Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 357 Am I That Bad of Promise?

Ye Zishu and Wang Changtian finished talking about the company's operations, and then talked about the progress of Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company.

Let him prepare as soon as possible, and hope that after Qinglong Technology Company's computer is launched, it can be put into use immediately to advertise for Qinglong Technology Company.

During this period of time, Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. is carrying out the research and development of key components and the construction of production lines, and at the same time expanding production according to the requirements of Ye Zishu.

Therefore, the production capacity is very large. Although it has not reached the annual scale of hundreds of millions of units required by Ye Zishu, it has also reached the annual scale of 5000 million units.

Specifically, the monthly output will reach about 400 million units, which is quite a bold operation in this era. Without a little confidence, I dare not do it at all.

And Ye Zishu thinks that there is still a market consumption of 5000 million units per year, because the products they have produced this time can be called cross-generational products, and the performance improvement is not a star.

In order to increase the market capacity, allow more people to replace the machine, and at the same time make many people who have not bought the desire to buy, an extensive layout has also been carried out on the software side.

After Phoenix Technology released a large number of software products, if you want to experience the power of these software, you must replace the machine. It is not so easy to bring the current machine.

Especially those cool super game masterpieces, which cannot be played by the current computer, unless they just play games like "Plants vs. Zombies".

Therefore, the number of 40 computers that Shengshi Culture Company needs is not worth mentioning in front of Xuanwu Technology Company, and it can be completely satisfied.

After Wang Changtian went back, Ye Zishu held a video conference with the headquarters of Kirin Industry Group in Wuhan to experience the effect of an Internet conference.

At the same time, it is also to understand their current work progress, especially the results of the negotiations with the local governments of Hunan, Jiangxi and Hubei, which directly determine their willingness to invest.

The inspections of the three places are generally satisfactory, but the original investment in Xianning has now been changed to Wuhan, so it is inconvenient to say the specific situation here.

Therefore, the current investment locations are basically selected, which are Yueyang in Hunan, Wuhan in Hubei, and Jiujiang in Jiangxi. The investment locations are all in urban areas, and there is no plan to go deep into counties.

The current overall investment scale is not particularly large. Regardless of the investment scale of 100 billion yuan, it is actually not much, because this can also be regarded as a heavy industry field.

It is normal for the construction of a large factory to cost more than 10 billion yuan. However, the construction of a small parts factory in the county below does not seem to be able to generate much employment, and may also face some other problems.

At present, the land they need to build the factory has been settled, and a construction team is being arranged to participate in the construction, and the contractor is Wancheng Jiye.

This surprised Ye Zishu, because Wancheng Foundation does not have much self-owned construction business at present. He thinks that Wancheng Foundation's main energy is still on the construction of basic industries, the improvement of company structure, and the recruitment and training of talents.

But I believe it is also understandable. If Wancheng Foundation wants to develop the Lujiazui land, it also needs a relatively mature construction team, and it should not be too difficult at first.

It is very necessary to build your own construction team in advance. It not only cultivates talents, but also earns some extra money, and some architectural ideas can also be verified.

As for research and development, relying on the educational resources of the three places, although they are not going well in terms of recruiting talents, they are not particularly difficult.

In just one month, 1000 R&D personnel were recruited. They don't need much innovation ability, they only need to copy the technical information given by Ye Zishu.

The R&D personnel of the enterprises under Ye Zishu are generally not very old, because young people will have the pressure to support their families, and they will also have a stronger desire for self-motivation, and their desire for money is much stronger than that of older people.

People are getting older, and stability is the most important thing. Although the salaries offered by the enterprises under Ye Zishu are very high, they are still not as attractive to them as state-owned units.

Of course, there is also the problem of concept. Older people are not willing to work for private companies when their own conditions are good. This phenomenon is quite common in this era.

For young people, there is no such pressure, and the jobs assigned by state-owned enterprises are increasingly not meeting the requirements of young people. As long as they have the opportunity, quite a few people still choose to change jobs.

At the meeting, Ye Shu asked them to continue to recruit researchers, especially young researchers. Although their experience may not be very rich, they are very malleable.

After the establishment of various enterprises under his umbrella and the colleges and universities established by New Oriental Education Group, if the education effect is good, these R&D personnel can be arranged for re-education.

Because the technical system they are currently in contact with is relatively backward, Gu wants to change this situation, on the one hand, he draws nutrition from the technical information provided by Ye Zishu.

It's just that most of the technical materials given by Ye Zishu are technical materials, and there are very few theoretical parts, because Ye Zishu doesn't have time to write a theoretical work.

If the R&D personnel are highly savvy, they can summarize theoretical knowledge from these technical materials, which has a strong guiding role in solving a class of problems.

If the savvy is low, then the gains will be very limited. Except for the technical information given by Ye Zishu, it is difficult to develop their innovative ability.

If such a person wants to develop, he must accept more advanced theoretical knowledge learning, and it is necessary to return to school for re-education.

As for when and how to arrange it, Ye Zishu has no plans yet, mainly because he doesn't know how long it will take for these institutions of higher learning to develop into the world's top level.

If it is only at an ordinary level, there is not much need to arrange for these researchers to go for advanced studies, because the schools that these researchers originally attended are not bad, and there is not much gain from going for advanced studies.

After the video conference, Ye Zishu felt that the current network speed was still acceptable, coupled with the use of super decompression technology, the video process was very smooth.

Yeshu thinks that Phoenix Technology can provide services related to video conferencing, and there should be a considerable part of the market in this era.

However, if you want to make more money in this area, in order to provide better services, it is more appropriate to wait for their cloud computing platform to be established.

If it's just a simple communication between two clients, it still can't guarantee complete smoothness. Their video conference just now was stabilized through Phoenix Technology's server.

"Brother, are you going back?" Ye Zihua suddenly found Ye Zishu's office and asked.

They had previously agreed to go back to their hometown during the summer vacation. Originally, Ye Zishu planned to go there in July, but during this time, he simply couldn't get away.

And August is a critical month for each of the companies under his umbrella. Not to mention his own affairs, it is a bit unreasonable for him not to be on the scene as the boss.

Seeing Ye Zihua sitting down, Ye Zishu rubbed his forehead and said, "I guess I really don't have time this time, why don't you go back first, I'll go back in September."

No matter how he calculates, it seems that he may be free only in September. In fact, he is not sure whether he will be free at that time. Many things are on his shoulders, so he dare not relax in the slightest.

"You're not keeping your word, your parents are expecting you to go back!" Ye Zihua complained.

"You are also an adult, you should know that there are many things you can't help yourself in the adult world." Ye Zishu was also very helpless.

"What will my parents and I say when we get home?" Ye Zihua asked.

Although he knew that his brother had a lot of work to do, it was not an option to go on like this. In fact, his parents were still young, and they had not yet reached the point where they had to go back to visit.

It's just that he knows his brother's work status, it's like killing him. If things go on like this, he is afraid of problems, so he asked Ye Zishu to go back to take the opportunity to let his brother rest for a while.

"I'll go back in mid-August, and bring you back to school at the end of August, okay?" Ye Zishu said.

Seeing her brother's compromise, Ye Zihua showed a satisfied smile, and said, "That's about the same. Ziqi and Ziqin haven't seen us for a long time, and they will be strangers if they don't go back."

Thinking of the two younger sisters at home, Ye Zishu smiled for no reason, but Ye Ziqi is currently in a critical period, it is necessary to go back, she will take the college entrance examination tomorrow.

"Then I'll wait and go back with you, or you may break your promise again." Ye Zihua said with a smile.

"Am I so dishonest?" Ye Zishu asked.

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