Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 377 Talking to Lei Jun About Corporate Culture

Mr. Lei, who loved to compare with his friends and businessmen in his previous life, now can say this, it seems that he is really confident. Ye Zishu can't help but think of the scene of Lei Jun on the stage of the press conference in his previous life.

Since he couldn't see anything for the time being, Ye Zishu stopped asking about the application software, and was more confident in the software technology he provided.

"It is impossible to eliminate other large application software manufacturers in a short period of time. After all, in many fields related to national security, they will still use local products.

So no matter how good our products are, it will be difficult to dominate the world. You must be prepared for a long-term struggle and never relax.

If you maintain an overwhelming advantage for a long time, the longer it takes, the lower their market share will be. Even if there is financial support in other fields that we cannot touch, they will not last long.

You should be aware of this principle. The size of the market directly determines the development potential of software companies. When their purchase price is much higher than the market price, it is still unknown whether they can continue. "Leaf Book said.

"We are already mentally prepared!" Lei Jun said.

Ye Zishu nodded, and said: "It's good that you are mentally prepared for this, but many software development projects in the past were decided by me.

Now I am no longer in charge of the specific affairs of the Phoenix Technology Company, and you are not the young eagles of the past, after all, you have to learn to fly and forage by yourself.

Therefore, for the future development direction of the software industry and the development of new software projects, you all need to make decisions yourself, and you must not rest on your laurels and stand still.

Society is changing all the time, and the demand for software is also constantly changing. If you want to go longer in the software field, you must maintain a very keen sense of smell.

Whenever there is a slight disturbance, you all need to analyze whether there is a possibility of using software products to promote the development of new formats, so as to gain sustainable development momentum by taking advantage of the opportunities of new industry development.

Maintaining acumen and curiosity while using the thinking mode of information software to think about industrial issues is an important foundation for you to achieve long-term leadership.

Once the feasibility is determined and the project is established, continuous investment is required. Don’t look forward and backward or retreat. If you have technical problems that are difficult to solve, you can ask me. "

"I understand what Mr. Ye means. After I go back, I plan to organize these into materials and instill them as corporate culture for employees." Lei Jun said after thinking for a while.

After Ye Zishu heard it, he felt that he had listened and had his own thinking. Otherwise, he would not promote it as a corporate culture, but just convey it to the employees.

If it is simply conveyed, it can only have a temporary effect. After a long time, or if the leadership team is changed, it may cease to exist.

But promoting it as a corporate culture is tantamount to endowing the company with a soul. Even if the leadership is changed, this culture will still exist and play an important role.

In the past, Ye Zishu rarely emphasized these things, but adopted a practical spirit, because he was in charge of affairs at that time, and many projects were promoted by him personally. He has technical confidence in this area and a lot of insights about the future.

He was afraid that after he really left, the industries under the Phoenix Technology Company would only follow suit. This would have a great effect on the stability of political governance, but what enterprises pay attention to is not stability, but progress.

A shopping mall is like a battlefield, if you don’t advance, you will retreat. If you just focus on existing businesses, you may be eliminated by new firms. Therefore, you need to keep innovating and developing new businesses to keep up with the pace of the development of the times.

And the gene of innovation, the bigger the company, the more lacking it is, because every employee is a screw, they only think about the affairs they are responsible for, and they don't pay too much attention to new things.

Unlike small businesses and individual entrepreneurs who don't start a business because they don't care, small businesses don't have a chance to grow if they don't care.

This is why most innovations come from small and medium-sized enterprises. Large enterprises only maintain a high level of professionalism, but their innovation is insufficient. This is a problem that plagues many large enterprises.

Of course, large companies also have the advantages of large companies, that is, when others innovate, they either copy other people's innovations or acquire innovative small and medium-sized enterprises.

Regardless of whether it was a large domestic company or a large international company in the previous life, it basically relied on the above two methods to maintain the momentum of sustainable development.

Phoenix Technology may inevitably take this path in the future, but he still wants to change this situation, no matter whether it is possible or not, at least try.

"I know that in domestic business operations, managers have absolute authority, and employees can only obey. The task of employees is to accept the tasks assigned by their superiors, and then complete them according to quality and quantity.

