Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 379 Getting Ready for the Mobile Internet Era

Regardless of whether it is effective or not, he still agrees with Lei Jun's statement, and hopes that their management will consciously move closer to this aspect, so that the company can have greater vitality.

The background of the times is different, and many things are difficult to change. The reason why Ye Zishu said it is to form a consensus, start small, and change slowly.

Anyway, he won't let go completely for a while, and when encountering critical opportunities, he will still provide help so that they will not miss the best time.

For example, 3G communication technology will come out soon, smart phones will also appear simultaneously, and the development of mobile Internet will become a new outlet for the Internet.

It can be said that the traditional Internet has only just begun to develop, and the mobile Internet is running non-stop. As one of the instigators, it is natural not to leave the best opportunities to others.

"Phoenix Software Company is developing a smart phone operating system, and Qinglong Technology Company also has such a plan. When the 3G communication technology is perfected and officially deployed, it means the arrival of the mobile Internet era.

Different from the traditional PC Internet, the user scale of the mobile Internet will be larger. You should be very clear that the number of Internet users directly determines the potential of the Internet market.

This shows that the future development potential of the mobile Internet will exceed that of the PC Internet. In the future, not everyone will have a personal computer, but basically everyone will have a smartphone.

Even in the backward Africa, smartphones are still possible. You can’t miss it in this era. After you go back, you must strengthen the concept of mobile Internet.

Its products must be mobile Internet if it can be mobile Internet, but the mobile Internet is not simply an extension of the traditional PC Internet.

If it is just this level of cognition, then in the future mobile Internet era, it is likely to be outdated, and more new application scenarios will be born around smartphones and other smart terminals.

This means that the boundaries of the Internet can be greatly broadened, resulting in more areas where the mobile Internet can extend, and the development potential and market size are far greater than those of the traditional PC Internet.

Take the example mentioned earlier, your online payment system can only pay for online goods at present, and cannot extend its tentacles to offline payment scenarios.

However, in the mobile Internet scenario, this can be achieved by relying on smartphones. At that time, transactions between merchants and consumers will not require cash at all.

At that time, the amount of transactions through your payment system may be as high as several trillion yuan, and it is very likely that there will be 10,000+ billion yuan or even more in the future.

With such a number of transactions, when you take advantage of the platform, when you charge a handling fee, no matter how low the proportion is, it will be a huge number.

Moreover, relying on the convenient mobile payment platform, it is connected to many life service scenarios used by ordinary people in daily life, such as payment of gas, water and electricity, etc., all of which can be completed with one-click operation on the platform.

Even if you don’t charge fees for the payment of these public services, it can enhance consumers’ dependence on your platform, allowing the platform to truly penetrate into every aspect of human life.

Another example is that when we buy tickets by train, we always have to wait in a very long line, but we finally get to the window. As a result, the tickets are sold out, and the day is delayed like this.

In the future, train ticket sales can be moved to the PC-side Internet and mobile Internet, and train tickets can be purchased directly at home, avoiding the hardship of queuing.

You don’t even need to go to the train station to pick up tickets. Using an ID card throughout the process can verify the ticket information and identity. Does it greatly improve the convenience of people’s lives?

There is also an online travel service platform that I haven't mentioned before. With this platform, you can really go out if you want to travel, and everything is clearly arranged by the service platform.

Including travel routes, vehicle transportation, hotel accommodation, tickets to scenic spots, etc., can be easily handled online through this travel service platform. Consumers only need to hold their suitcases to travel.

Another example is the local information platform. Our country is so big that everyone's life circle is limited to the local area, which makes the people have a strong demand for local information.

For example, I want to renovate a house locally, but I am not familiar with this aspect. I hope the system can recommend some decoration service companies with high safety, reliability and reputation.

For example, my cat and dog are lost and I can’t find them alone. I can post the news on the local platform so that people who see it can notify him in time.

You can even give a certain amount of labor remuneration. As long as you find cats and dogs and return them, you can get this bounty, which makes it much easier to solve the problem.

As long as the Gu local information service platform really wants to solve the problems of local residents, it has great potential for development. It can rely on this platform to launch many services.

For example, in the evaluation of local catering services, I want to find a restaurant to have a meal, but I don’t know which restaurant has good food and relatively affordable prices, which is within my tolerance.

Then you only need to log in to the local information service platform, you can see many evaluations about restaurants and hotels, and even know the services and prices of dishes provided by each restaurant and hotels.

In this way, consumers can obtain all the information they want to know around them without leaving home, so that they can better make choices that meet their needs.

If the local information service platform combines smart phones and artificial intelligence, it will greatly improve the user experience. Think about how big the market will be.

These platforms can be operated not only domestically, but also abroad. We are a global company with a larger market size.

Of course, like the local information service platform, because the service content is too diverse and complex, it is not very friendly to those who have difficulty in choosing or are not proficient in using it.

Then you can disassemble the major services inside and build a separate platform, which is also a solution to the problem. Everything is for the convenience of users and the purpose of meeting user needs.

The above are just a few examples I gave at random, there are many things that can be done, and the projects you can carry out are far more than the ones I listed for you before.

The reason why I only gave those before was mainly because of the energy and human resources at that time, and I could only do those things, and they were all pure online businesses, which were relatively easy to do and could quickly expand to the world. "Leaf Book said.

After listening to Ye Zishu's long speech, Lei Jun felt that he had benefited a lot, as if he had opened the door to a new world. It turns out that the Internet can cover such a wide area.

With the support of smartphones and the mobile Internet, these will become a reality. With Lei Jun's technical reserves, he feels that the feasibility is very high, and he has a technical roadmap in his mind.

Faithfully recording what Ye Zishu said, Lei Jun said: "Every time I communicate with Mr. Ye, I can always gain new knowledge and greatly broaden my horizons!"

"Needless to say flattery, as long as you do the relevant work well, now you have a lot of manpower, and you already have the ability to carry out more business.

As for the funding issue, with the launch of many of your applications and the next explosion of personal computers, many businesses will make a lot of money.

Therefore, there is definitely no shortage of funds to recruit a large number of people. The R&D personnel and operation personnel of the overseas regional headquarters can also be greatly expanded, and use global human resources to complete your many projects. "Leaf Book said.

At present, domestic talent training cannot keep up with the speed of Phoenix Technology's demand for talents. It can only recruit talents on a global scale. This is a wise choice.

If you want to become a global enterprise, your employees must also be global. If you only rely on domestic talents, not to mention whether the number is enough, at least the phenomenon of acclimatization will definitely appear.

"What Mr. Ye said is that after the last meeting, we have started to strengthen the construction of regional headquarters around the world and recruited a large number of R&D talents and operation talents." Lei Jun said.

"It's commendable that you act so fast, but the corporate culture management I mentioned above is more feasible in European and American countries, because their education environment is different from ours.

Since the local area cannot achieve the ideal state of innovation for the time being, it is also a good way to rely on overseas talents to enhance their innovation capabilities and provide technical support locally.

When I was here before, I have already provided you with enough advanced software technology. With the blessing of artificial intelligence now, you have unique advantages in technology.

If we rely on the innovative ability of overseas talents, the combination of the two can be said to complement each other, and the effect it brings is far better than the current command-based business model of the headquarters.

If we only allow overseas regional headquarters to accept orders from the headquarters, the value we create with such a high salary will be much lower, so giving full play to their innovation capabilities can bring us more value.

Moreover, the corporate culture construction we mentioned above can be carried out first in the overseas headquarters to see how the effect is. If the effect is good, summarize it and see if it is also applicable to the domestic headquarters. "Leaf Book said.

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