Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 373 Initiating the Human Gene Research Project

"Is it possible to artificially synthesize human organs?" Pei Qing asked happily.

"What are you thinking, how can it be so easy, let alone complex human organ tissues, even the synthesis of blood cells is not an easy task.

A complex organ is not a simple superposition of single cells, but an organic combination of many cells. It is necessary to establish a close connection between cells, otherwise what is synthesized is just a piece of meat and loses important activity.

What's more, there is genetic material between protein and biological cells. If you do your own research, it will take more than ten years to artificially synthesize blood cells. "Ye Zishu said angrily.

She really dared to think that although it is not without the technology of artificially synthesizing organs, it is definitely not something that can be done with the technology he has come up with now.

This is not just a technical issue, but also requires a sufficient understanding of human organs and tissues. Only after research and understanding can we talk about artificial synthesis.

Moreover, the cost of the synthetic method is not the cheapest. It is not as cheap as the method of cell-directed induction and cultivation, and it does not need to be as thorough as research.

Pei Qing was a little discouraged when she heard this, because the research on genetic material is not clear to the whole world at present, and the human genome has not yet been completed.

The reason why ordinary blood cells are relatively easy is that they do not need to use their self-replicating ability, because the production of ordinary blood cells is carried out by hematopoietic stem cells.

This avoids the problem of genetic research, as long as the key structures such as hemoglobin and hemoglobin are perfectly replicated to achieve the purpose of transporting oxygen and nutrients.

That is to say, artificial protein synthesis technology can only achieve this level at most, and if you want to go further, it involves the research of genes, and the research of genes is not that simple.

It is not possible to apply it flexibly after measuring the human genetic map, so don't think about using artificial synthesis to create complex biological organs and tissues in a short time.

"How about we also conduct genetic research?" Pei Qing said after being silent for a while.

"Your idea is very good, but the only scientific research force in the country is in the hands of the state, and you can't even find recruits!" Ye Zishu said.

"We can train them in a targeted manner, but we can't stop investing in the field of genetics, can we?" Pei Qing said.

Determined to become the world's top medical and medical research institution, the research on genes cannot be left behind, because genes are so important.

The backwardness of genetic research is likely to lead to backwardness in the field of more advanced technology research, which is why Pei Qing made this suggestion.

However, what Ye Zishu said is also true. Domestic genetic research forces are all in national institutions and universities, but it is not impossible to recruit people.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to dig these people, but when powerful genetic research equipment can be provided, the situation may change fundamentally.

Because the ultimate goal of these scientific researchers is to be able to research more outstanding results, if they cannot achieve this in their original unit, they are still willing to cooperate with Taiji Group.

Our country's research on human gene series will not start until next year, and the progress is not fast. If there is Taiji Group's intervention, domestic related research may be accelerated a lot.

"Cultivating talents is too slow now, not to mention that the medical school you have established does not know when it will start. The best way is to use existing domestic talents.

At present, there is no large-scale gene sequencing work in China. You can set up a gene research laboratory and invite domestic experts and professors to participate in the grand event.

Although you don't have much appeal in the field of genetic research, you have money, which is one of the advantages. Another advantage is gene sequencing equipment. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing Ye Zishu mention that another advantage of Taiji Group is gene sequencing equipment, Pei Qing's eyes lit up and she said, "Are you going to come up with something good?"

Ye Zishu did not run on Pei Qing this time, but nodded and said: "With our country's research strength in the field of genetics, it will take too long to complete our own genome sequencing work.

In order to improve the efficiency of gene sequencing, it is necessary to have more advanced gene sequencing tools and powerful auxiliary software to support it.

Didn't we just talk about artificial intelligence? In terms of gene sequencing and gene function research, artificial intelligence can also play a powerful role.

Since Gu intends to do this, we must be the strongest. It is very necessary to provide advanced equipment and technical support for this.

Otherwise, relying on you to do it yourself, it will take more than ten years to complete our human gene sequencing work, which is too long. "

"When will these things be available?" Pei Qing asked.

"The R&D and production of gene sequencing equipment and biochemical reagents will be handed over to Kirin Industrial Group, and the artificial intelligence-assisted software system will be given to you in about the same time as the two software systems mentioned above." Ye Zishu said.

Originally, he planned to hand over the gene sequencing equipment and related biochemical reagents to the Taiji Group, but after a second thought, it seemed that these things were not necessary to be given to the Taiji Group.

Taiji Group's business is still focused on medicine, medical treatment and related basic scientific research fields. As for gene sequencing equipment, although it is related to medical research, it is far from Taiji Group's main business.

And in the future, Kirin Industrial Group will also conduct genetic research, but their research objects are mainly plants and ordinary animals, and will not involve human genetic research.

Because Kirin Industrial Group wants to reach the pinnacle in the industrialization of agriculture and animal husbandry in the future, it must involve research in this field, which is an unavoidable research field.

"You can start making proposals now and see how many people will respond positively. If there are heavyweight scientific research leaders responding, your subsequent work will be much easier.

Behind every scientific research leader, there are many disciples and grandchildren, and their ability to organize people is much stronger than yours. "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

What Ye Zishu said sounds like a joke, but it is actually true. Although capital has power, it is not omnipotent. Pei Qing still has a clear understanding of this.

"After we go back, we will write this research plan into our scientific research plan." Pei Qing said.

Pei Qing also didn't say how much money to invest, because with their scientific research funding, there is no problem in doing this. The research funding of more than 300 billion yuan is not a small number in any country.

After talking about this matter, Ye Zishu said: "When I was researching vaccines, some subsidiary research results were of great economic value to you."

"What result?" Pei Qing asked.

"Originally I planned to make the vaccine into an injection method, but it is very difficult to keep the vaccine active for a long time in this way, so I developed a biologically active liquid.

Now that the vaccine has been taken orally, this product is no longer available, but the bioactive liquid has a very powerful effect on maintaining the activity of biological proteins and cells.

In addition to its role in the field of scientific research, it also plays an important role in the field of cosmetics. It can be used for skin repair and keep human skin in the best condition for a long time. "Leaf Book said.

There are no specific examples of the use of the leaf book, because the use of this product is too wide. The reason why I cite the use of the cosmetics field is because the cosmetics field is too profitable.

If you don't talk about cosmetics, Taiji Group may only use them in the medical field, while ignoring the cosmetics field that can bring them strong benefits.

Ye Zishu doesn't mind Taiji Group using its affiliated research results to engage in industries that have little to do with medicine. After all, as long as there is money to be made, who would dislike it.

As a woman, Pei Qing's eyes lit up when she heard this example. She is not too young, and she will enter the ranks of "old women" in a few years, and she is still very concerned about the maintenance of her skin.

What's more, she wants to pursue Ye Zishu now, but she is much older than Ye Zishu. She is very sensitive to the troubles brought about by age.

"You have such a good thing, why didn't you say it earlier!" Pei Qing said reproachfully.

Ye Shu directly ignored her words and said directly: "In the field of cosmetics, there is still a huge market space. If you plan to get involved in cosmetics, you can set up a cosmetics company under Taiji Group."

As for other beauty products, Ye Zishu is unwilling to get involved, because in his opinion, there is no technical content, and the Taiji Group can study and understand it by itself.

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