Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 351 Network Section and Digital Books

On July 7, Phoenix Software's headquarters finally connected to the Internet, and companies under Phoenix Technology launched their long-prepared official websites one after another.

When the headquarters of Phoenix Software Corporation was being built, the Internet was built internally, but it was not connected to the outside world. Now that it is connected, the Internet experience is instantly different.

However, the current external Internet resources are limited. Ye Zishu used a search engine to search, but found that the content is still lacklustre, and there are very few websites available for inclusion.

First, the number of Internet sites is indeed limited. Previously, the domestic Internet was limited to the internal use of government agencies and units, and was not open to the civilian market. The small number of sites is understandable.

The second is that the number of Internet users is too small, and the knowledge of the Internet comes from the creation of the majority of Internet users. If only enterprises create content, it will be difficult to prosper the entire Internet content market.

The third is that domestic networks and foreign networks are not fully connected. The search engine of Kunpeng Information Technology Company is limited to provide search results according to regional languages.

As a result, when searching for information in China, only Chinese information retrieval is provided, and Ye Zishu uses English keywords to search, and the search content is much more.

However, after the intelligent translation system is launched, Kunpeng Information Technology Company can put the intelligent translation into the search engine, so that the search content will be much richer.

At that time, Chinese keywords will also be used, and it will no longer only provide domestic website content, but will also provide foreign search content that complies with domestic laws and regulations.

The English content will be translated in real time and provided to users for viewing, but it will be marked on the search results to let users know where it is from, and provide the function of viewing the original web page.

However, in terms of search weight, in terms of content such as humanities and current affairs, domestic search content will be higher than foreign search content, and Ye Zishu is more cautious in this regard.

However, in terms of technical search content, it is necessary to open up a lot. Although the weights are not completely equal, the gap will not be so large. Foreign articles with high-quality technical content will still be displayed to users first.

From this perspective, it is very convenient to use the Kunpeng search engine to look up technical information, which can greatly improve the work efficiency of users.

In any case, the Kunpeng search engine with the support of intelligent translation can provide countries with a much better quantity and quality of search content than other search engines.

The technology of the Kunpeng search engine itself is much higher than that of the existing search engine technology, and the accuracy rate of text search, image search, voice search and video search is very high.

The content on the first page can solve the needs of more than 99% of users, and even more than 80% of users, the first search result is what they want.

If users use the Kunpeng search engine for a long time, the accuracy rate will continue to increase, and the probability of the first item meeting the user's search purpose will increase to 90%.

This is impossible with the current search engine technology, because the Kunpeng search engine uses a lot of intelligent technology. Although it is not artificial intelligence, it is still too powerful with the blessing of many advanced algorithms.

Now Yezishu provides more advanced artificial intelligence. If Kunpeng Information Technology Company uses it well, the degree of intelligence of Kunpeng search engine will be even higher.

However, the current lack of search content is indeed a problem. Not to mention the lack of domestic Internet content, even foreign Internet content is not necessarily rich, it can only be said to be slightly better.

In addition to the blogs, post bars and other websites arranged by Ye Zishu, they will fill in the lack of some Internet content, but he thinks it is still not enough.

This reminded him of the online encyclopedia in his previous life, which was very useful for users to search for basic information. A considerable part of users used search engines to view entries they didn't understand.

If you use the traditional method to make this piece of content, it will take a long time to establish and perfect it. In the previous life, you basically let Internet users complete this piece of content.

It is much easier for Kunpeng Information Technology Company to do this, because they have artificial intelligence, and Kunpeng Information Technology Company can complete a considerable part of the content by itself.

There is not much Internet culture now, and most of it comes from books, newspapers and magazines. Kunpeng Information Technology Company only needs to collect these contents and convert them into digital information.

Then using artificial intelligence, these digital information can be automatically classified to form entries one by one, because there is a huge amount of digital information.

The entries sorted out by Google Artificial Intelligence will be very rich in content, much more comprehensive than manual sorting, and can even list very detailed evidence and sources.

As for the content that is already published on the Internet, it is much easier, and the step of digitizing the content is saved.

Therefore, their biggest workload should be digitization of information. If only manual entry is used, too many manpower will be required, and the cost will be very high.

Ye Zishu thinks that it is necessary to develop a text scanner, which only needs to scan the contents of the book, and can convert the scanned text into digital information and enter it into the system in real time.

This is the fastest input method he can think of, but how to let other people cooperate with Kunpeng Information Technology Company to do this piece of content. After all, collecting book information from all over the world is not an easy task.

This reminded him of digital reading in his previous life, which was very popular in his previous life, but even if someone thought about it now, it is relatively difficult to implement.

Why not let Kunpeng Information Technology Company enter the field of Internet digital reading, and directly cooperate with global publishing houses to move their written publications directly online.

Although he feels that not all publishing houses are willing to cooperate, after all, online reading and offline reading still have different experiences, and the cost of online reading is definitely much lower than offline reading.

The biggest resistance here should be physical publishing sellers. If online digital reading is really completed, their sales performance will be severely weakened.

In order to maintain the interests of distributors, publishing houses may not agree to the cooperation of Kunpeng Information Technology Co., Ltd., or only carry out limited cooperation, and move out the old content in their inventory, and the latest publications are unwilling to cooperate.

Although this possibility exists, Leaf Book believes that it still needs to try, especially for small publishing houses, digital reading is their opportunity.

Small publishing houses cannot compare with large publishing houses in terms of channels. If they move their channels online, their customer base will expand countless times in an instant, and their income will increase much more than before.

In addition to cooperating with physical publishing houses, Kunpeng Information Technology Co., Ltd. can also cooperate with authors around the world, allowing them to publish their books on the online digital reading platform.

These ideas are all possible, but I just want to succeed and let people and companies in this industry chain see real benefits.

Ye Zishu organized these ideas into a plan and sent it directly to Kunpeng Information Technology Company, and then spent a few hours to make the design of the text scanner.

The relevant information of the text scanner is handed over to Qinglong Technology Company to be responsible for the research and development. This product can be classified into office equipment, and the production is naturally handed over to Xuanwu Technology Company.

After the plan was sent out, Kunpeng Information Technology Company immediately responded, and they immediately discussed and improved the plan internally.

Leaf Book sat down and thought about it, and decided that in addition to an online reading website, it would be best to launch a digital reader, which would be more convenient for consumers to use.

Originally, Qinglong Technology Company was developing a tablet computer. Although the technology of the digital reader is slightly different, it should not be so difficult to develop.

Just staring at an ordinary screen for a long time to read books is very damaging to the eyes. It is necessary to have a screen that does not hurt the eyes so much, and an ink screen is required.

Ye Zishu sent the technical requirements of the digital reader to Qinglong Technology Company, and then sent the sorted ink screen technology to Xuanwu Technology Company.

At the same time, let Kunpeng Information Technology Company develop a client program that is compatible with ordinary computers and tablet computers, which can further expand the consumer base. Not everyone is willing to buy a digital reader to read books.

When this business develops, it will be tantamount to monopolizing the global online reading channels and online book distribution channels. I don't know how much impact it will have on physical sales channels.

But it will definitely have a great impact on the sales of online physical books. I don’t know if Amazon will still have it in this life.

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