Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 376 Let them be happy for a few days first

Talking about things here is basically over. Among these things, there are not many things that Taiji Group has to do now, and most of them are still to be completed by Ye Zishu.

Even their vaccine production cannot be completed now. They need to wait until the foundation of Kirin Industrial Group is laid before their vaccine production can continue.

In fact, the artificial synthesis of amino acids is not very difficult, the rare thing is the purity and low cost. In this regard, my country's technology is still very backward, basically using the fermentation method.

The amino acid synthesis technology Ye Shu gave to Kirin Industrial Group uses chemical methods, and the amino acids produced are of very high purity and very low cost.

If it is not cheap, if you want to synthesize other products on this basis, the price will be very high, and you will not have high market competitiveness.

However, it is conceivable that after the amino acid industry of Kirin Industrial Group is put into production, the domestic monosodium glutamate industry will basically be rounded up by them.

Because the monosodium glutamate produced by the fermentation method not only has many impurities, but also has a high cost. What is important is that the main technology of my country's amino acid fermentation method is still from Japan.

The biological protein structure synthesis production line to be put into production by Taiji Group also needs to wait until the equipment is developed and the chemical reagents are produced.

Regarding these key equipment, he will also be disassembled into many parts and handed over to various groups to complete the production, and then Taiji Group will complete the overall assembly work, and the technical information is also scattered.

The purpose of everything is to keep the technology secret, because compared with the current complex molecular synthesis technology, the technology and equipment he produced are much more advanced.

As for other tasks, the Taiji Group can't help much. Pei Qing came here and seemed to talk about a lot of things, but they didn't have anything to do right now.

If you want to say it, it is the bioactive liquid. After Pei Qing returns, she can arrange the R&D and production work. From Ye Shu's point of view, this is a relatively low-level confidentiality, but from the perspective of Taiji Group's interests, necessary confidentiality measures are still required.

"Is there anything else to explain?" Pei Qing asked.

"No, you can go back and make relevant preparations." Ye Zishu said.

After hearing this, Pei Qing stood up directly and said, "Then I'll go back first."

Just as Ye Zishu nodded, Pei Qing said suddenly: "I almost forgot the purpose of coming here, how did you think about the last time?"

Hearing this, Ye Zishu felt quite a headache. She thought she could escape a catastrophe, but unexpectedly, she thought about it again.

"What are you thinking about? I've already said what I meant last time. I don't think about getting married, at least not for a short time. Follow me to delay your time." Ye Zishu said.

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing sat down again and said: "I know, I didn't say that I must marry you. Do you think people like us have to be married to live?"

Hearing Pei Qing's words, Ye Zishu was shocked. In his previous life, such remarks were not uncommon. After all, marriage was complicated at that time, which caused many people to fear marriage. In fact, Ye Zishu was one of them.

Unexpectedly, in this era, Pei Qing would have such an idea, which is a bit out of the ordinary, and it is precisely because of knowing the idea of ​​this era that Ye Zishu is very cautious about showing love to Pei Qing.

He thinks it is impossible to explain the concept of the future without the background of the times, and the only one who can change is himself. This is his idea.

"Then what are you drawing with me?" Ye Zishu asked.

"I want you to be handsome and smart. You are very attractive to me. Is this a good reason?" Pei Qing said with a smile.

"Although what you said is the truth, I advise you to be more careful." Ye Zishu also said with a smile.

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing couldn't help but let out a "bah", and said, "Besides being serious about your work, you are also quite thick-skinned."

"How can you be a boss with a thin skin!" Ye Zishu said.

"Okay, because you gave me so many good things, I don't want to talk about it today, I have to go back and arrange things quickly, but you should think about it, I mean it!" Pei Qing said.

"I will seriously consider it!" Ye Zishu said.

After Pei Qing left, Ye Zishu sat on the spot and thought about it carefully. To be honest, being with Pei Qing is a bit warm, but it doesn't have that heart-wrenching feeling.

However, Ye Zishu also understands that it is already difficult for him to have a feeling of heartbeat for a certain person. His young heart has already experienced the vicissitudes of life and the ruthless temper of time, and it is already difficult to speed up its beating.

On the contrary, the situation with Pei Qing can be regarded as the best comfort zone for him, so that he doesn't feel too much pressure. He doesn't know if this is right or not.

Three days before the press conference, Qinglong Technology Company invited various media to attend their new product launch conference on August 8.

The current Qinglong Technology Company is no longer what it used to be. With the help of the communication equipment business, it has already gained great influence.

After the invitation letter for the press conference was sent out, various media responded one after another, and everyone in Qinglong Technology Company was also preparing for the press conference.

And Ye Zishu asked Lei Jun to come to his office, because Phoenix Technology also played an important role in this grand event, and it can be said to be an indispensable role.

Lei Jun wears a suit and leather shoes everywhere, and he doesn't know who he learned from. It is August and the weather is already very hot, so he still wears a long-sleeved shirt.

On the other hand, Ye Zishu is just shorts and a t-shirt. With his age, he looks very much like a student who just came to the company for an internship. The two of them are sitting at the same table. If you ignore their respective positions, it will make people think that Lei Jun is the boss. idea.

Fortunately, Ye Zishu didn't have any objection to this. As long as it didn't affect the company's operation, he would just turn a blind eye to the people under him dressed in strange clothes.

These are all concepts retained in his previous life. The company he worked in in his previous life was also a software company, and the relationship between superiors and subordinates was not particularly strict. As long as he completed his duties, he could do whatever he wanted.

"I see that your application software has already been launched on the Qinglong operating system, and the Phoenix operating system has already started, right?" Ye Zishu asked.

Hearing his question, Lei Jun nodded and said, "I originally planned to wait until Qinglong Technology Company's product launch event before going online.

However, in order to allow users to adapt in advance, just yesterday, we launched a large number of applications on the software application store of Phoenix OS. "

"How is the situation?" Ye Zishu said.

"It is still impossible to make an accurate judgment. Not all operating systems are connected to the Internet, and we will check the user's configuration when the user downloads.

When the user's configuration does not meet the requirements for using the application software, a prompt will be given and the download will be prohibited. The purpose of this is to prevent the user from feeling disgusted with our application.

If the user finds that the user experience is not good after downloading, they will never blame their own computer configuration, but will complain that the software we developed is not good.

In addition, this is also to remind users that they should replace their computers. Maybe they don't understand it yet, but after the product launch of Qinglong Technology Company, they will understand the meaning. "Lei Jun said.

No wonder Ye Zishu didn't see a similar reminder when he downloaded it himself, because the computer configuration he used had no performance bottleneck at all.

"You have so many application software online, what is the reaction of other application manufacturers?" Ye Shu asked.

"Some manufacturers stand up and say that the application software we develop is rubbish, the most typical one is Ellison of Oracle Corporation." Lei Jun said.

Hearing this, Ye Zishu laughed. They probably also saw the download prompt and prohibition of downloading, and thought that Phoenix Technology Company was not worthy of its name.

No matter how good the application software is, if the hardware can't drive it, there won't be any sales. This is the basis for Ellison's criticism.

Because many heavyweight application software, that is, Intel's processors, do not run smoothly, because Intel's chips are also particularly backward products compared with those of Qinglong Technology.

"Just let them be happy for a few days, and then some of them will cry!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

When Lei Jun heard what he said, he also laughed. Small applications can't see too much, and large applications can reflect who has excellent technology.

"What Mr. Ye said is that we didn't pay attention to their judgments. Anyway, it will be a few days later. It will be clear at a glance who is strong and who is weak." Lei Jun said.

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