Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 362 Is it a lie or a truth?

"If we do this, we will spend a lot more money!" Ren Zhengfei said.

If you want to sell all the products all over the world, it is not enough to rely on these more than 2000 directly-operated stores, not to mention rural areas, even cities, this number cannot achieve full coverage.

"It costs a lot of money in the early stage, and even management will bring great difficulties, but once this sales channel is successful, it will be completely under our own control.

This is still a matter of looking at your own needs. If the products of brother companies will also enter the world through retail channels in the future, your channel will also be of great help.

Therefore, you not only need to do a good job in the construction of global sales channels for your products, but also make preparations to pave the way for brother companies.

We can develop so fast not because our individual enterprises are strong, but because we understand the advantages of group operations, each exerts its own unique advantages, and depends on each other. "Leaf Book said.

After hearing this, Ren Zhengfei had to agree that it would be very difficult for a single company to produce electronic semiconductor products. Their current situation is the result of the mutual support of the three super-large groups.

Without the support of Phoenix Technology Company, even if Qinglong Technology Company has chip technology, it does not have application ecological support. It is just a hardware product, no matter how powerful it is, others can still deal with it calmly.

Without the support of Xuanwu Technology's powerful electronic semiconductor manufacturing industry, no matter how good the design of Qinglong Technology Company is, it is still impossible to manufacture it.

"What Mr. Ye said is that we will do our best to build a global sales network and build a good platform for ourselves and our brother companies." Ren Zhengfei said.

"I'm very pleased that you can express your opinion like this. In fact, the brother company may need your support in the near future. Although you don't necessarily need your help to run it yourself, it is still possible to provide help." Ye Zishu said.

After saying this, Ren Zhengfei looked at him suspiciously. Although he had considered the needs of the brother companies in his statement just now, he really didn't find any brother companies that have such needs.

Seeing Ren Zhengfei's expression, Ye Zishu said: "Kilin Industrial Group has a textile and clothing business, but the clothing business has not yet been launched.

Because if you want to do a good job in the clothing business, you need not only advanced machines, but also strong design, and at the same time, there are many textile raw materials to support it.

At present, it is still in the process of building the basic industry, and has not yet extended to the downstream garment manufacturing business, but if the speed is fast, there should be some results before the end of next year. "

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Ren Zhengfei remembered this matter. Some time ago, Kirin Industrial Group also borrowed 50 billion yuan from Lingtong Technology Company for industrial layout.

It’s just that Ye Zishu didn’t say so in detail at the time, and Ren Zhengfei didn’t inquire in detail, because both companies are owned by the boss, and the boss can’t let the investment go to waste.

As long as the investment is not in vain, it will be a matter of time to return the funds, just like Phoenix Technology Company borrowed money from Shengshi Culture Company back then, and now it has been returned in full.

It's just that the boss didn't expect to enter the garment manufacturing industry. This industry is not so easy to do. He thought that the most important thing is to produce textile raw materials, because this industry is relatively easy to operate on a large scale.

Because textile raw materials are facing the enterprise market, the number of sales terminals is much smaller. As long as the products meet the requirements and the price is relatively suitable, they have a competitive advantage over other similar enterprises, and generally their performance will not be poor.

However, clothing manufacturing and management are individual consumers, and the needs are varied, and the coverage is also very large. It is very difficult to operate well.

Even those international big names, which have been in business for decades, account for a negligible proportion in front of the overall market. Most of the market is still occupied by thousands of small businesses.

"This is a difficult task!" Ren Zhengfei said with a wry smile.

"If the task is not difficult, giants have already occupied the market, and it is precisely because the task is difficult and difficult to do that we have the opportunity to perform.

My original intention in the garment industry was to get rid of the current situation of pure garment processing in China. The profit earned is too low, and it is impossible to give employees higher benefits.

Although I know that once Kirin Industrial Group achieves great success in the garment industry, it will cause many small and medium-sized garment manufacturing enterprises to close their doors, as if they are a devil in disguise.

But for the vast number of workers, they have more opportunities, which is of great benefit to the upgrading of the domestic textile and garment industry. It is not a good thing to be an insignificant person at the end of the industrial chain. "Leaf Book said.

