Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 380 There Shouldn't Be Only Such a Little User Rate

Ye Zishu is using "crossing the river by feeling the stones" in corporate management. As the headquarters of a huge group, Phoenix Technology Company naturally cannot be messed up.

If the headquarters is in chaos, the global business may be affected, but if the regional headquarters tries, the negative effects will not be so obvious.

But once the new management model can stimulate a strong driving force for innovation, the economic benefits will be very considerable, and the employees hired with high salaries will be worthy of their value.

If it fails, it's no big deal, at least the existing business will not be damaged too much, and the headquarters can intervene in time to control the damage within a certain range, or even eliminate it.

Phoenix Technology is a global company, but the average salary of the headquarters is lower than that of foreign developed countries. In fact, Ye Zishu has also considered the scenario of raising the salary of the headquarters.

But after thinking about it, he gave up, not because he was reluctant to part with the money, but because the actual level of the staff at the headquarters was much lower than what he showed.

The reason why they are able to do so well now is not because the employees are so good, but because most of the technology and ideas come from Yeshu. Apart from this factor, their salaries are actually overestimated.

Now, the monthly salary of college students recruited by international giants in China is less than 2000 yuan, while the average salary of the employees of Phoenix Technology is already 4000 yuan, which is already the top salary among the domestic working class.

Giving salaries that do not meet their abilities will only give employees an illusion, and even arrogance. This is one of the difficulties faced by international companies.

This is also a pity for Ye Shu. He actually wanted to give a higher salary, but the actual situation made him very cautious about it. Matching salary with ability is one of the basic principles he insists on.

Moreover, the current situation in the country is not to create a small number of high-salary classes, but to raise the overall salary level, so that the overall economic development level is in place, and he has one more reason to increase salary.

Of course, the salary of domestic employees is relatively low, but the benefits are very good. The house is allocated by the company, and the children's education company will also worry about it.

However, foreign employees do not have this treatment. The income of employees mainly comes from salary. In addition, domestic prices are relatively low, and the living standards of domestic employees are not low.

In fact, as the president of Phoenix Technology, Lei Jun's salary is also lower than that of the regional presidents of individual subsidiaries. In this regard, Ye Zishu has already told Lei Jun.

Because promoting Lei Jun to the position of president does not mean that Lei Jun's ability is the best, but because he is a Chinese, and it is more at ease to use his own people in key positions.

Of course, when the overall domestic economic level is raised, Lei Jun's ability has been fully affirmed by Ye Zishu, and his salary can easily rise.

At present, the salary of the president of his group is basically maintained at the level of an annual salary of 100 million yuan. If it wants to be higher, it depends on the development of the company.

For example, the Taiji Group has brought him a lot of benefits, and Pei Qing's annual salary has risen to 200 million yuan. If he wants to go higher, he needs Pei Qing to show more abilities.

Because the current rapid development of Taiji Group is mainly due to the formula and technology he provided. If these factors are put aside, the annual salary of 200 million yuan is definitely worthy of Pei Qing's dedication.

The reason for leaving out other factors is because it is easier to measure the ability of group managers, and it is also something that enables group managers to have more independent innovations.

Such a calculation method can throw away the fog of prosperity on the surface, so that the true strength of each group can be displayed at a glance, and they will not lose themselves in the prosperity on the surface.

In terms of employee ability, the employees recruited abroad are actually generally higher than domestic employees, because they are recruited according to the standards of top talents.

Most of the foreign regional headquarters have doctoral and master degrees, and most of them graduated from prestigious schools, while some domestic employees are trained after high school graduation.

This is why Yeshushu has great expectations for the innovation capabilities of the domestic headquarters, but they think that they cannot achieve it in a short period of time. Being a good executor is the limit of their current capabilities.

Therefore, the possibility of handing over the burden of innovation to the employees of each regional headquarters is still very high, and it is worthy of giving them such a high salary.

After talking about this, Ye Zishu asked: "You have launched many Internet applications a while ago, such as news portals, e-mail, streaming media platforms, music platforms, chat software, etc. How is the effect?"

As for the Kunpeng search engine, Gu is currently the well-deserved king. Since its launch, in less than half a year, other search engines have been squeezed out and there is no market.

It's just that there are not many Internet users in the world at present, and even if it is commercialized, there is not much income, so no advertisements have been placed so far.

However, their advertising online delivery system has been listed in the list of development projects, and when the number of users reaches a certain level, commercialization attempts can be started.

And he believes that the minimum standard for commercialization is that the number of users must reach more than 1 million, and it also depends on the project, such as a search engine, the number of users reaching 5 million is the standard line for commercialization.

For example, the commercialization of streaming media does not need such a high standard. As long as the number of users reaches more than 1000 million, limited commercialization attempts can be started, and the scale of 5000 million users can be fully commercialized.

As for the music platform, it has been commercialized from the very beginning, because if it is free, it will cause a great loss of benefits to the creators who rely on this platform.

"Many of our Internet applications have been online for less than half a month. The news portal platform has been prepared for a long time and has been relatively solid. After its launch, it has received a very good response.

In the past, if you want to read news, you basically have to log in to various websites to read it. It is a very time-consuming thing for netizens. Now with this comprehensive news portal platform, it is much more convenient.

In less than half a month, there have been 500 million registered users, the average browsing time has reached 2 hours, and the registered users of the e-mail system have reached 600 million. "Lei Jun said.

E-mail is a common account for the platform of Kunpeng Information Technology Company, and anyone who registers for an account on their platform must apply for an email.

"What is the proportion of Internet users in this number?" Ye Shu asked.

He hasn't paid attention to these details for a long time, and he doesn't have an accurate concept of the current number of Internet users in the world, so he asks this question.

"According to the data we have obtained, the number of global Internet users has accelerated since the delivery of Lingtong Technology's Internet communication equipment.

At present, the number of Internet users in the world that can be counted is as high as 1000 million, and it is estimated that by the end of this year, this number may break through to 2000 million.

Therefore, our news portal accounts for about 50% of the number of Internet users. It is very fast to be able to achieve this level in less than half a month. "Lei Jun said.

In the previous life in 1993, the number of Internet users in Laomei was less than 500 million, accounting for less than 2% of their total population. Now the number of Internet users has undoubtedly increased a lot.

With the emergence of more and more Internet applications, more and more content can be played online, and the number of Internet users will increase faster.

"If an ordinary company can achieve this level so quickly, it is indeed commendable, but you have a pioneering search engine, and this speed is still a bit slow in my opinion.

Especially in this era of relatively scarce Internet applications, our products basically have no competitors, and they are also necessary applications for surfing the Internet, so the development should be faster. "Leaf Book said.

Lei Jun didn't expect that Ye Zishu was not very satisfied with this speed of development. He thought he would be rewarded, but now the situation is reversed, so Lei Jun didn't know how to proceed.

Ye Zishu glanced at Lei Jun's expression and said, "I'm not criticizing you, but based on the actual situation, your promotional effect should be better.

If I remember correctly, your search engine is basically close to a 100% promotion rate. Relying on such a super application, there should not be only such a low user rate.

What's more, news portals and search engines are a perfect match. News portals provide a lot of content for search engines, and search engines provide a lot of traffic for news portals.

I guess you should have made no adjustments in the search results. After you go back, you should increase the search priority of your news portal content, which is good for promoting your news portal. "

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