Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 359 Stirring the Fire in My Heart

Judging from this matter, the appearance of Ye Zishu still has no effect on the change of the world situation, and even the time has not deviated.

This shows that he is not strong enough. Although he has made some contributions in the field of software and communication, relying on these two fields alone cannot shake the world.

Many people would say that it is politics that influence the world. In fact, politics also serves the economy. Since the birth of human civilization, people have been economic animals, and they have never changed since ancient times.

So fundamentally speaking, it is the economy that determines the world situation. The rise and fall of any major country is an economic issue. If the economy is good, no matter what kind of politics it is, it will appear so peaceful and peaceful.

Once there is a problem with the economy, no matter how delicately designed the political structure is, there will be problems. Behind all political issues is the consideration of economic interests.

His leaf book cannot have an impact on the world situation, which shows that the industry he created is still very weak and cannot have a big impact on the world economy.

Regardless of the fact that he can now earn hundreds of billions of yuan a year with a few companies, from an individual point of view, this wealth is indeed huge, but from a national and global point of view, it is an inconspicuous flower. spray.

A few days later, July 7th will be the 27th anniversary of my country's victory in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea. It is hard to say that there is no sense of provocation in choosing to provoke trouble a few days before this date.

To tell you the truth, Yepshu wants to let all the staff of the company take half a day off to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the victory of the Korean War and hold grand celebrations.

But after thinking about it, I decided to forget it. First, this kind of thing is beyond his control as a private boss, and this kind of action has no effect except to vent his anger.

The second is that the country still needs to develop in a low-key manner. It is the business to strengthen itself. All things that have nothing to do with this are irrelevant. If he does this, it may not be a good thing.

But this tone is not enough, so we can only set our eyes on the next competition in the semiconductor industry. Before that, we thought about making some compromises at that time to avoid too fierce competition.

Now he has changed his mind and plans to completely destroy the global semiconductor industry chain. In the next few decades, semiconductors will always be the core of the development of emerging economic industries.

On July 7, Wu Chaoqiang called. Their trial production of screens, memory, flash memory, and mechanical hard disks were all completed. Although they did not reach the optimal yield rate, they also reached the standard for mass production.

After Ye Shu received the news, he immediately asked him to contact Ren Zhengfei to start organizing the production of finished PCs. Wu Chaoqiang told him that the PC assembly line had been in preparation for a long time.

Relevant personnel have undergone simple training and can basically meet the operation requirements of their positions. In addition, the automation of the assembly line is relatively high, and they can immediately enter the assembly process.

The production of motherboards of various models of personal computers has already started for a long time, and there are already a large number of motherboard products in the warehouse. Other parts such as chassis and shells have also been produced for a long time.

The entire PC industry chain is waiting for these key components. Now these key components can be mass-produced. According to Wu Chaoqiang, they will enter the stage of full-line assembly and production on August 8.

Wu Chaoqiang talked about this, and Ye Zishu directly asked them to enter the finished product assembly on August 8. The specific production ratio of each type of product had to be discussed with Qinglong Technology Company.

Now that they have completed the construction of the industrial chain of key components of personal computers and have a good foundation, there is no big problem for LCD TVs.

However, there are still certain differences between the components on a PC and those on a smartphone, not only in size, but also in technology type.

For example, there are still technical differences between smartphone screens and LCD TV screens, so a new production line needs to be built to meet the needs of smartphone screens.

Other memory, flash memory, cpu and gpu production lines do not need to be adjusted, but the technical parameters are different, and special research and development is required.

Ye Zishu asked Wu Chaoqiang to arrange R&D forces to enter the manufacturing of smartphone-related components, and at the same time build a smartphone assembly line.

These tasks are not very difficult for the current Xuanwu Technology Company. They only need to provide relevant parameters and standards for smartphones, and they can do it well.

After hanging up the phone with Wu Chaoqiang, Ye Zishu began to design the hardware of the smartphone, and he did not plan to upgrade slowly, and designed the hardware according to the current technical strength of the company under his control.

The technical information has already been verified in the virtual laboratory, and this time it was just copied. It took two days to complete the work.

