Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 360 The First Laptop Coming Off the Production Line

On the afternoon of August 8st, Leaf Book received the laptop computer from Xuanwu Technology Company by airmail. This was the first computer that came off their production line, and it was mailed as a commemoration for Leaf Book.

After the leaf book is disassembled, the size of this notebook is not very large, only 14.4 inches, and the frame is very narrow, so the screen of the notebook is not too small, and the work does not feel rushed.

In order to prevent the narrow screen frame from easily causing the screen to be broken, special alloys are used around the screen, and buffering is done, and the anti-collision performance is very good.

The silver-gray shell, coupled with the image of a golden abstract dragon, makes the whole notebook look simple and elegant. The weight of the whole notebook is only 0.8kg, which is quite light and thin.

The shell made of special alloy not only has a strong sense of technology, but also has a very strong texture when touched by hands. This shell alone is full of sense of technology.

The computer brand of Qinglong Technology Company is divided into three grades, the first grade is also the most high-end, named Golden Dragon, and the icon is an abstract five-clawed golden dragon described above that is taking off.

The second tier is Yinglong. It has two wings and its image is relatively abstract, but the Chinese people know it is Yinglong at a glance. As for whether it will be regarded as a pterosaur by Westerners, Qinglong Technology Company does not care.

The third gear is the Jiaolong, whose color is aqua blue. Although the image is very similar to the golden dragon, it does not have five claws, so it is easy to distinguish.

The notebook that Ye Zishu got uses the integrated architecture of cpu and gpu. Although the performance is not as good as that of the top independent architecture, the power consumption is much lower.

Otherwise, heat dissipation is a problem for such a thin and light notebook. In fact, the performance is much stronger than that of the mid-range independent chips. Playing games and working are the same.

The price is naturally very touching, like the notebook he got in his hand has the highest configuration, the ex-factory price is as high as 2.8w yuan, and the terminal sales price is 3w yuan.

Notebooks and desktops designed with this kind of integrated chip architecture cost at least 2 yuan, and the advanced technology used is not just an integrated chip.

Being able to be so light and thin in this era, with very strong performance, and no heat dissipation problems at all, is achieved through step-by-step optimization design from components to the whole machine, and even many parts are specially designed.

Ye Zishu took the notebook in his hand, read it carefully, and couldn't put it down. It made a well-informed person like him feel this way. For people of this era, it is a fatal temptation.

As long as this kind of laptop is placed at the front desk, it is a shining star. It is difficult for everyone to look away after just a glance, and the high price is justifiable.

Not only does it have excellent industrial design capabilities, but it also has the power of Pengbai. The convenience is unmatched in this era, and it is absolutely worthy of its expensive price.

Moreover, a lot of advanced technologies are used inside, for example, it is equipped with high-definition video interface, which can be connected to a super-large screen, which has a huge effect on conference presentations.

At the same time, it is also equipped with a usb interface. He directly set the standard of the usb interface to the standard of the previous life 2.0. He believes that only by meeting this standard can it basically meet the use needs for a long period of time in the future.

Because with the advent of the Internet era, and with the enhancement of computer performance and the enhancement of program functions, data files and data volume will increase significantly, the standard is set low, and it will become obsolete in a few years.

As for all kinds of wireless communication, there is no lack of it. It is equipped with a [-]M network card. Although it seems to be of little use in this era, the configuration should not be too low, and it must be worthy of the price.

The only fly in the ointment is that the configured screen is not a touch screen. It’s not that it can’t be done, but that it’s unnecessary. He doesn’t understand the function of a laptop with touch screen.

The touch screen is more suitable for use on devices that are inconvenient to use the mouse and keyboard, because the operation of the touch screen is not as convenient and fast as the keyboard and mouse.

The touch screen will be used on their tablet computers and smartphones, and the screen used in his laptop is naturally the top screen produced by Xuanwu Technology.

Of course, this is only the top-level screen produced by their current production line. In fact, Leaf Book has also given a lot of screen upgrade technologies, but there is no need to use them all at present.

