Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 378 Take Small Steps Slowly, Change Gradually

It is not so easy to be a leader, because you have already walked in front of all enterprises, and you have no way to be walked by others. If you do not have the ability to innovate, you will fall into confusion.

Fortunately, in the field of industrialization, although innovative research and development capabilities are also required, the iterative replacement cycle in the industrial field is relatively long, and even some technologies and products have remained mainstream in the market for decades.

But software is different from the Internet field, and the replacement iteration cycle is much shorter, especially in the early days of Internet development, a new Internet application is very fast.

It may replace the old Internet application and become the new protagonist within a few years, while the original Internet company just took a nap, and as a result, it faces the situation of being marginalized by the market.

There is evidence to follow for industrial products to be upgraded. Like memory, it is nothing more than getting bigger and faster. As long as the research and development is carried out towards this goal, basically there will be no major problems.

But software is different from the Internet field. If they only focus on updating current applications, they will be far from being able to maintain a leading position.

It is precisely because software and Internet companies have different characteristics that Ye Zishu can't help but tell Lei Jun so much, just to let him clearly understand the problems that companies will face in the future.

What's more, it is now in the stage of single-handedly confronting many international software giants. This is not a war that can be ended in a short period of time. If it is fast, it will take three to five years. If it is slow, it may last for more than ten years, or even longer.

In addition to dealing with the counterattack of existing international software giants, they also have to deal with the impact of emerging companies. The situation is by no means as good as they imagined.

"I am experiencing the fourth industrial revolution. The first three are industrial revolution, productivity revolution and management revolution. These targeted reforms have given birth to a number of influential enterprises.

What we are now facing is a creative revolution. Creativity is the main driving force for future business. This does not only refer to your software and Internet industries, but actually all walks of life are facing the demand for creative changes.

Take the very mature automobile industry, which has been developed for hundreds of years, why can't we make cars powered by electricity?This not only reduces vehicle exhaust, but is relatively more environmentally friendly and more energy-efficient.

Why do we have to have people drive the car, why can't we let the car drive itself and take us to the destination safely?

In fact, the needs of human beings have not changed much for thousands of years, but the products provided according to the needs have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Innovation is not that difficult. One is to have a deep understanding of the essential needs of all aspects of human beings. Only after a thorough understanding can one know what the purpose of one's own product development is.

The second is to carry out extensive exploration around these needs, which can be unconstrained, and even if the current technical conditions are not met, funds can still be invested in research and development.

It is also possible to carry out product design innovations based on current technical conditions. For example, now that we have artificial intelligence, why not develop automatic sweeping robots? This difficulty is not high.

And your software industry is actually the same. It is nothing more than empowering agriculture, industry and service industries, improving their production efficiency and service experience.

For example, people like me are reluctant to bring wallets when going out, and even often forget to bring money to go out, so can you solve this problem?

In fact, we only need to rely on the existing Internet payment system, and rely on the 3G communication technology and smart phones under development to turn cash payment into real-time online payment.

In the future, only a smart phone is enough to go out. When you arrive at the store, you only need to scan the QR code to pay immediately, or use short-range wireless communication technology to pay with a light touch.

As for how these ideas come from, it is definitely not possible to come up with just one or two people sitting in the office, but to observe the various social conditions and gain insight into the actual application needs.

The essence of innovation is to change the inconvenience of current life, or to change the defects of products and services currently provided, so as to make human life more convenient and comfortable.

In fact, with artificial intelligence, we can develop more advanced industrial robots, regardless of whether the emergence of industrial robots will cause a large number of industrial workers to lose their jobs.

However, it is a development trend that industrial machine production replaces human production. You can prepare technical reserves in advance. Once everyone becomes richer, they are unwilling to work mechanically on the production line.

And the service industry can accommodate enough laborers to be employed. Can't industrial robots come in handy?These are innovations.

In fact, innovation is everywhere, and only a pair of eyes that can discover it is needed, but it is difficult to rely on one or two people to observe and discover.

This is why I say that it is difficult to create an innovative atmosphere in the company using the previous obedience management model. It is impossible to generate many ideas by relying on your leaders.

This requires that our management methods need to be changed, from the previous traditional incentives to empowerment, which is to provide creative elites with a more suitable environment and tools for creation.

As for how to empower employees, it is necessary to start from the corporate management method and corporate culture, adopt a flatter management model in management, and weaken the strict compliance of orders by superiors and subordinates in the past.

Let every employee feel that they are equal to the manager, they are also a member of the company's entrepreneurs, not just a wage earner.

Of course, the flat management model will turn into a lazy atmosphere if you are not careful, and everyone seems to have no idea what they should do.

Therefore, it is necessary to cooperate with various advanced enterprise management technologies to achieve the effect that in the past required strict transmission of orders from superior to subordinate.

I think it should not be difficult to achieve this, and information technology and office automation technology can be used to achieve this goal.

Let’s talk about corporate culture again. Empowerment is more dependent on culture than traditional incentives. Only culture can integrate these creative elites, because they are all self-driven and self-organizing.

In order to enjoy a suitable culture, they will actively maintain and contribute. A good culture and values ​​will also attract more like-minded talents to join. "Leaf Book said.

After saying this, Ye Zishu did not continue, because at the current stage of our country, it is not so easy to meet the above requirements.

After Lei Jun listened, he fell into deep thought, and after a long time, he said: "Although I agree with many of Mr. Ye's views.

But at present, it is difficult for Phoenix Technology to achieve the level you mentioned, because the education we have received is obedience education, and it is difficult to change our concepts for a while.

Therefore, the specific implementation should not be rushed. If a person suddenly changes from the obedience mode to the autonomous mode, not only will no innovation be born, but he will fall into confusion.

This is detrimental to the development of the enterprise. After all, the fundamental purpose of the enterprise is for production. Once lost, the productivity will be greatly reduced. "

Ye Zishu nodded in agreement with Lei Jun's words, and said, "You are right, I didn't mean to ask you to make a 180-degree change immediately.

Phoenix Technology has not yet reached the point where it needs bone scraping to heal its wounds, but just to let you know that, in terms of actual management, consciously and slowly change, the ultimate goal is to establish a highly innovative enterprise.

You can adopt the reform method of taking small steps, and constantly sum up experience in the process of small-scale reforms, which is much better than using strong medicine at the beginning.

For example, in the employee office, the open mode is more conducive to communication than the cubicle, and creativity is often born in communication and communication, which is also a change in the management mode.

Another example is whether we can make the workplace more crowded, because the closer the employees are, the more convenient it is to communicate, and the stronger the desire to communicate and express.

Phoenix Software's headquarters is built so large, just to give employees more space to relax, not to give employees a very large working area.

You can make some small attempts in this area. Such attempts will not affect the overall operation of the company, but if the effect is good, it will be additional positive feedback.

Of course, in terms of management innovation, it is not necessarily your leaders who make decisions, and employees can also provide suggestions, because employees sometimes know better than you how to improve work efficiency. "

"What Mr. Ye said is that after we go back, we will hold a management innovation meeting to learn collectively what you said this time, and explore an innovative management model that suits us." Lei Jun said.

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