Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 356 Thinking Diverges A Little Fast

The emergence of Shengshi Film and Television Company is a surprise for the global movie theaters. They can get a good income by showing these movies.

But for global film companies, it is a bit bad. Although good works are conducive to expanding the total box office, they will also squeeze out a part of the original box office, which has caused a certain amount of damage to the interests of other film companies.

It is still in the early stages of the development of Shengshi Film and Television Company, and it only takes a year or two to make a full effort. The year before last, there was only one animated film, and last year, there were three animated films and one live-action film.

This year, there are three animated films and two live-action films. It seems that the output of other film companies is incomparable, but it is quite good for other film companies to have one or two big hits a year.

In fact, most movies don’t make much money, and even have a higher probability of losing money. There have even been cases where a movie company went bankrupt because of a movie.

This is not a small film company, MGM was forced to sell itself because of the failure of a "Wind Talker", and other small film companies can bear even less.

If things go on like this, Shengshi Film and Television Company is likely to become a thorn in the side of the film giant, and may use some means to deal with Shengshi Film and Television Company.

"The distribution channel of Shengshi Film and Television Company must be gradually controlled by oneself." Ye Zishu reminded.

Most of the current distribution is still in cooperation with local distribution companies, and most of them choose local influential film companies, which is of great benefit to the initial distribution.

However, if Shengshi Film and Television Company occupies the first place in the local box office all year round, it is estimated that many film companies have different ideas, and may not be so cooperative in the distribution cooperation, and may even be a disservice.

Especially when the myth of the box office of Shengshi Film and Television Company has been soaring, many film companies will definitely find a way to break this situation and break this myth.

Wang Changtian thought for a while when he heard Ye Zishu's words, and said, "We will strengthen our work in this area and prepare to establish a local distribution company."

Ye Zishu nodded and said: "Although cooperation is the mainstream of global economic development, key resources must still be in our own hands, and we must not underestimate the enemy.

You are making great strides now, mainly because the time is short, and some interests have been damaged, and everyone has not yet felt the pain. As time goes by, the situation will be different.

It is necessary to plan early. Of course, the cost of establishing a distribution company is still a bit high, because you only have a few films released internationally every year.

In order to share the cost, the distribution company can act as an agent to distribute the films of other film companies. In addition, the local distribution company can be operated as a comprehensive film company. "

Wang Changtian didn't have much opinion on establishing a distribution company. After all, they could still afford to maintain a small-scale distribution company.

But if the distribution company is upgraded to a comprehensive film company, it will be very difficult, and the funds and energy invested are not comparable to the distribution company.

He knew that there were still certain difficulties for Shengshi Cultural Company, Ye Zishu said: "Didn't it mean that you should establish a comprehensive film company all over the world alone, and you can cooperate completely.

Shengshi Records does not establish its own artist training system all over the world, and its branches are all over the world. You can reach cooperation in artist management cooperation.

Anyway, you are also owned by the same company, so there should be no barriers to cooperation, and the resources of recording, film, film and even advertising can also be integrated, which should be beneficial to the development of the artists under the company, and it will be more attractive to them.

In addition, you can also cooperate with Kunpeng Information Technology Company. If their streaming media platform wants to develop well, they need many new film and television dramas and online programs.

You can cooperate with them and start producing some online film and television dramas and online TV programs. On the one hand, you can accumulate experience, and on the other hand, it can help you gain a firm foothold in the local area.

Even if the movie produced by theaters encounters Waterloo, it can still be sold to the streaming media platform of Kunpeng Information Technology Company to obtain part of the income and reduce losses.

Moreover, Kunpeng Information Technology Company itself has a team that establishes Internet resources such as local film and television programs, and you can even fully integrate and jointly invest in the establishment of a film and television enterprise. "

Since it is a little difficult for a company to support such a large stall, we should adopt a cooperative approach. The streaming media platform of Kunpeng Information Technology Company needs a large amount of content.

Guer Shengshi Culture Company needs a completely trustworthy platform, and the cooperation between the two is a real complement of resources, which is very beneficial to the development of both companies.

"What Mr. Ye said is that after we go back, we will discuss cooperation with Kunpeng Information Technology Company in this regard." Wang Changtian said.

Ye Zishu nodded and said, "However, these film and television companies should not use the signboard of Shengshi. Since the purpose of establishing a film and television company in the local area is to integrate into the local culture, it is not good to deliberately emphasize the signboard of Shengshi."

This is due to two considerations. One is that the brand of Shengshi Film and Television Company cannot be tarnished casually, and the level of these newly established film and television companies must be mixed.

Mixing together is not good for the development of Shengshi Film and Television Company, and it is likely to have a certain impact on the box office of their several blockbuster films every year, and it is easy to be used by competitors to make a fuss.

The second is due to the instinct of capital self-protection. The reason for localization is to make money, and the highest state of making money is to make money from others without anyone noticing it.

Therefore, these film and television companies are considered to be the best local film and television companies. There is no need to unify the brand to enhance brand awareness, and complete localization is the right way.

Just like many international giants have entered our country, acquired a large number of national brands, and then made money quietly. Many people have used it for more than ten years, thinking that they are using our own brand.

"If there is a suitable acquisition target, you can make the acquisition. There is no need to create a film and television company from scratch." Ye Zishu said.

The biggest advantage of acquiring a ready-made film and television company is to obtain a relatively mature team, which is very important without having to start from scratch for local operations.

Of course, the acquisition target needs to have a certain development potential. If it is just a mediocre person, then the acquisition will not have much effect, and it may cause problems in the operation.

"The highest state of capital is to use other people's resources to make money for ourselves. Although we will not give up running our own business, we must gradually learn how to operate capital." Ye Zishu said.

Shengshi Film and Television Company is their own core business and cannot be discarded. No matter how much capital they have, they cannot fully play with capital. This will make capital become rootless duckweed.

But when the capital has accumulated to a certain level, it is difficult to keep up with the rapid appreciation of capital, and it is difficult to keep up with own property, and capital investment becomes very necessary.

However, capital investment is also a technical activity. The country is still relatively weak in this regard, and there is still a lot to learn, but this step is important to go out.

Seeing Wang Changtian's thoughtful expression, Ye Zishu waited for a while, then continued: "To increase the success rate of global investment, you still need to have a good understanding of the local situation.

Including their humanities, economy, political ecology and other ecology, they all need to be understood before they can formulate investment strategies based on these.

In addition to being beneficial to investment, research on these can also be of great benefit to the development of your cultural industry, so I suggest that a special institution can be established to study this.

This is not only convenient for you, but also for brother companies to invest globally. In the future, we can also provide such services to other domestic companies.

Capital naturally has the impulse to expand. When the domestic economy develops, outward development is inevitable. Doing these basic tasks in advance is of great benefit, and it can be regarded as adding new business to you. "

Wang Changtian had just finished thinking about the previous question, and Ye Zishu threw out another idea, which made him feel a little dizzy, and felt that the boss's thinking was too divergent.

Ye Zishu ignored Wang Changtian's thoughts, but continued: "Your studies are not conducted in isolation, and the cost is too high.

Don’t you have your own newspapers and magazines business? When the time is right, you can expand and acquire local influential newspapers and magazines companies.

In this way, journalists who are familiar with the local media will participate, and they will have a certain advantage in obtaining information. They can also cooperate with Kunpeng Information Technology Company, which also has global media business. "

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