level of knowledge.

You must know that he also learned slowly from elementary school knowledge at the beginning. After he finished high school, most of the materials are now open to him.

Because from the perspective of the talent training system, if the knowledge level reaches the high school level, these technical materials are not difficult to understand. In fact, a lot of knowledge used by universities is at the level of high school theory.

Of course, Ye Zishu's high school level is not at the same level as the high school level of other schools. Otherwise, he didn't need to spend so much time studying in the first 10 years of college.

You must know that he was a college student in his previous life, so he didn't need to start over from primary school, but the knowledge system in the talent training system is not the syllabus of outside schools at all, it is completely different.

Although he has no problems with most of the elementary school knowledge in it, there are still many problems, which are not at the elementary school level at all, and there are even some problems that he has not figured out until now.

In the real world, as long as you know that 1+1 equals 2, you don’t need to worry about why it is equal to 2, but in the virtual classroom, this is at the elementary school level.

He stopped cooking at that time, and he didn't look back at this problem until he was in high school. With his own understanding, he could use complex algorithms to prove why it is equal to 2.

So don't look at the fact that it is common for him to get full marks outside, but in the virtual classroom, he never got full marks, and even failed.

It may also be the continuous blow from the virtual classroom, so that even if he is hailed as a genius outside, he can still treat him with a normal mind and have an accurate understanding of his true level.

He is not comparing himself with people in the real world in terms of knowledge learning, but with the talent training system. If he can get a full score, it will be more intense than the pleasure brought by the wealth he is now earning.

It may also be because of this that the aloofness in him is stronger than in the previous life, but this aloofness is not an external expression, but comes from the heart.

This phenomenon is reflected in the way he runs his business as well, making him look a little contemptuously at any other businessman, just keep his mouth shut.

Of course, he is not so arrogant that he does not cooperate with any company, then he is not arrogant, but self-willed.

When you come to the virtual library and walk among the rows of tall bookcases, you will feel as if you are wandering in the ocean of knowledge every time, and you will not be able to feel a little bit of pride in your life.

It seemed that he had walked for a long time, and it seemed that he had walked for a short time. He came to the software-related library area that he had been to before. He hadn't been here for a long time.

In fact, any knowledge is inseparable from mathematics. Ye Zishu hopes to find clues in the books in the software area first, so that learning can be more targeted, rather than blind learning.

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