Seeing that she was so interested in cosmetics, Ye Zishu couldn't help reminding: "Although cosmetics may bring a lot of benefits to the company, your main business is still in the medical field.

The cosmetics industry can set up a subsidiary and let them operate independently. More resources of the company should be allocated to the main business. "

He knows that women have no resistance to cosmetics and skin care products. If Pei Qing runs the company according to her personal preferences, it may lead the company astray.

In addition to the high technological content of the bioactive liquid he produced, general cosmetics are easy to copy. If you want to earn high profits, you can only rely on establishing a brand image.

However, the establishment of a brand requires a huge investment in promotion and operation. Although the production cost of cosmetics is very low, in fact most of the cost is spent on the operation of the brand, and the profit margin is not as high as imagined.

So for Ye Zishu, although ordinary cosmetics is also a business, it is still a bit difficult to rely on these businesses to "make a fortune".

Only the products that can't be produced by others and that are fatally attractive to consumers are the products worthy of attention in his eyes.

The biologically active liquid of the appendages produced this time can be made into skin care products, which can beat all the current skin care products in the world, and can help Tai Chi Group to establish a high-end brand image.

Moreover, it can also be made into products of different grades according to the concentration of the content, covering the field of low, medium and high-end skin care products. If it is done well, it is very likely to monopolize the market.

This is what a high-tech company should look like, but under normal circumstances, it is impossible to do this, so he generally does not intervene in specific operations.

Because if he intervenes, he probably can't help complaining about these ordinary products, and then he may not be able to help himself to develop various high-tech products.

Although this can improve the technological content of the company, he probably won't be free, and the limited time should be used for more urgent needs.

"I know, I'm not an ordinary woman, and I can tell the priorities." Pei Qing said angrily.

"Yes, yes, you are not an ordinary woman!" Ye Zishu said quickly when he saw her reaction.

"You also know that I am not an ordinary woman!" Pei Qing said happily.

"I said, why do you like to climb up the pole so much?" Ye Zishu said helplessly.

"Tch, can't you make me happy?" Pei Qing complained.

"Okay, if you come here, I'll give you so many good things, aren't you happy?" Ye Shu said.

"You have to figure it out, although I am in charge of Tai Chi Group, but you are the boss!" Pei Qing reminded Ye Zishu.

"The boss is indeed me, but you are the one who is doing well now!" Ye Zishu also reminded Pei Qing.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, I wanted to refute it, but it seems that this is the case. If you don't deliberately investigate the relevant information, most people really don't know who the owner of the Taiji Group is.

If it weren't for Pei Qing's emphasis on who the boss is in the company's employee induction training, even the employees of the company might not know who the boss is.

If it weren't for Ye Zishu's self-confidence to be able to control the Taiji Group, such behavior would be very dangerous, and he might not be able to be the boss if he failed.

Now the influence of Tai Chi Group is mainly reflected in its ability to make money, and it provides a large amount of tax revenue to the country. Although the tax rate of health care products is not high, when the turnover is very large, the scale of tax revenue is still very large.

It can even be said that Taiji Group is currently the largest taxpayer in China. If it is calculated based on the estimated operating income of 3500 billion yuan this year, it will have to pay about 300 billion yuan in taxes alone.

Not to mention it is in this era, even decades later, with so much tax paid every year, it can still rank among the top ten in the tax payment list.

It is precisely because Taiji Group pays a large amount of taxes that it is much easier to acquire land than Phoenix Software, a high-tech enterprise, when applying for headquarters construction.

Gu "By the way, Taiji Group can make so much money, is there anyone coming to play the autumn breeze?" Ye Zishu asked.

"There is no such phenomenon at the moment, but other people who don't know the so-called message, some want to buy shares, some want to attract investment, and some simply want to know me." Pei Qing said.

People with high reputations in this kind of thing will definitely not come forward in person. Behind those who want to buy shares, attract investment, etc., if they say that there is no participation of these people, he does not believe it.

"How did you handle it?" Ye Zishu asked curiously.

"How else to deal with it, just ignore it, can they really do something to us? Once it angers me, I just slap my ass and change places.

At that time, the tax here will shrink a lot, and if it fails, someone will come out to take the blame. We are not those small companies that can be manipulated by others. "Pei Qing said arrogantly.

This is true. At present, Taiji Group basically has no other factories except for the production of health care products. It is very easy to relocate the headquarters.

Especially now that the subsidiaries of Phoenix Technology have established subsidiary headquarters in major cities across the country, which provides more convenience for brother companies to relocate their headquarters.

You don’t even need to prepare a house in advance, you just need to change the place of registration. As for the relocation of personnel, it is not difficult. Anyway, the company will provide many benefits.

Even if most employees are unwilling to relocate, it doesn't matter much. The production of health care products does not require superb technology, and it is very easy to recruit people.

"You must not be careless. It is still necessary to strengthen internal management. It is easier to break through the fortress from the inside." Ye Zishu said.

"In fact, we have always paid attention to internal management, and we have never slacked off. The construction and implementation of various rules and regulations have also become more and more perfect." Pei Qing said.

"If you can think this way, that would be the best. Although you are making a lot of money at present, the structure is still relatively simple, and the business stability is still a bit poor.

I hope that we can make a difference in the field of medicine and medical equipment in the future. Other business development will still take time, and it is difficult to achieve it overnight. "Leaf Book said.

When Pei Qing heard this, she also nodded and agreed very much. Almost all of the revenue comes from health care products, which is a very unhealthy state.

In fact, Ye Zishu still has other health products in his hands, but taking them out now will not help much except to make Taiji Group more coveted.

Being able to make money is of course their talisman, but it also makes them a piece of fat in the eyes of many people. Whenever there is an opportunity, they can't help but come up and take a bite.

Therefore, the top priority of the Tai Chi Group is not to continue to make more money, but to further increase its influence, and this influence is not just about making money.

Rather, it is more conducive to the improvement of the country's scientific and technological level, to the arrangement of more employment opportunities, and to the improvement of our country's international competitiveness.

"Bugs" like to stare at the rich and powerless people. Just having a lot of money can't keep you safe, but it may be the root cause of the upper body's troubles. This is not only the same in China, but also in the world.

In fact, he is already very careful. In order to avoid being stuck in the industrial chain, he must establish his own entire industrial chain no matter how difficult it is.

It can be regarded as blocking the loopholes from the attack from the industrial chain, but the potential cannot be ignored. This potential is not attached to the powerful, because this is also a very dangerous trap.

The "momentum" that Ye Zishu believes comes from the country and the people, and building an enterprise that benefits the country and the people is the bright and right way to increase the "momentum".

As mentioned earlier, if the Taiji Group organizes and leads my country's human gene sequencing work, it will be very beneficial to the country.

The same is true for starting a business in the pharmaceutical and medical fields. It can not only make up for the singleness of the business, but also increase its influence.

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