Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 358 Ruined the Good Mood

Ye Zishu took out 1 yuan to let Ye Zihua have time to buy something for the family to take home. It's not that he didn't want to buy more, but it was too much, and the two of them couldn't take it home.

After dismissing Ye Zihua, Ye Zishu immersed himself in his work again. Now his work is divided into two parts, one part is designing the architecture for the supercomputer and writing the necessary codes.

The other part is to provide Tai Chi Group with vaccine technical information. This part of the work is relatively easy, and the two things are often done alternately.

After these two things are completed, he will start to sort out the technical data of the automobile industry. Around September, he will provide part of the data to Huanyu Group.

At the same time, it is necessary to sort out the materials related to experimental instruments, especially high-end experimental instruments, which not only play a major role in attracting high-end talents, but also play an important role in the development of science and technology in our country.

In addition, he also needs to sort out information related to medical equipment and equipment for Taiji Group, but this part is not particularly urgent in his opinion, and he can do this work when he is free.

Originally, he planned to let Taiji Group do this by itself, but according to the capital scale of Taiji Group, it is estimated that their hospital should develop very fast.

If medical-related technologies are not mentioned, a lot of equipment will need to be purchased, and the price will be very expensive. These costs will be spread into the cost of treatment, which many people cannot afford.

It's better for him to sort out the relevant information and develop it himself. Even if the equipment is expensive, he earns it by himself anyway. He can achieve a small profit in the hospital.

During this time, Ye Shu was in a good mood to sort out the information. It took more than half a month to design the design architecture of the supercomputer and the design architecture of the operating system, and handed it over to Qinglong Technology Company to be responsible for the specific development work.

Although the vaccine technical information for Taiji Group has not been prepared yet, the characteristics of various virus vaccines have been sorted out, and the only thing left is to sort out the manufacturing technology.

Although the vaccine production technology used is in the same line as the protein synthesis technology used by Kirin Industrial Group, there is still a big gap.

Because the protein structure used in vaccines is not a simple protein, but a protein with biological characteristics, which means that it has certain biological characteristics and activities.

If the structure is the same, but there is no biological activity, it will not have much effect when injected into the human body, and other symptoms may even appear.

Although the medical protein structure they synthesized does not contain dna and rna and is not hereditary, it is also a real microorganism, which is fundamentally different from ordinary proteins.

In terms of technical level, the medical biological protein structure synthesis technology is much higher than the technology used by Kirin Industrial Group, but it does not mean that with the medical biological protein synthesis technology, the products of Kirin Industrial Group can be produced.

The basic technology of the two is the same, but the protein synthesis technology is different. The main performance is the cost. The biggest requirement of the technology mastered by Kirin Industry Group is to be cheap.

Because the products they make using protein synthesis technology are all products in the field of people's livelihood, and the price will not be particularly high. Even if there are high-priced products, they are not mainstream.

For example, the cost of their synthetic artificial milk products is only 0.2 yuan per liter. If they want to promote it on a large scale in China, the terminal sales price should be around 2 yuan per liter.

In this way, the gross income of Kirin Industrial Group per liter of milk is between 1 yuan and 1.5 yuan, which depends on the channel cost, at least it will not lose money.

This is still the initial stage, and the basic investment cost is relatively high. In terms of energy consumption alone, the cost of milk per liter is only about 0.1 yuan, which is still too high for industrial electricity costs.

If Kirin Industrial Group can apply for residential electricity prices, the cost will be further reduced, but he thinks it is unlikely.

Although the milk and edible oil produced are products of people's livelihood, if the cost is reduced, it will be more beneficial to reduce the terminal sales price, but the national power generation system must also maintain operation.

The reason why the price of residential electricity is so cheap is mainly because the cost of industrial electricity is very high, which allows the grid and power generation companies to maintain a balance in general and prevent losses.