This method has certain advantages in production-oriented enterprises, because they have too many employees and generally have a low level of knowledge. This kind of obedience is conducive to maintaining the stable operation of the enterprise and completing the production tasks of the enterprise.

However, Phoenix Technology Company is an enterprise with intelligence as its main productivity. This kind of absolute obedience management mode is not conducive to the sustainable development of the enterprise.

It is necessary to give full play to the initiative of each employee and actively seek new opportunities, because each employee has to be a discoverer of innovation points of the enterprise.

When I was here before, the management may be biased towards obedience. This is not my original intention, but because I provided the technology and projects of the entire company at that time.

So I have always been calling the shots, because it is not necessary for me to discuss with many R&D personnel, and it is difficult for them to provide me with extremely high-value advice.

But at the same level, group discussion is an important way to solve problems, an important way to give full play to the initiative of individual employees, and an important way for employees to realize their self-worth. "Leaf Book said.

Lei Jun listened silently to Ye Zishu's narration. To be honest, this was the first time Ye Zishu talked to him about this. The conversations between them in the past were basically around the project.

Ye Zishu didn't wait for Lei Jun to reply, but continued: "People with higher levels of knowledge have the more impulse to realize their self-worth, and they will not be willing to just be obedient.

When you are managing, you must take highlighting the realization of employees' self-worth as an important consideration, so that you can retain truly talented people.

Therefore, in the internal management of the company, try to adopt a flat and equal approach, and do not deliberately emphasize the relationship between the leader and his subordinates, because this relationship implies a relationship of obedience.

From now on, it will only make employees more and more obedient and less proactive, and the enterprise will become less and less energetic. Once this happens, it will basically announce that the life of the enterprise is going downhill.

You just called me Mr. Ye, or the boss, which is actually a relationship of obedience. If you call me Zishu, or Lao Ye, it feels a lot more equal.

Then when the whole company is like this, employees will not be in awe of leaders, which seems to be detrimental to company management.

As mentioned above, for production-oriented enterprises, it is disadvantageous to have no obedience relationship, but you are an enterprise that emphasizes creativity, and the different nature of enterprises determines the difference in management methods.

You can see when I dress so formally at work, one is that I am really not used to wearing formal clothes, and the other is that I hope to maintain equality with employees in terms of my own image.

Of course, I don't have a problem with your dress, but that respect for individual character is an important symbol of innovative enterprise management.

If you like formal clothes, you can wear formal clothes. As long as I feel comfortable, I can also wear T-shirts and shorts to work. I even like to raise cats, which can bring me more inspiration. There is no problem in raising cats in the company.

But the premise is that you can't disturb other people's normal work. Respect is mutual. I respect your habits and personality, and you should also respect my dislikes. "

What I said earlier is acceptable, but what I said later, the more Lei Jun listened to it, the more he felt that it was outrageous. Is the company still a company?

Seeing Lei Jun's expression, Ye Zishu said: "I'm just giving an example, the company's employees are not free to that extent, after all, it has something to do with the education and environment they received.

But when more and more new employees come in, the education they receive and the living environment they live in are different from those of us, and their desire for self-expression is also different.

Therefore, tolerance and understanding will also be an important part of your corporate culture, especially after more than ten years, when you are an only child and your family is relatively wealthy, this kind of forced obedience to management will not be popular.

However, the establishment of corporate culture cannot be successful overnight, nor can it be changed overnight, so I hope to formulate a good corporate culture and management model from now on.

What we want is not honest people, but talented people. Only when a company has enough talented people can the company not wither with time.

Do you know why I want to build Phoenix Software's headquarters so big?Because I know that it is difficult to produce great ideas in a small working space.

When the leadership cannot guarantee that their talents can provide the enterprise with a steady stream of creativity and innovation, they can only give full play to the initiative of employees and let them show their talents to the fullest.

I know that many ideas are in conflict with the current reality, so you can make changes gradually, for example, employees can send you emails and propose their own creative projects.

If you think it is feasible, you can ask the creators to form their own small teams to carry out preliminary research, and if it becomes more and more smooth, you can gradually increase the investment in the project.

If it is not feasible based on your experience, you can ask the proposer to further improve it, or you can invite him to discuss it in person. Maybe your experience is right, maybe your experience is just your limitation. "

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