"Of course I know this truth, it's just that our practice of eating up all the benefits will cause a strong backlash." Ren Zhengfei said worriedly.

Gu’s words are not without reason. What Phoenix Technology is doing is to monopolize the world’s major software markets. There is no commercial idea of ​​mutual benefit. Since I can eat two bowls of rice, why should I give others a bowl? , there is no such reason.

The same is true for the operation of Qinglong Technology Company. Previously, Ye Zishu wanted to release some chips to the market so that other computer companies can also operate normally.

However, it later changed its business strategy and prepared to monopolize the global PC market on its own, without giving any other PC companies a chance to survive.

With excellent server chip performance and other advanced components, the server market is also operating in the same way, preparing to completely kill other server companies.

Let alone Xuanwu Technology, they are all basic electronic semiconductor companies anyway, and it is difficult to share benefits with others. The more basic the field, the more difficult it is to cooperate and coexist.

This is why the more basic the field, the fewer the number of companies, because the basic field cannot accommodate too many companies. In addition to the high investment threshold, peer competition is more intense.

"Many people think that capital and labor are inherently hostile, and there are not many works on this topic, but I don't think so.

Capital and laborers are interdependent. Without laborers, there will be no soil for the existence of capital. Without capital, the labor efficiency and value of laborers will be greatly reduced.

If you want to maintain a harmonious relationship between the two, you must not be too greedy, and capital cannot squeeze laborers desperately in pursuit of benefits.

Laborers cannot fight capital desperately for their own interests, because if capital is killed, laborers will also be in trouble and will not get better.

Because capital is a natural production organizer, it is more impulsive than organizers that exist in other ways, because it is internally driven by interests.

However, these are ideal conditions. In fact, capital may ignore the interests of workers in pursuit of interests, and workers will naturally have a sense of distrust of capital.

This is the key to the outbreak of the contradiction between the two, and it is still unsolvable.

As for the relationship between capital and capital, I think it is a natural competitive relationship. The reason why there is cooperation between capitals is that they have similar strengths to each other, and no one can kill the other.

As long as the power of capital is out of balance, it is a natural instinct for the strong to kill the weak, and capital's desperate squeeze of labor will lead to ecological imbalance, which will not last long.

But if the capital kills the capital, there will not be so many hidden dangers. As long as you ensure that you don't let yourself be seriously injured when you act, and you get over it, the sea and the sky will be bright, and the benefits will naturally roll in.

This is different from capital depriving laborers of their due interests. Depriving laborers of their interests for a long time will cause problems. No matter how successful capital is, it will eventually destroy itself due to imbalance.

Now you should know why I don't have a good face on capital. We want to earn more profits. The simplest and most direct way is to kill capital.

When we have the ability, doing so is the way to maximize our interests. On the contrary, in order to maintain our own stability, we should not only not harm the interests of employees, but also share more interests.

Only small capitals that are incapable of being able to use their hearts and minds will squeeze benefits from laborers, while capitals with ideals will directly kill other capitals to strengthen themselves. "Leaf Book said.

Ye Zishu's words were an eye-opener for Ren Zhengfei. It turns out that Ye Zishu is so unique in the capital field because of this, and what he said seems to make sense.

Ye Zishu's uniqueness is not only reflected in its reluctance to have more intersecting interests with other partners. This can be seen from the fact that they have to build all industries from the perspective of the entire industry chain, rather than thinking about relying on other people's industries for development. .

Moreover, Ye Zishu regards the shares quite seriously, and has not given a share to the management until now, because once the shares are dispersed, the benefits are not easy to distribute.

According to Ye Zishu's idea, it is to try to kill other capital, control the entire market, and then distribute the benefits to laborers to maintain the balance between capital and laborers.

But once the shares are dispersed, even if he has such an idea, it is often difficult to realize it, because doing so will harm the interests of other shareholders.

These remarks seem to be okay, but the key is that capital must have a conscience and know how to choose and choose. When it comes to Ye Zishu, you have to listen to its words and watch its actions.

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