Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 372 It is possible to artificially synthesize blood cells

When Pei Qing heard Ye Zishu's words, she laughed. She was really anxious just now, mainly because this intelligent medical research and development system sounds so powerful.

If the intelligent medical diagnosis system can greatly reduce the pressure on Tai Chi Group to expand medical institutions, and at the same time reduce the work pressure of medical staff, the economic value created directly is not so intuitive.

As for the intelligent online medical diagnosis system mentioned by Ye Zishu, and the self-service medical system that looks more sci-fi, Pei Qing couldn't estimate how effective it would be.

Because people are more cautious about medical treatment. Without a doctor's on-site diagnosis, many people feel uneasy. They would rather spend more money to go to the hospital for treatment than choose online and self-service medical systems.

Therefore, although she did not refute this operation mode, she must be very cautious when promoting it. It will take a long time to test it, and at the same time, it will strengthen the popularization of knowledge in this area.

The intelligent medicine research and development system is the supreme magic tool for Taiji Group. Medicine research and development itself is a very time-consuming and costly research and development process. Some medicines even took 20 years to develop and cost tens of billions of dollars.

Of course, the reason why it takes so long and costs so much is mainly because the drug has not performed very well from the beginning and needs continuous improvement.

In addition, the clinical trial process was not very smooth, and the listing requirements could not be met. Under normal circumstances, it does not take so long for a drug to be launched from research and development.

In any case, the process of pharmaceutical research and development is full of hardships, which is not a pressure that ordinary companies can bear. If Tai Chi Group had not had such a high revenue in health care products, they would not have dared to start new drug research and development projects.

At most, it is as it is now, to develop some small medicines, such as medicines for the treatment of bruises. The research and development of new medicines is not because there is no money, but because there is no technical strength to do it.

"It's not as miraculous as you just said about the intelligent medical research and development system. It is of great help to Taiji Group, and people can't help but want to own it immediately." Pei Qing said reproachfully.

"I can understand your mood, and I also saw the shortcomings of Taiji Group, so I was motivated to develop this system.

However, although this system is very advanced, it is a machine after all. If you want to exert the power of the machine, it depends on the level of the people who use the machine.

Therefore, you still cannot relax in the recruitment of R&D personnel, especially R&D personnel with innovative capabilities, which are urgently needed by the company. "Leaf Book said.

"I need you to remind me that Taiji Group, as a medical technology company, has never stopped thirsting for researchers.

It's just that domestic talents are very scarce, and it is difficult for us to recruit top talents. They are all treasures of national scientific research institutions, and we can't compete with the country.

How about we establish a global scientific research system and establish our medical research centers in major medical technology research and development countries, so that someone can adopt it. "Pei Qing suggested.

The reason for saying this is mainly because Pei Qing is cautious about using foreign scientific researchers to participate in the group's internal research and development, otherwise she would have done it herself, and there is no need to advise Ye Zishu at all.

As the president of the group, she still has this power, but she knows Ye Zishu's character very well, so she has never taken any action, and only recruits talents in the country.

Hearing Pei Qing's suggestion, Ye Zishu thought for a moment and said, "Forget it, foreign R&D centers definitely cannot use the smart medicine R&D system.

It is very slow to develop a new drug according to conventional research and development methods, but their salaries are very high, and the cost is much higher than that in China.

If it can serve the purpose of cultivating our own talents, it makes sense, but you have already planned to establish a medical university. This system of cultivating talents is more reliable than sending talents abroad for training.

The talents sent by the country to be trained abroad can never return, let alone the talents we cultivate. After all, it is a fact that the overall strength of the country is much worse than that of foreign countries.

Therefore, instead of establishing overseas R&D centers, it is better to strengthen the construction of medical schools, and the talents cultivated on our own land should be more reliable. "

Although he felt it was a pity, Pei Qing did not persuade him, because what he said was the truth. Now many college students do everything possible to want to go abroad, even to the point of desperation.

These people went abroad to serve the motherland, Pei Qing didn't believe it, how could a person who could even give up family, friendship and love have much affection for the country.

When they were recruiting, they encountered too many such situations, and they even made an agreement, but in the end, they decisively gave up the signed contract in order to go abroad.

The Taiji Group did not persuade them much, because everyone has their own ambitions, and it may still be troublesome to recruit those who already have different opinions, especially the Taiji Group, which has a high requirement for confidentiality.

Pei Qing knew that even without the addition of these talents, Taiji Group could still develop very well, because standing behind it was a boss with magical power.

"I understand!" Pei Qing said.

Ye Zishu nodded, and continued: "When you are recruiting, see if there are talents in biomolecular science, cell biology, and organic biology."

These talents belong to the basic biological disciplines, which are rarely used in the general pharmaceutical industry, and most of them work in universities and national scientific research institutions.

For example, in pharmaceutical research and development, most of them are majored in chemistry, because the essence of medicine is chemical products, and the talents mentioned above are more in the medical field.

"You have big plans?" Pei Qing said excitedly.

"Why are you so happy? There are so many big plans. The main reason is that the production technology of the vaccine I gave you this time is different from the traditional production technology." Ye Shu said.

"Oh, can you explain it to me?" Pei Qing asked.

"I originally planned to tell you that the reason why our vaccine can have such a powerful performance is mainly because we can independently control the synthesis of protein structures.

This allows us to have a strong ability to manipulate the protein structure, rather than relying on other methods to indirectly cultivate it.

And this kind of artificial synthesis technology of protein structure will actually be the first to be applied in Kirin Industrial Group. The artificial milk I mentioned in the previous interview is a concrete manifestation of this technology.

It’s just that the protein structure synthesis technology given to you this time belongs to a more advanced medical level, but the basic protein synthesis raw materials can be purchased from Kirin Industrial Group.

In other words, Kirin Industrial Group is responsible for synthesizing inorganic substances into organic substances, and then into various amino acids. You purchase their amino acids and then synthesize medical-grade products with special protein structures.

This technology can be used not only in vaccines, but also in the production of other medicines, but to do a good job in this area, you need to have strong organic molecular biology-related capabilities.

In fact, relying on this technology of artificially synthesizing proteins, fats, and sugars, it is even possible to synthesize biological tissues, but this involves professional backgrounds related to cell biology and biomolecules.

The most typical and easiest to realize is the artificial synthesis of human blood. Medical institutions all over the world are facing the problem of blood shortage.

At present, people rely on people to donate blood to obtain enough medical blood. If we can artificially synthesize all kinds of blood, especially rare blood, it will be a major scientific breakthrough for global medical institutions. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing his words, Pei Qing couldn't help but want to say, "Why are you so awesome!", because she had never even thought about it before, that human tissue can be synthesized artificially.

Protein synthesis is still acceptable to her. After all, protein is a biological basic structure, and there were still some ways to synthesize simple protein structures before.

It’s just that they are all small-scale, and the methods used are not universal, and they are still powerless for proteins with complex structures, let alone biologically active proteins, which are more difficult to synthesize artificially.

The artificial synthesis of blood not only involves the problem of protein, but rises to the level of human cell synthesis. The gap between the two is hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Mastering cell synthesis technology is equivalent to mastering the basis of biosynthesis, which has unlimited room for imagination in the development of biology. The publication of this kind of achievement will definitely shock the world.

Ye Zishu believes that artificially synthesizing blood cells is very feasible, because compared with more complex organs and tissues, blood cells are much simpler.

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