The production of milk and edible oil does not seem to consume a lot of power per unit, but the quantity is quite a lot. With the reduction of terminal sales prices and the increase in sales, the total power consumption is still huge.

And the amount of power consumption has a lot to do with the energy content of the final product. For example, cooking oil is basically fat, which has higher energy storage than protein in milk, so the power consumption is naturally high.

Even if Ye Zishu has the technology in hand, he can't violate the law of energy conservation. Synthesizing organic substances with relatively high energy storage from inorganic substances requires a lot of energy consumption.

Therefore, in terms of cost, the synthesis of fat and sugar costs more than that of protein, but the price of protein is higher than that of fat and sugar, because in the process of biosynthesis, it is relatively easier for protein to synthesize fat and sugar .

However, industrialization is different. It can be synthesized selectively, rather than being synthesized sequentially by biology. This is where he feels that industrial protein synthesis is profitable.

Milk is only a common type of biological protein. In addition, there is protein fiber synthesis. Although it is more difficult than synthesizing conventional protein, the energy consumption is not very large, and it is also profitable.

On the contrary, sugar fiber in plant fiber, due to higher energy consumption, and the price of plant fiber is generally lower than the terminal price of animal fiber, the profit is relatively much lower.

If you want to obtain higher profits and enhance your own interests, you also need to develop special fiber technology, and you cannot compete with agricultural and animal husbandry fiber products on the same stage. In this way, involution will be serious, and differentiated competition will make it easier to sell at high prices.

In any case, in terms of cost, the protein synthesis technology mastered by Kirin Industrial Group is very cheap, while the cost of the biological protein structure synthesis technology used by Taiji Group is not particularly important.

This is determined by the characteristics of the two industries. In order to ensure the activity of biological proteins, many additional technologies are used. Some costs cannot be ignored, and the cost is naturally much higher.

However, in terms of vaccine production cost, due to the realization of industrialized production, the cost is still much lower than that of traditional vaccine production technology, and the larger the quantity, the more obvious the cost reduction.

Because the main cost comes from the cost of equipment, the cost of consumables is much lower than that of traditional vaccine production technology, which has a great effect on the large-scale promotion of vaccines in China.

my country is a country with a large population. Large-scale vaccination will also be very large-scale. The use of biological protein synthesis technology can effectively reduce costs. It not only reduces the price of end products, but also Taiji Group can obtain certain profits.

It's just that when Ye Zishu was immersed in the satisfaction brought by the completion of the work, a piece of news spoiled his good mood, that is, the Yinhe incident on July 7.

I won’t go into details about the specific incidents here, and those who are interested can inquire for themselves. Anyway, this is an unprovoked and brutal interference of the US with my country’s sovereignty, and there has been a lot of noise on the Internet.

Before the domestic traditional media had time to publish newspapers and periodicals to report the matter, the news portal of Kunpeng Information Technology Company reported the matter.

It can be said that the domestic Internet is relatively weak at present, but the TV station is not built, and it also followed up and reported on the matter, so the scope of influence is much larger.

And Ye Zishu saw some things from it. First, Lao Mei's behavior of interfering with others for no reason has never changed, and it will not change in the future.

The second is that with the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the previous honeymoon period is completely over, the friction between the two countries will continue to increase, and the wariness of our country will continue to increase.

The above two items are detrimental to both my country and Yeshu. They may have a certain impact on the industry he is developing. The specific impact cannot be assessed at present.

Fortunately, they can't restrict the development of his industries. The whole industry chain is prepared for this and can only be restricted in the market. But as long as it is not completely banned, raising tariffs cannot be completely stopped.

Of course, it’s not all bad. The good thing is that many people in China will wake up and see their true colors, and quite a few people will be awakened.

There are still quite a few people in China who have illusions, thinking that it is still the same as the honeymoon period in the 80s, and this is a blow to these people.

There is no real internationalism in the world. It is all about interests. If you want to be strong, you have to rely on yourself and the outside world to strengthen yourself.

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