Give the technical data to Qinglong Technology Company, Xuanwu Technology Company and Phoenix Technology Company, and Phoenix Technology Company will obtain these materials and write the mobile phone operating system at a faster speed.

Before they developed the mobile phone operating system, they used some parameters provided by Leaf Book to write a hardware simulator, and then write the operating system on the simulator.

Since the parameters given at that time may not be completely accurate, after the operating system is written, it still needs to be debugged, which will delay a lot of time.

After distributing the technical information, Ye Zishu went to Lingtong Technology Company to inspect their research and development progress of 3G communication technology.

It was previously required to be completed before the end of the year, but now the time has been advanced, and he hopes to be able to produce the physical equipment provided in the technical information in September.

Then conduct an off-site test immediately. If the off-site test passes smoothly, people from the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications can be invited to inspect their 3G communication technology and arrange a larger-scale test.

If this step is successfully completed, the urban pilot work will begin. At this time, several large cities will be selected for pilot testing to determine whether the design standards are met.

If this step is successfully passed, it can really enter the stage of large-scale construction. When it will cover the whole country depends on how much money the country is willing to spend.

In fact, as long as the off-site testing is completed, Lingtong Technology can announce their 3G communication technology to the outside world and carry out cooperation with the outside world.

At present, gsm in Europe is only in the pilot construction in several countries within them, and has not yet covered a large area. Most of other countries and regions are also in the testing stage.

After hearing that Lingtong Technology already has more advanced 3G communication technology, it is estimated that their 2G communication technology will be completely cold.

Even operators who have already built a part of the GSM communication network have to wait and see. After confirming the accuracy of the news, they are likely to change course and completely stop the construction of the 2G communication network.

Because there is no need to continue. With the emergence of mature 3G mobile communication technology, 2G is like a chicken rib. If you completely abandon it, you will suffer the loss of the initial investment. If you don’t abandon it, you will be completely behind.

He is not worried that the global operators will ignore Lingtong Technology Company. If it was before, they might have dismissed the news, because Lingtong Technology Company was not well-known at that time.

But the current Lingtong Technology Company is well-known in the world, and their Internet communication products are conquering cities and territories all over the world, and their development speed is very fast.

Regarding the 3G mobile communication standard, Ye Zishu does not plan to gradually upgrade to 4G and then to 5G according to the previous life, it is completely unnecessary.

Therefore, the 3G technical standard he set is quite high, and the downlink speed has reached 10mbps, which is sufficient to meet the various needs of users in the current Internet environment.

He plans to use 4G mobile communication technology to achieve the highest theoretical download speed of 1gbps, and he can walk through the three-step road in his previous life in two steps.

Because he directly killed the 2g network that had been developed for more than ten years in the previous life, so in the 3g era, the time of staying is destined to be much longer, at least there is a cycle of about 10 years.

As for when 4G mobile communication technology will be launched, it depends entirely on the speed of research and development of competitors. It is not so easy for them to jump directly from the current 2G communication technology to the research of 4G communication technology.

Even when 5g communication technology came out in the previous life, it still faced various problems. It is even more difficult to develop it in this era, because the hardware level is difficult to achieve.

After Ye Zishu inspected the research and development progress of Lingtong Technology Company, they were originally divided into two groups, one team was researching mobile communication technology, and the other was researching optical fiber Internet technology.

Now, in order to speed up the mobile communication technology, the two teams are working together for the time being, and the progress has been accelerated a lot, exceeding Yeshu's expectations.

According to their progress, by the end of August or early September, the research and development of 8G communication network technology can be completed. Seeing their achievements, it is necessary to speed up the research and development of 9G mobile phones.

The most critical and core part of the research and development of 3G smartphones is the research and development of 3G core chips. This part of the work really needs to be watched by Ye Zishu. As for other chips, it is not that he worries a lot.

The 3G mobile phone used for the test doesn’t need to be so complicated, and it doesn’t even need to be so smart. It only needs to test the call, data uplink and downlink speed, and test the data transmission rate and signal stability.

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