Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 375 Group Structural Adjustment and API Layout

"It's only been a while, and this is the case. By the end of this year, your annual revenue is so huge that more people will pay attention." Ye Zishu said worriedly.

It's not that I'm really afraid of these people, but that as the methods become more covert and intense, the Taiji Group will be devastated, which may affect its normal operation.

"There's no way around it, it's not easy to do anything!" Pei Qing also sighed and said.

"In this way, eggs cannot be put in one basket. Although the headquarters you are building now is very large, I suggest that you build new R&D centers in other important cities." Ye Zishu suggested.

"Then when we build such a large headquarters, there will be a lot of vacancies." Pei Qing said.

"If it is vacant, it will be vacant. Don't even think about renting it out. It's not bad for that little money. Now that many businesses have not started up, it is normal to be vacant. When the subsequent businesses start up one after another, the situation will improve a lot.

If possible, the headquarters of your subsidiary can be built in other key cities, such as Shanghai, so that once your interests are damaged, it will also cause losses to the interests of other cities. "Leaf Book said.

Just like what Phoenix Technology did, all the subsidiaries are distributed across the country. On the one hand, it can play a role in economic balance, and on the other hand, it can borrow more power.

In the context of economic development as the center, doing so can still play a certain role. In the long run, he is not worried, because at that time, the scale of his enterprises will be very large.

At that time, the bottom of these groups will be deeply intertwined, and it will be difficult for ordinary people to shake them. Even if one part suffers a loss, it will not affect the overall situation.

"Is it necessary to be so cautious?" Pei Qing couldn't help asking.

"Be careful and make no big mistakes, even if it won't cause any loss, why bother making yourself burnt out!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing nodded. Since the boss has said so, as the specific executor, she only needs to execute the order well.

"In this way, your business can be divided into health care products, medicine, medical equipment, medical services, personal care, and planting of Chinese herbal medicines.

You put your production-oriented businesses, such as the production of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and health care products, into one company, which is conducive to professional management. "Leaf Book said.

This is the principle of implementing the separation of R&D and production. With this division, each subsidiary only needs to focus on its own business and does not need to be responsible for production.

At the same time, it also prevents the subsidiary from being too omnipotent. If it is an independent company, it is right to do so, but as a subsidiary of the group, it is not necessary. Mutual cooperation and interdependence are the meaning of the existence of the group's value.

Of course, doing so is also more conducive to the control of the group headquarters over each subsidiary, especially when the business is very large in the future, it will be more important to do so.

"After your other businesses develop, you will also need retail services. At that time, you can rely on your current health care product sales network to establish a retail service company that focuses on its products." Ye Zishu said.

Pei Qing could understand before, but the arrangement under Ye Zishu was a bit difficult for Pei Qing to understand. Seeing her thinking, Ye Zishu didn't bother her, and drank her tea by herself.

About a minute later, Pei Qing finally stopped thinking, and Ye Zishu said, "What do you think of my arrangement?"

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing smiled and said, "I think I still have a lot to learn like you, and it feels like my postgraduate degree in business management has been for nothing."

"Don't underestimate yourself. Your ass determines your head. As the boss, I have to consider some things, and as the president of the group, you also have to consider many things." Ye Shu said.

As a boss, his ability to control is always his first priority, while as a president, he only needs to consider the sustainable development of the company.

As for control, since she is the person in charge of the affairs, her control is naturally much stronger than that of a hands-off shopkeeper like him, so she is not very sensitive to this aspect of affairs.

As for the control of the group headquarters, it relies on a sound structure design. For example, the finance, personnel, and legal affairs of the Taiji Group headquarters are not appointed by Pei Qing, but by Ye Zishu and are also responsible to Ye Zishu.

Gu just wants to avoid the president of the group talking about it. Although talking about it is conducive to the unity of the group, it is more of a risk. In order to ensure his own control, it is worth sacrificing a little efficiency.

The above business structure design of the group's subsidiaries is more conducive to Pei Qing, the president, controlling each of the subsidiaries, so that no single subsidiary can complete the entire business chain alone.

As long as there is dependence on other subsidiaries, each subsidiary is a lame enterprise. As the president of the group, it is naturally much easier to control it.

In addition, with this setup, the professionalism of each subsidiary is more concentrated. Only by concentrating professionalism can it be easier to make better results, and the management is relatively simple and much easier.

"You already have your own planting business of Chinese herbal medicines, and now you are about to enter into pharmaceutical research and development, which cannot do without the support of raw materials.

So in the future, you will also deploy the R&D and production business of APIs to avoid our over-reliance on external support in this regard. "Leaf Book said.

Although this situation seems unbelievable to outsiders, Pei Qing has no objection, because all sister companies do this.

The same is true for Taiji Group. In order to ensure the supply of raw materials for health care products, they personally planted Chinese herbal medicines, which is something that ordinary companies cannot do.

"After I go back, I will join the work plan, but do I need to set up a separate subsidiary for this business?" Pei Qing asked.

"This is not necessary. Your production-oriented enterprises are too thin. Put the R&D and production of raw materials in the production-oriented enterprises, so that their business will become thicker." Ye Zishu said.

The profits obtained by simply helping other subsidiaries produce products are not very high, and the ability to restrain other subsidiaries is not strong, but the R&D and production business of APIs is different.

The profit margin of APIs is definitely much higher than that of simple OEM production, which allows production-oriented enterprises to have more room for growth and can get rid of the status of simple wage earners.

Just like Xuanwu Technology Company, although it was originally positioned as an electronic semiconductor foundry business, in order to increase their profit margins, Ye Zishu gave them the R&D and production business of other key components.

In this way, Xuanwu Technology Company is not a pure foundry company, but an electronic semiconductor company with many core businesses and great competitiveness.

In this way, the bargaining power in operation is much higher. At the same time, the overall profit of the group is not low, and it can provide more salaries and benefits to its huge production employees.

All the money cannot be earned by one company. It is still necessary to take proper care of the foundry company so that the foundry company will not be reduced to a situation of hard work.

"You are now involved in the cultivation of Chinese herbal medicines. Later, I will sort out the extraction technology and related equipment of the active ingredients of Chinese herbal medicines, which are more advanced than your current methods of using Chinese herbal medicines.

As for chemical raw materials, they are divided into natural chemical raw materials and synthetic chemical raw materials. I will provide you with relevant purification technologies for the former.

As for artificially synthesized chemical raw materials, there are many types. In the early stage, I will provide you with common chemical raw material technologies of this type. As for whether there will be more in the future, it depends on whether the business needs it.

Of course, it is best for you to develop new synthetic chemical raw materials by yourself, and always rely on me to provide technology, which is not a long-term solution after all. "Leaf Book said.

"Looking back, I will reorganize the group's structure. After the structure is adjusted, the production subsidiary will strengthen the construction of its own research and development capabilities." Pei Qing said.

Ye Zishu nodded and said: "We must always uphold our high-tech enterprise, even if it is a traditional business, we must improve the technological content, so as to change the shape of the traditional industry.

For example, your retail business seems to be shopping, which has been the same for thousands of years, but you can also use a lot of information technology to provide customers with better services.

Another example is that the special equipment used by your production company also needs to be developed by itself. The equipment provided by brother companies is generally general-purpose equipment, which may not be the most suitable. "

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