Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 361 Since the cooperation fails, we can only do it ourselves

In the Qinglong Operating System Mall, there are already hundreds of heavyweight applications on the shelves. Ye Zishu took a closer look and found that most of them are production tool applications, and the number of entertainment applications is still relatively small.

At present, only 10 games have been launched, of which there are only 3 3a masterpieces, 3 fun games, 2 online games, and 2 small games.

In addition, there is a game platform software. If you want to play a team game in a stand-alone game, you need to register a platform account, and then you can play with players on the same platform.

Ye Zishu liked to play games in his previous life, but he was a foodie and addicted type. However, as his work became more and more busy, he had less and less time to play games. When he was free, he only watched the anchors play, which was rare. Played it myself.

Now he has no time to play these games, and these games themselves are ideas provided by him, playing games created by himself does not have that feeling.

It's like a chef cooking. Although it's delicious, it's not so attractive to chefs. Many chefs would rather eat meals cooked by amateurs.

The applications listed in the system mall are all for public sale. In Phoenix Technology, there are many software systems for internal use.

The main difference is that the degree of intelligence is higher, which can greatly improve production efficiency and reduce the possibility of work errors. These intelligent software products are only for internal use.

However, the software products they sell publicly are still much more powerful than existing similar products, and they already have a strong competitive advantage, so there is no need to come up with the product technology at the bottom of the box.

After reading the system software mall, Ye Zishu directly opened the browser, entered the internal network address, opened the web page, entered his identity information, and after entering, there were all software products used internally.

According to his work needs, Ye Zishu downloaded all commonly used software products. The hard disk capacity of his notebook is 250g, which is enough to install many application software.

The download speed of the internal network is very fast. It didn't take long to download the required software, and then use tools to copy the data files from the computer that I usually work on.

After processing these, he can use this laptop for daily work, and then directly format his previous desktop computer, and erase all traces to avoid being restored.

Then he called the administration department directly and asked them to help deal with the computer, but when the administrators came over, Ye Zishu felt that it was inappropriate to sell scraps like this, since it was still usable after all.

So it was decided on the spot to donate the computers to primary and secondary schools. It is enough for them to use these computers to learn some computer knowledge, which is regarded as waste utilization.

Not only this computer of his, but all the old computers under his banner add up to a lot, 5 are still available, donated to the school, and dozens of computer rooms can also be built.

With this idea in mind, he asked the administrative department to issue an order to each company in his name to report the number and model of old computers under his banner, and the administrative department of Phoenix Technology Company would donate them to the outside world.

These computers are valued at more than 5 million yuan based on the current value. It is a pity to throw them away. This decision of Yezishu has also received positive responses from various companies under it.

As soon as Xuanwu Technology Company's computer was offline, Qinglong Technology Company told all the brothers the news, the meaning is obvious, that is, it is time to replace the computer.

Therefore, many companies under the company have formulated computer replacement plans. On the one hand, the current computers are outdated, and it is becoming more and more difficult to meet production needs.

On the other hand, it actively supports the work of Qinglong Technology Company. Anyway, the money is left-handed and right-handed, and capable companies will not refuse.

What's more, the performance of the new computer is much stronger than the old computer, which is very important for increasing the production rate, but most of them are still mid-range brand products.

On August 8, Ren Zhengfei came to Ye Zishu's office and reported to him the preparations for Qinglong Technology's personal computer product launch.

"You released it on August 8th. Could it be that the time is shorter? There are only 10 days to accumulate production, which is a bit small." Ye Shu said.

"Mr. Ye, I think it's already quite a lot. The current monthly output is more than 350 million units, and the output is 1+ units a day. Even if the initial purchase demand is strong, there are more than 10,000 million units as a base, which is almost the same." Ren Zhengfei said. .

It is currently in the initial stage of production, and the daily production capacity is lower than the design. After the employees become more skilled, the production will gradually increase to more than 400 million units per month.

When Gu heard him say this, Ye Zishu didn't bother with this issue, but asked instead: "How is your channel construction going?"

"During this period of time, our main energy is to be busy with this. Fortunately, with the help of our brother companies, we were able to find enough suitable places to build our own direct-sale stores in such a short period of time.

At present, we have built 200 flagship stores in major cities around the world, and the number of other types of directly-operated stores has reached 2000. "Ren Zhengfei said.

"So many?" Ye Zishu said in surprise after hearing this.

In his previous life, there were only more than 100 Apple's global flagship stores. At that time, the scale of the consumer electronics industry was comparable to that of today. This is what surprised him.

As for the 2000 ordinary directly-operated stores, he doesn't think there are many, mainly because these stores are not large in size, and they are mainly opened in large supermarkets and places with relatively dense traffic.

"Not much. Opening such a large number of stores, I just feel that it can meet the initial business needs. If the sales increase in the later period, the number of stores may be increased." Ren Zhengfei said.

Hearing his words, Ye Zishu said directly: "Let's take a look at the situation slowly. There are too many stores, the operating income of each store is too low, and the personnel cost is too high."

"If we only sell our personal computer business, these stores are enough, but if we add home appliances and other consumer electronics products, the operating income of a single store should not be very low." Ren Zhengfei said.

"I don't think there is any need to expand in the later stage. We will focus on the development of distributors in the future. With so many stores, you already have your own sales network. It doesn't make much sense to go further.

Unless you want to adopt a direct sales model, it’s just that the cost of such channel construction is too high, and there are also great difficulties in management, which may be a serious drag on you.

Even your current ordinary direct-sale stores, if the store manager and shop assistants do a good job, they can be transferred to them to operate independently, gradually reducing the number of ordinary stores.

In the future, if you really want to open directly-operated stores, you should increase the number of flagship stores, so that your management will be much easier and you will be able to provide users with the necessary services. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Ren Zhengfei thought about it and nodded in agreement. The main reason is not the cost issue, they can still afford the cost of opening a store.

The main reason is the difficulty of management. If you want to maintain such a large sales channel, you need to set up a lot of additional management. In addition to other miscellaneous costs, the operating expenses are very large.

If the management is not ideal, ordinary directly-operated stores may still face losses. If you promise now that if the sales performance of each directly-operated store is very good, you will directly ask employees to collectively invest in the purchase.

In this way, they have a strong motivation to manage these ordinary directly-operated stores well. If they do not have enough funds, they can also take the method of credit, and pay it back slowly from the operating profits.

"How is your cooperation with other distributors?" Ye Zishu asked.

"This situation is not very ideal. Powerful agents mainly deal in the products of other companies. In order to avoid information leakage, we did not disclose too much information about our products.

Therefore, many agents may be very cautious in cooperating with us out of interest considerations, and some made excessive demands, which made it impossible for us to agree.

This is also the reason why we have built so many ordinary directly-operated stores in one go. Since the construction of agency channels is temporarily difficult, we simply open them ourselves. "Ren Zhengfei said.

Hearing this situation, Ye Zishu thought for a while and said: "In this case, then bypass these agents and do everything by yourself. If there is a place with a better location, you can continue to open direct sales stores.

If the direct-sale store has a good operating effect and can continue to make profits, we will transfer the direct-sale store to the employees of this store. This will not only stimulate the enthusiasm of the store staff, but also gradually establish our own global channels.

After the construction of this sales network is completed, we ourselves will be the global general agent, use the information system to directly manage each specific operator, and reduce the cost of distribution at all levels. "

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