As for the optical drive that was often equipped with laptops in the previous life, all computer products of Qinglong Technology Company will not be equipped with it. If users need it, they can buy an independent optical drive.

Because in Yeshu's opinion, who would use a product like an optical drive with a USB flash drive? As for entertainment, it can be solved using the Internet.

Gu has the online streaming media platform of Kunpeng Information Technology Co., Ltd., and it seems very outdated to use CDs to watch CDs. Moreover, installing an CD-ROM not only takes up space and increases weight, but also costs a lot.

As for the consumer's audio-visual entertainment needs, he directly merged it into the home game console, and changed the name to a home entertainment terminal, which can not only play games, but also watch movies and TV programs.

The Kunpeng Information Technology Company's streaming media client and music platform are built into it. If you want to listen to music and watch movies, you can completely get rid of the restrictions of video tapes and CDs.

Only one network cable is needed to solve all the troubles of consumers, and there is no need to rent or purchase physical video resources from the video store, which reduces a lot of troubles.

The laptop Ye Zishu has on hand is equipped with a camera with 200 million pixels, and has an independent camera control program. If you want to beautify your face, you can set it yourself.

If you don’t want to set it up by yourself, you are afraid of trouble, the camera has also been tuned, and the effect of the pictures taken is quite good, which can basically meet the limited use requirements of consumers.

Most of the high-end notebooks like this are still used for production work, not just for playing games, which is also the fundamental purpose of configuring a powerful GPU.

Equipped with Phoenix Technology's powerful graphics, image and other processing software, it can meet the needs of most such work scenarios.

It can be said that such a laptop has almost no obvious weaknesses. For those who are not short of money, buying this laptop is definitely worth the money.

With this notebook, the old desktop computer on his desk can be completely abandoned, although other computer companies also have so-called notebook computers.

However, regardless of performance or convenience, it cannot meet his requirements, so he has been using a desktop computer. Compared with the laptop computer in his hand, the top-level desktop computer on the table is scumbag.

Turn on the computer, and the icon of the Qinglong operating system pops up instantly. This is Qinglong Technology's own internal operating system, which is only used in high-end notebook computers and all-in-one computer products.

As for desktops and mid-to-low-end laptops, they still use Phoenix Technology's operating system. Otherwise, Phoenix Technology would definitely not agree to provide operating system technology to Qinglong Technology.

Moreover, the reason for creating two systems is mainly to avoid monopoly problems, and at the same time enhance the added value and attractiveness of Qinglong Technology's high-end brand.

There is no doubt that the performance of an operating system specially tuned for hardware is much better than that of a popular operating system such as the Phoenix operating system.

It uses a solid-state hard disk, and the speed of entering the system is very fast. It only takes 3 seconds to enter the system. Ye Shu didn't check the hardware information. Of course, he designed it himself and knew it clearly.

Instead, open the system application store directly, and there are already a variety of applications in it, and these applications have just been launched not long ago.

However, the built-in application store here also belongs to Phoenix Software, and the income obtained also belongs to Phoenix Software, and Qinglong Technology Company does not get a share of the income.

However, in exchange, Phoenix Technology must make special optimizations for the Qinglong operating system in order to make the application software more suitable for the Qinglong operating system.

Because the application software they developed before is based on the Phoenix operating system platform, if no special adjustments and optimizations are made, the performance on the Qinglong operating system will not be very good.

Since the two companies are brother companies, there is a clear division of labor. One is the main software research and development, and the other is the main hardware equipment research and development. Each performs its duties.

Therefore, in terms of benefit distribution, there is no too much debate, and in the software field, Qinglong Technology Company does not have the strength to strive for more benefits.

If it really encroached on the interests of Phoenix Technology Company in an all-round way, then in turn, Phoenix Technology Company will also enter the field of hardware research and development, and Qinglong Technology Company will also be unable to please.

As long as the boss nods in agreement and is willing to provide technical information, there is not much advantage in the length of development time.

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