Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 350 Front-End Artificial Intelligence Components

The cloud computing platform is composed of the underlying server, integrated into a whole through the upper cloud computing software system, and then allocates resources according to the needs, completely hiding the underlying hardware.

This is actually somewhat similar to supercomputers, except that supercomputers are not divided into such fine-grained resources as cloud platforms, and then sold, and more are used for computing.

Now that Qinglong Technology's personal computer products are about to be released, it's time to start research on servers and supercomputers.

The chip project team is developing intelligent supercomputer chips, and the architecture is completely different from that of ordinary supercomputers.

The chip architecture used by intelligent supercomputers, combined with artificial intelligence, can exert much more powerful computing power than ordinary supercomputer chips.

By the same token, ordinary supercomputer programs using such smart chips are not as powerful as using ordinary server chips, because they are not so well matched.

The supercomputer and server chips of Qinglong Technology Company must not use the smart chips used on smart supercomputers, just conventional chips.

However, in order to come up with a more powerful server chip, Ye Zishu still came up with a more advanced architecture design. Under the same process level, the performance is 15 times stronger, and the stability must be higher. This is beyond doubt.

"After the server chip of Qinglong Technology Company is developed and manufactured, it will enter the research and development of the server, which is not particularly difficult.

In addition to servers, research and development of supercomputers is also required. For complex computing problems, it is impossible without the participation of supercomputers.

With the participation of supercomputers, some of your company's research may become much simpler and the efficiency of research and development will be greatly improved.

You are all well aware of the role supercomputers play in the fields of national defense, meteorology, and scientific research, so I won't go into details here.

What I want to say is that in order to promote supercomputers to play a greater role, they need to be equipped with powerful software system support, which is also the key for us to do a good job in this business.

For example, we want to sell supercomputers to the National Meteorological Department for meteorological calculations to improve the accuracy of weather forecasts.

Although we can win the favor of the meteorological department through strong computing power, I think such services are only primary services and cannot fully utilize our advantages.

If we also build a high-level and more accurate weather computing platform for this purpose, will we be able to obtain additional service income, and continue to bring income.

So what I want to say is that we should not simply sell supercomputers, but sell supercomputer services, which will make our supercomputers more competitive in the market. "Leaf Book said.

Although relying on the powerful chip and supercomputer architecture technology he provided, it can make the supercomputer of Qinglong Technology Company have strong competitiveness.

However, this kind of competition will plunge Qinglong Technology into a situation of "equipment competition". Everyone simply competes in hardware computing power without comprehensively considering service effects. This is inappropriate in his opinion.

The ultimate goal of users using supercomputers is to see the effect. As long as the effect can be achieved, they don't particularly care about whether the hardware is advanced.

Although the effect needs the support of hardware computing power, it also depends on the ability of the software. The same effect, different software architecture and algorithm design, the performance gap is also very huge.

When Ye Zishu said this, everyone knew what he meant, and regarding the software system used on the supercomputer, Phoenix Technology Company had the most right to speak.

I saw Lei Jun said: "Our Jiufeng Software Company and Suzaku Software Company have a lot of scientific computing software suitable for running on supercomputers.

If the supercomputer of Qinglong Technology Company comes out, we will build a supercomputer system platform specially for this purpose, providing many computing tools and software systems for professional purposes. "

Hearing Lei Jun's words, Ye Zishu said: "This is also a rare opportunity for you, most of the supercomputers are used for scientific calculations.

Through research and development in these fields, you can accumulate a lot of advanced algorithm designs, which will be of great benefit to improving your research and development capabilities in other software fields.

After you go back, recruit more top talents in mathematics, and also some top talents in other basic disciplines. If you want to do a good job in this area, basic disciplines are very important. "

"We will make arrangements when we go back!" Lei Jun said.

For the supercomputer system, Leaf Book is going to hand it over to Qinglong Technology Company. After all, they are more familiar with hardware, and the combination of software and hardware can achieve the best results.

After the meeting, when everyone was about to leave, Ye Zishu suddenly remembered something, called out to everyone, and said: "The artificial intelligence mentioned in the meeting just now, don't call it artificial intelligence!"

Because the four words artificial intelligence are too powerful, it will make many people and countries have daydreams. It is better not to believe it. If you really believe it, it will not bring him any benefits.

When one's own strength and the strength of the country are not too strong, one should be careful about bragging, and not affect the overall situation because of this small matter.

If the performance is mediocre, everyone just thinks it is bragging, and at most it is ridiculed. If the performance is really beyond the imagination of ordinary people, then the situation is not good.

Like the intelligent translation he mentioned at the meeting, if the accuracy rate is really higher than that of professional translators, it will make many people think carefully.

Even if they explain that it is just a more advanced algorithm and they are bragging, it is estimated that many people will not believe it, but do everything possible to get such a technology.

At that time, his life will not be peaceful, and it may also affect the normal development of his other industries, so there is just this sentence.

All the people here are old foxes. After Ye Zishu said this sentence, they basically understood it instantly. Even if some people didn't understand, someone would tell them that he didn't need to explain it in too much detail.

Back in his office, Ye Zishu sat down and rubbed his forehead to calm down his mind, and then continued to devote himself to his work.

What was completed last time was only the back-end system of artificial intelligence. If artificial intelligence is to be widely used in various fields more easily, it needs the support of front-end artificial intelligence components.

It is said that it is a component, but it can also be an independent program. The front end of the application of this component will not become artificially retarded even without the support of artificial intelligence in the background.

The reason why this can be achieved is that when training artificial intelligence, although some R&D personnel set up rules, the artificial intelligence will then train and learn according to this rule.

But after learning, a summary of the learning content will also be made, and this summary document will also be saved in the front-end component in addition to the background artificial intelligence.

And this summary document is the key to the intelligent performance of the front-end components. When the background artificial intelligence support cannot be obtained, the front-end artificial intelligence components will call this summary document.

Then, based on the basic knowledge of the front-end storage and the summary documents, it can behave quite intelligently, at least for problems that are not particularly complicated, and can be dealt with in a timely manner.

Still take intelligent translation as an example. The basic knowledge of a language should be in the dictionary of the language. This is basic knowledge. If you only understand the basic knowledge, it does not mean that you can use the language proficiently.

Because a language has a lot of content and rules beyond basic knowledge, and the usage of various languages ​​cannot be provided by basic knowledge.

And these things will be summarized after the background artificial intelligence learns, written into the summary file, and then through the advanced algorithm in the component, combined with the basic knowledge, the front-end artificial intelligence can behave very intelligently.

It's just that this summary document will not be seen by the R&D personnel, because even if they see it, they will not understand it. The logic in it is beyond the understanding of human conventional logic.

Because at the time of design, it is not for people to see, but for artificial intelligence algorithms. Human participation may also lead to internal structural damage.

In addition, it is to avoid being obtained by others. Although there is only a summary document, it may not be possible to reversely deduce the artificial intelligence algorithm, but it can attack the services provided by artificial intelligence through hacking methods.

So simply put them together in the front-end artificial intelligence components for encryption, instead of putting them outside as configuration files to avoid unpredictable problems.

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