Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 371 Intelligent Medicine R&D System

"Did you think it was just to develop an intelligent medical diagnosis system for you?" Ye Zishu said angrily.

When Pei Qing heard Ye Zishu's words, not only did she not sympathize with Ye Zishu, but her eyes lit up, and she said eagerly, "What good things are you going to show?"

Seeing her expression, like a ghost, Ye Zishu felt that he was not a boss, but a wage earner, who really worked hard.

"Don't make that expression, it's scary!" Ye Zishu said.

"Okay, I really didn't do a good job in image management!" Pei Qing said with a smile.

"In view of the relatively low level of medical research and development in my country, as well as the level of talent and technology, not to mention the individual Taiji Group, the strength of medical research and development is incomparable with international giants.

If it is just routine research and development, it is almost impossible for you to rank among the top in the world in the field of medicine in a short period of time.

Unless the overall level of education in our country has been raised to a certain level, relying on the size of the population and having a huge supply of talents, it is possible to have the power to fight.

It's just estimated that it will be more than ten or twenty years later. In order to improve the efficiency of Taiji Group's pharmaceutical research and development, it is not to conduct pharmaceutical research and development like luck.

I am going to develop an intelligent medical research and development system for you. Since this software system involves a lot of advanced medical technology and biological technology, I can only develop it myself.

If you are asked to develop it, not to mention that it cannot be developed, it will take at least ten years to slowly improve before it may be useful. "Leaf Book said.

This is an idea he had a long time ago, but he didn't have time to do this at all, not to mention that just having this system may not be able to play a huge role.

Because at that time Taiji Group had not been involved in pharmaceutical R&D work, the previous health product R&D team could not be called a R&D team, but it was more appropriate to call it a clinical trial team.

Now Taiji Group has started to get involved in the research and development of medicines. If they develop slowly with their strength, they don't know that the Year of the Monkey will bring huge benefits to Taiji Group.

It's not that it can't bring benefits. After all, it is still possible to develop a cold medicine, but according to Ye Zishu, the cold medicine they developed is actually a placebo category.

If they really develop a specific drug that can target the influenza virus, it will be really powerful, but so far, no pharmaceutical company has done this.

The truth has already been said before that there are too many types of pathogenic viruses for influenza illnesses, and even some influenza illnesses are not caused by viruses, and even the cause cannot be analyzed.

As for the more advanced medical research and development technology, China lags far behind foreign countries. In fact, our traditional Chinese medicine is also extensive and profound. Unfortunately, the things of our ancestors are almost lost.

It is expected that this group of people can develop outstanding results in a short period of time. To be honest, Ye Zishu is not very convinced anyway. There are indeed strong domestic technical capabilities, but they are not easily recruited by Taiji Group.

The real top medical experts in the country are all national treasures. Even if Ye Zishu came out in person, they might not pay attention to him.

Except for these people, other medical research and development personnel are classified by Ye Zishu as general talents, that is to say, they have the ability to do experiments in the laboratory, but they do not have the ability to innovate and cannot play the role of academic leaders.

In a R&D team, the most important thing is the team leader. The level of this person directly determines the level of R&D of the entire team.

As for the intelligent medical research and development system that Ye Zishu plans to develop, artificial intelligence is second, and the most important thing is that this system is supported by a large amount of advanced medical knowledge and theories.

Although front-end users cannot understand the logical principles and medical theories behind it, they can develop drugs with good performance relatively easily by using this system.

This leads to a result, that is, the R&D personnel still return to the old way before, that is, they are just qualified experimenters.

Although this is not what Ye Zishu wants to see, because it is really not good for training the team, but at the current stage, it is very necessary to promote the development of Taiji Group in the medical field.

If the R&D personnel are smart, they can learn a lot of knowledge by using this intelligent medical R&D system for a long time and summarizing the experimental plans given by the medical R&D system.

If you just position yourself as an experimenter, there is basically no room for growth, so it does not mean that it has no effect on improving the ability of R&D personnel, but it depends on the individual's understanding and the spirit of studying medicine.

If someone really sums up a great medical theory by using this intelligent medical research and development system, Ye Zishu doesn't mind at all if they publish a paper based on it.

"Could it be that artificial intelligence can even be used for medical research and development?" Pei Qing asked.

Because of the previous diagnosis system, she can still understand it through Ye Zishu's explanation, but medical research and development itself is very difficult, and there is no absolute theoretical support like the laws of physics.

They are all summative theories derived from some phenomena. These theories are much better than blindness, but there is no guarantee that these theories can support R&D from the beginning to the end.

Pei Qing is a medical major. Although she is not absolutely proficient in pharmaceutical research and development, she still knows the basics. This is the root of her doubts.

The more they understand the situation of the pharmaceutical R&D industry, the more they feel incredible about the intelligent medical R&D system mentioned by Ye Zishu, which has surpassed the knowledge system they have learned before.

"You think artificial intelligence is too lofty, how can it be done with artificial intelligence alone, there is a set of advanced medical research and development theory behind it.

It can be said that if the medical theory and human biology theory behind this are published, I can win the Nobel Prize for decades without any problem.

Artificial intelligence combined with huge computing power only provides strong support for these theories, and the key is the theoretical knowledge behind it. "Leaf Book said.

Although these words sounded like a lot of bragging, Pei Qing didn't refute, because she really didn't know whether the words were true or not.

With the knowledge of pharmacology, Ye Zishu was able to infer the formulas of several health care products with very good effects out of thin air. This is not something ordinary people can do, which shows that he does have his own set of theories.

After being slapped in the face a few times, she has really learned to behave now. Before the matter comes out, she will never question him academically again.

"Then why didn't you publish related papers?" Pei Qing asked curiously.

"Do you think I will harm my own interests because of these honors?" Ye Shu said angrily.

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing also felt that what he said just now was a bit ignorant. They are businessmen, not scientists, and they don't need to increase their fame to pursue profits.

Compared with publishing papers, there is no better way to secretly poke at your own research and development. When a drug is applied for a patent, a steady stream of benefits will come into your pocket.

Seeing that Pei Qing stopped talking, Ye Zishu said: "So this intelligent medical research and development system will be your core secret from now on, and you need to keep this secret from the outside world."

"We will definitely formulate strict confidentiality measures." Pei Qing promised.

"Don't be so nervous, as long as you are strict with the outside world, it is impossible for them to obtain core secrets. This system will be managed by me personally, and you only have permission to use it." Ye Shu said.

He is not afraid of leaking secrets, because leaking secrets is just leaking information, and secrets themselves cannot be leaked, mainly because he is afraid that state units will come to him.

It's not that they will ask Yeshu to hand over this system, but they are afraid that they will often come to cooperate with each other or obtain the right to use this system.

If the results are used for the national benefit, he doesn't have much complaints, but he is afraid that someone will use the name of the country to make personal profits, that would be eating flies and biting flies, disgusting people.

What's more, no matter whether it is a state-owned enterprise or a national unit, as long as it is used for commercialization, it will form a competitive relationship with Taiji Group. He can't show a good face by using his own technology to train his competitors.

Of course, this kind of situation is just the worst one, and it is also possible that nothing will happen, everyone will act as if they don't know, and each will be well.

"Then when are you going to develop this system?" Pei Qing asked.

"Look, I'm urging again. It won't be soon. I won't find time to make these things until the intelligent supercomputer is built. If it is soon, it will be the end of the year, and if it is slow, it will be next year." Ye Shu said.

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